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Proton Exora#2


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The last time i went there was 2012 foe my previous Ezora...at Jalan Langkasuka...wonder if they still take in Sg plate for servicing?

Trust me... SG car plate more than welcome at their service centre...
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The last time i went there was 2012 foe my previous Ezora...at Jalan Langkasuka...wonder if they still take in Sg plate for servicing?

They do. Just went there in December 2017 to replace wiper motor and servicing.

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Neutral Newbie

Hi All,

What do i need to buy in order to service my Exora (non-bold model) Gear-box ? I was told, it require 5 bottles 1L oil, is there oil filter for Gear-box ? Thanks in advance.


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I have never serviced my auto gear box for 2009 CPS exora. Interested to know what servicing it goes through.


The last time I had servicing to the gear box is to change the auto transmission oil. That's all.

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Hello ExoraSg Community,


Just to get more info abt my proton exora cps model gearbox. Recently felt as if my whole car jerking when in stationary, especially stopping  on up slope and  while reversing. Furthermore, with heavy load, when accelerate can feel a bit sluggish as if taking a few seconds to engage clutch before it move off as usual. Not sure if this is a common issue related to proton exora age abt 7.5 years. Went to a local workshop to diagnose this issue. Been told might be gearbox problem, but recommended to use a lubricant for gear slippage first and observe any jerking effect. Since my car still have another 2.5 years under bank loan, not ideal to sell off the car with $26K balance. Does anyone have this issue and try to do gearbox repair at Larkin Proton service Centre? If yes, how much does it cost?

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Hello ExoraSg Community,


Just to get more info abt my proton exora cps model gearbox. Recently felt as if my whole car jerking when in stationary, especially stopping on up slope and while reversing. Furthermore, with heavy load, when accelerate can feel a bit sluggish as if taking a few seconds to engage clutch before it move off as usual. Not sure if this is a common issue related to proton exora age abt 7.5 years. Went to a local workshop to diagnose this issue. Been told might be gearbox problem, but recommended to use a lubricant for gear slippage first and observe any jerking effect. Since my car still have another 2.5 years under bank loan, not ideal to sell off the car with $26K balance. Does anyone have this issue and try to do gearbox repair at Larkin Proton service Centre? If yes, how much does it cost?

My exora is coming to 9 years.

So far no such issues except for jerky gear transition from lowest to next gear when engine is cold.


The last time I had gear problems, I did an auto transmission fluid flush and then change the fluid, seems to work. Cost about 70 sgd.


Jerking during stationary...for mine it is more of strong vibrations which was resolved by changing engine mounting.

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Hello ExoraSg Community,


Just to get more info abt my proton exora cps model gearbox. Recently felt as if my whole car jerking when in stationary, especially stopping  on up slope and  while reversing. Furthermore, with heavy load, when accelerate can feel a bit sluggish as if taking a few seconds to engage clutch before it move off as usual. Not sure if this is a common issue related to proton exora age abt 7.5 years. Went to a local workshop to diagnose this issue. Been told might be gearbox problem, but recommended to use a lubricant for gear slippage first and observe any jerking effect. Since my car still have another 2.5 years under bank loan, not ideal to sell off the car with $26K balance. Does anyone have this issue and try to do gearbox repair at Larkin Proton service Centre? If yes, how much does it cost?


Hi Bro,


I believe your issue is not the gearbox. It has something to do with the plug cable or so called the 'sotong' which is connected to the engine. You may have it check. Roughly cost to repair in JB about (RM $450 - $500) this is from a local workshop.Not sure about the Proton agent at Langkasuka (Larkin) or Plentong.


Parts as in the picture

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My exora is coming to 9 years.

So far no such issues except for jerky gear transition from lowest to next gear when engine is cold.


The last time I had gear problems, I did an auto transmission fluid flush and then change the fluid, seems to work. Cost about 70 sgd.


Jerking during stationary...for mine it is more of strong vibrations which was resolved by changing engine mounting.


Thanks Fainsyah..I know my engine mounting is calling for a change. haha... Hopefully it's not the gearbox. I Suspect Misfire. Anw going down to Proton Service Centre at Langkasuka this Monday. Will update more.

Hi Bro,


I believe your issue is not the gearbox. It has something to do with the plug cable or so called the 'sotong' which is connected to the engine. You may have it check. Roughly cost to repair in JB about (RM $450 - $500) this is from a local workshop.Not sure about the Proton agent at Langkasuka (Larkin) or Plentong.


Parts as in the picture


Hopefully it is the sotong issue and not the gearbox. Thanks for the input bro. Any idea if Proton Service Centre at Larkin need to make appointment if I'm coming down this monday or I can just visit as walk-in?

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Thanks Fainsyah..I know my engine mounting is calling for a change. haha... Hopefully it's not the gearbox. I Suspect Misfire. Anw going down to Proton Service Centre at Langkasuka this Monday. Will update more.



Hopefully it is the sotong issue and not the gearbox. Thanks for the input bro. Any idea if Proton Service Centre at Larkin need to make appointment if I'm coming down this monday or I can just visit as walk-in?

Based on my trips to Langkasuka, I made appointment cause I noticed thatu there is already a queue as early as 8am. Not too sure whether can just walk in.
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Thanks Fainsyah..I know my engine mounting is calling for a change. haha... Hopefully it's not the gearbox. I Suspect Misfire. Anw going down to Proton Service Centre at Langkasuka this Monday. Will update more.


Hopefully it is the sotong issue and not the gearbox. Thanks for the input bro. Any idea if Proton Service Centre at Larkin need to make appointment if I'm coming down this monday or I can just visit as walk-in?


Hi Bro,


Bro Fainsyah is right. I suggest that you make an appointment because your ride need to be diagnosed before repair. If not you must reach there latest by 0830 hours. Having said that, walk in customer will be of lesser priority to them. If you fails to get the morning slot, they might push you to the afternoon slot (after 2pm). I speak through experience.


I have stop going to the agent for about 5 years already. My ride is service by a local workshop there. 

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Hi Bro BammelSkoder....any updates on the servicing at Proton Langkasuka? Need to make appointment?


Hi bro.... Called the SC @ Langkasuka but they said no more slot for the whole day. So just try my luck to the nearest SC at Gelang Patah (Aggresive Model Sdn Bhd). Arrived at 9am but got my slot at 2pm. Better than nothing [laugh] . Better off to make an appointment if to get morning slots.

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Bros.... Any idea if can get a cheaper local workshop that can fix engine mounting and front wheel brake rotor? I checked with the local workshop for labour charge only, and says SGD$180 for engine mounting and SGD$90 for both front wheel brake rotor. Not sure if this is a standard pricing in Singapore. Or any recommendation in JB Workshop? My bad I bought the mountings and rotors from an autoshop in JB but not directly from Proton Parts Centre (Proton Part Centre closed due to computer system problem on Monday). Although the mountings is proton original part, Proton Service Centre do not want to change due to warranty issue as they only accept parts been bought directly from Proton Parts Centre. Learnt my lesson LOL.

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