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For those who wish to appeal to waive of parking summons


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I ever used stomachache before to appeal.

For parking outside single yellow line at Kung Chong Road, near Alexandra.

I went back to the car 6 mins after being summoned. Still saw him issuing to the others behind.


Appealed twice but got rejected.


I wonder whats the criteria for a successful appeal?


Stomachache need toilet urgently and no time to find parking not good reason enough? Dangerous to drive while stomach aching leh. Moreover that was my first parking offence. [mad]

Your mom is wheelchair bound, child is crippled? For such genuine reasons, can waive.


Btw, only u noe if genuine or not

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I got a summom for parking in a white lot while visiting friend during chinese new year at cck. The carpark was very far from central and all white slots. I arrived at 8.00 pm and placed 2x $2 coupon. When i returned to my car at 12.30am i saw a summon and the auntie just not far away. Cos my coupon just expire 30 mins so i think at most 6 or 10 only but my summon was 50!!!! So i confronted the auntie and she just said this is a season parking lot so its 50. I said its painted white for all carpark here and how would i know? She say u can go appeal and walked off. Lppl appeal twice kanna reject. I dont think iim at total fault cos nowadays all carpark no standard one, some lots got timing. Some painted red some red and white. Now lagi best all white slots but only for season parking. I feel the officer handling my case not serious about case. Just simply reject and reject. Anything i can do or who can i write to appeal again?


Drag so long ar, which carpark?

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From what I see this must be one of those CP that is SEASON PARKING ONLY after 10:30pm.


If this is the case, there must be a sign at the CP entrance that indicates this. Please look again to confirm this. If the sign is really up there, you really have no case.


Some CP initially allow coupon parking at night but was changed due to high season parking demand. This might change again in future so you cannot fault them from painting the lots white.

We have discussed here before as to why they can't standardised all the carparks in certain colors so that we'll not be confused. I suppose it's cheaper n easier for them to change the entrance signboard as n when they like. [rolleyes]

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most wardens these days are malaysians.....

they come in droves, summon at will and move off...


few years back when i kanna summon and appeal, once in a while get reprieve...

but these days no chance.....


this country really hard up for money now. 0 compassion.


Whether wardens Singaporean/Malaysians/Indians, etc got no relation to the fact that the person did something wrong. Parking wardens job walk all day under sun is not jobs that Singaporeans aspire to. And why must give compassion to someone who knowingly and deliberately did something wrong? In Chinese there is a saying, "dare to do, dare to bear (the consequences)".

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Whether wardens Singaporean/Malaysians/Indians, etc got no relation to the fact that the person did something wrong. Parking wardens job walk all day under sun is not jobs that Singaporeans aspire to. And why must give compassion to someone who knowingly and deliberately did something wrong? In Chinese there is a saying, "dare to do, dare to bear (the consequences)".


assumptions assumptions....


i was working in sales. sometimes no choice but park in ura car park as customers' offices are nearby.

You put 1 hr coupon, meeting gets dragged on, you rush down to renew coupon at 1hr 10mins, and there they are....


not everyone take chances. such things happen.

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ive gotten a summon today for nothing ive done wrong. The attendant gave me a.summon for not putting cupons for parking though i purchased and display the park & ride decal on my windscreen. kns! i was parking at a totally white lot during the allowed hours.


Ive seen other cars with park & ride decal kena too. The attendant must be thinking he earned lots of incentive today.


Any bros knows how to lodge a complaint to hdb? [:(] [:(]

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Sometimes, they come it platoon level in a van [:p] like ninja van, all the trooper come out and summon [laugh] so fast until like blitzkrieg [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Like in this car park?



(Source: http://minty_sky.blogspot.sg/2008/02/kalla...cent-sushi.html )


Man they really fast hand fast leg as I witnessed it through the windows of a 2nd sty indoor children playground inside the building couple of years ago...


