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Petrol Price Movement in Singapore


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if oil plunge below $40 a barrel ... it's lehman brother all over again

if you read the headlines ... all the big banks are worry now that the billions and billions of dollars that they lend out to oil project may turn into bad debt ... 2008/2009 subprime 2015/2016 would be oil that crash the economy


opec is not willing to curb their production because if they curb their production the business goes to usa, russia, etc


it's like asking you not to produce but non opec members keep producing and taking the profits


besides, demand is slowing down so selling is already hard. everyone including opec and non opec member want to sell oil ... that's their cash cow ... if the cow is not giving out milk everyday ... they will thirst to death


Waiting for QE4, with QE4 then all of sudden oil price rise back up and at even higher prices.


Edited by Yewheng
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what's wrong to collect more? can chop 1 more robert also good ...

pump full tank already then reduce pump price ... bang balls to the max ... lol


Finally, Esso reduce their prices in line with d rest. Always a copycat n d slowest. Can't they be a leader.


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now spring breaking.....bear just woke up from hibernation.....hungry and dangerous!

Putty retort, instead of waiting for d Americans to hang him then pulled its tooth one by one, d bear will fight back. Lol

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petrol stations dropped 1ct? [sleeping][sleeping]


drop for show si bo? nb.

I also say 1 ct might as well save it. Should just accumulate and give a bigger drop next round.

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Ingenius, on 16 Jan 2015 - 11:42 AM, said:

I also say 1 ct might as well save it. Should just accumulate and give a bigger drop next round.


hanor. But I think they just do show only. drop 1 ct den take chance to up 3 cts once opportunity come.

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5 days no change in petrol prices... another drop coming soon? :)


By the way, which petrol station has the best discount? SPC has 10% on-site discount + 5% for using DBS/POSB CC + 6% rebate when using POSB Everyday card, seems like the cheapest.

Edited by flashbang
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