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Petrol Price Movement in Singapore


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Guys just sharing here that CBS news in the U.S. Said that premium is not required





But I can still provide reasons to still pump v power on my regular car.

1) more points

2) feels cool

3) feels better for my car

4) less visits to the petrol station using full tan v power


What do you think?

I feel awesome when I pump 32liter of RON92 and manage to squeeze over 800km out of it =)

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In most other countries, petrol is classified as :


1) 92RON - Regular

2) 95RON - Premium

3) 98RON - Ultra Premium


By right, most Jap, Korean and Asian make cars in Singapore should be pumping 92RON. Min RON is 91RON for most of such cars.


95RON is sufficient for majority of Eurpoean makes.


98RON is for those driving normal cars with too much money to splash, or those driving exotic cars. prob that's why Deputy Prime Minister Tharman taxed 98RON petrol an additional 35% (additional 20 cents per litre) compared to 92RON & 98RON (additional 15 cents per litre).

Edited by Vinceng
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Sometime reading this forum want to make laugh.

See the word 'siham' was wondering what English word is that?

After a few second than I realise what does it mean.

This forum really a lot of creative people👍

siham not i invent one. someone else did [cool]

In most other countries, petrol is classified as :


1) 92RON - Regular

2) 95RON - Premium

3) 98RON - Ultra Premium


By right, most Jap, Korean and Asian make cars in Singapore should be pumping 92RON. Min RON is 91RON for most of such cars.


95RON is sufficient for majority of Eurpoean makes.


98RON is for those driving normal cars with too much money to splash, or those driving exotic cars. prob that's why Deputy Prime Minister Tharman taxed 98RON petrol an additional 35% (additional 20 cents per litre) compared to 92RON & 98RON (additional 15 cents per litre).

my asian bike requires ron95

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Iirc, for kotax, 92 is regular, 95 is premium, 98 is platinum. As per label above the pump holder. Not sure bout the rest. Ya, one mcf guy ever said that that even w modern diesels..eu5..the measurement is based on co2 primarily. However in terms of reducing the carcinogenic stuff in the diesel exhaust, the in-roads pale compared to the reduction of co2.

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Not sure, but so far already 5 years of topping I did not encounter. Got once they stop every car to look into our car but they did not stop


Maybe the Cisco office mistook your temperature gauge as your fuel gauge at middle when your fuel gauge was actually nearly empty...hehe.


Before the increase petrol duty of 15 cents for RON 95, the lowest pump price I ever paid early this year was at S$1.77. That was when Brent was at US$46. But with Brent below US$45 now, current pump at S$2.09 doesn't add up. Minus the 15 cents increase, it would have been S$1.94 which is way more expensive than before they increased the petrol duty.


They should not have increased this duty, it only results in higher pump price which doesn't correspond to the increase in crude oil price.

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I feel awesome when I pump 32liter of RON92 and manage to squeeze over 800km out of it =)


Wah bro, what car you driving? Able to get that kinda mileage? Or your tank super BIG??

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Yep hybrid, main thing here is don't need to pump higher grade as most car doesn't needs it. Unless one love the feel good factor.


instead of feel gooe, feel rich factor maybe

Looks like it's back to the days of "petrol price keep decreasing". Touch wood!


SPC down to 2.05 for 95!

that is really a good news !!

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anyone recall what was the last pump price when crude was $40-ish per barrel? [mad]

+ inflation + extra excise duty = today pump price?



When was the crude at $40-ish per barrel???


I keep records of my cars fc and fuel price since Dec 2003. If you can recall the year, I can provide the price.

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in 2009


When was the crude at $40-ish per barrel???

I keep records of my cars fc and fuel price since Dec 2003. If you can recall the year, I can provide the price.



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Looks like it's back to the days of "petrol price keep decreasing". Touch wood!


SPC down to 2.05 for 95!


Wah sian man... I just pumped SPC yesterday!!! Didn't expect to drop further. [bigcry]

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I relinquish all thoughts and wishes for petrol price to plunge.


It's just add another excuse for garment to milk us again and again.

Don't say too fast ok wait Botak increase the petrol duty again.

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