Those tao jia drivers really have no chance [shakehead]

Edited by Vulcann
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I got a summom for parking in a white lot while visiting friend during chinese new year at cck. The carpark was very far from central and all white slots. I arrived at 8.00 pm and placed 2x $2 coupon. When i returned to my car at 12.30am i saw a summon and the auntie just not far away. Cos my coupon just expire 30 mins so i think at most 6 or 10 only but my summon was 50!!!! So i confronted the auntie and she just said this is a season parking lot so its 50. I said its painted white for all carpark here and how would i know? She say u can go appeal and walked off. Lppl appeal twice kanna reject. I dont think iim at total fault cos nowadays all carpark no standard one, some lots got timing. Some painted red some red and white. Now lagi best all white slots but only for season parking. I feel the officer handling my case not serious about case. Just simply reject and reject. Anything i can do or who can i write to appeal again?


Think you parked in a no night parking carpark.


The lots there must be limited and residents who have season parking complain that there are not enough lots at night. That is why they come and catch those after 1030pm.


LPPL...usually there is a sign at the entrance to indicate NO NIGHT PARKING...why your friend never warn you....must be you winning at the majong/blackjack table...hahahahaha...joking ah...

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Last week i also appealed for parking in a season lot. It was super frustrating because they just painted the season parking instructions on the floor and the wall is still on the old instructions.


Wrote in and they replied today. Best part is they used a typical template saying EPS parking also subjected to parking fines, SPT holders complain and in future cannot exercise flexibility for a similar offence. But this time they will waive off my fine.


Those mentioned I already know. I wonder if he read my appeal anot. I cannot understand why next time cannot exercise flexibility for a similar offence. The problem is the carpark management doing its job halfway. Now they waive off and penalise me?


Go penalise the carpark management. Not as if I was challenging the system [hur][mad]

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Think you parked in a no night parking carpark.


The lots there must be limited and residents who have season parking complain that there are not enough lots at night. That is why they come and catch those after 1030pm.


LPPL...usually there is a sign at the entrance to indicate NO NIGHT PARKING...why your friend never warn you....must be you winning at the majong/blackjack table...hahahahaha...joking ah...


This is true as i ever got fined for parking at my GF's place over night even thou i teared the proper amount of parking coupons.

However, there are two entrance to her carpark and one is stated with Night parking for Season holders only and the other stated night parking available however did not state which carpark.

Used that as an excuse, said moreover i parked in a white lot and teared the correct amount of coupons plus the signs at both entrance do not tally/is confusing hence they waived off my fine.


Till today the sign still remains and i am sure still many people are still getting fine over it.


However i believe the other entrance with the night parking available is refering to the MSCP near to that entrance. hahaa

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There are carparks that are reserved for season holders after 10.30pm. Means no outsiders overnight parking. Bukit batok west ave 8, U8, is one of them.

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Internal Moderator

Sorry to hijack.


Just wondering...





Is this like a cut and paste template reply?


Park at SYL for 6 mins is there a way to appeal one?





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Sorry to hijack.


Just wondering...





Is this like a cut and paste template reply?


Park at SYL for 6 mins is there a way to appeal one?


It really depends how you explain your case. 2 days ago, i just got $100 fine waived off parking at double yellow line. :D

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Internal Moderator

It really depends how you explain your case. 2 days ago, i just got $100 fine waived off parking at double yellow line. :D


hmm then what did you write for your appeal letter?

i didn't know how to argue my case honestly.

i said stomachache and needed toilet badly + no lots.

which is probably a typical appeal letter. [:(]

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Kena one from URA for parking against the traffic direction. Can appeal? Any one have prior experience? Did not know that it's an offence....

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Kena one from URA for parking against the traffic direction. Can appeal? Any one have prior experience? Did not know that it's an offence....


There is one Thread started "parking-against-traffic-flowbeware". But no sure the person did appeal or not.


Just write in and appeal and give a good reason.

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