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Concerns on immigration


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An economics professor has spoken up to dispel what he perceives to be misconceptions on immigration and Singapore having a bigger population.


Among these, says Nanyang Technological University

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An economics professor has spoken up to dispel what he perceives to be misconceptions on immigration and Singapore having a bigger population.


Among these, says Nanyang Technological University

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The only way that population can increase without congestion is when the overall infrastructure grows along with it. Has it grown in parallel? From the look of things the past few years, this prof seems to be living at NTU without stepping out. The number of train breakdowns was a warning.


If he wants to por the gahmen, he also has to be more convincing lor. -_-

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He's living on Mars. -_-


Oh btw, the immigrants are not taking away our resources without payment. We are GIVING away our resources without a whimp. <_<

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quite agree with his statement, his an econ prof le, basically what he said does make sense as long as the govt doesnt neglect the poor singaporean, it should be no prob with influx of foreigners

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Doesn't take anything more than a pri school kid to figure out why he said that:


1. A large portion of NTU client base (students) are foreigners.


2. Most NTU researchers (and probably his research team) are foreigners.


3. He is already very established. His rice bowl is in no way threatened by any influx of foreigners.


His ideas are only sound if supporting facilities are growing at the same rate as population. Unforunately, that was not the case and will never be the case here.

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An economics professor has spoken up to dispel what he perceives to be misconceptions on immigration and Singapore having a bigger population.


Among these, says Nanyang Technological University

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How can he compare huge land mass of Africa and Europe vs a small piece of land like SG ?

SG is just a city in any country with hinterland.


What a joke !

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people, an academic is entitled to his opinion just as any of us are...


you may disagree with him, but no point discrediting him from the outset by saying he trying to por government or trying to get recontracted (a tenure means a job for life, btw, cannot get fired unless he screwed his own student or something). if we argue like that then conversation is not meaningful anymore.


he is arguing based on economics. but the problem with immigrants is also about feelings and sentiments, which economics can't explain.


for example, a X% increase in immigration may bring about a Y% economic growth. but the immigrant spit how? talk loudly on the phone how? don't let you cook curry how? these things are not as tangible. but that's what most people are unhappy about.

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