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Booked by LTA 3 times in 3 months


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Please lah, who will give two hoots about a bladdy number plate issue? There are much bigger issues to debate about than someone's customized number plate and the trouble he's having with the authorities.


to me its not about the license plate, i feel it got to do that how the law is defined. if not clear, how to penalise the user?

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It is perfectly possible to be fined a few times within a short period for the same infringement. It is up to TS to show that he had insufficient notice/time to settle the earlier offence. I would guess a minimum of 2 weeks between offences. After that, I would consider it a new offence. However, it would depend on LTA.


not true, my fren was caught with illegal exhaust mod. LTA give him 1 month to rectify it on top with a fine. within the same month he will not be charge with the same offence .

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You are just plain bloody stupid.


You were stopped THREE TIMES for the SAME illegal number plate.


The first time you try to be a snake and claim that since material of number plate is not specified, therefore you have done nothing wrong.


But the second time that you are booked FOR THE SAME PLATE is because the font size is too small.

Therefore, basically, your plate is illegal; does not matter what s--t material it is made of.


Now you want to claim no offence was committed because:

1. There is no specified time for which to charge you with the offence, or

2. That if they want to charge you, they must tell you on the spot and not warn you and then later charge you.


People who have fancy, illegal number plates do it to be different, for the attention, for the recognition.


Now that you have all the attention you can get, what's your problem?


my feel is that it got nothing to do with the font. more likely its the material used that will be reflective hence cams cannot capture the number plate [sly]

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I wonder why have to go through so much trouble for a number plate.

It is just a metal plate with numbers to identify the vehicle to the owner why bother to mod in the first place.


Want a nice car just buy a nice car lah, change here change there for what :blink:



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I feel for you, it takes time to replace a number plate and getting caught 2x for the same offense is double jeopardy. Plus you've already made the effort to change your license plate too!

Also this is a minor issue unlike speeding or drink driving.


It took me only 2 hrs to make a new set of number plate

Your sentence make me wonder how long do u think it need

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to me its not about the license plate, i feel it got to do that how the law is defined. if not clear, how to penalise the user?


I'll grant you that the law has "wriggle room". But suggesting such a trivial matter "can be blown up" with the Ministry of Transport is seriously thinking too highly of one's own issues. There's bigger problems like improving the public transport system, or fixing the COE system. Or even foreign worker drivers making their presence felt on the roads in the wrong ways......


Think on the flip side. If our friend here manages to argue his point successfully on a technicality, you can be sure that loophole will be plugged pretty soon. And if people up there get annoyed enough by the noise of this one troublemaker (unlikely) they may as well just declare that all licence plates are to be issued by LTA offices, or workshops authorized by the LTA......


And at the end of the day, the most likely reason that our TS was caught is because his licence plate was less visible than the standard approved licence plate. If it was "normal" LTA wouldn't look for trouble with him. I've never gotten stopped by the LTA to check and measure my bog-standard dealer-supplied licence plate!

Edited by Macrosszero
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to TS



first i feel for you as LTA website did clearly mention what need to follow

but if you follow correctly then they should not summons

thats why i dont understand the rational when the officer kena question to give us clear answer

we will be taken for a ride or merry go round

worse if the totally ignore us


no sympathy:

since you like to delay changing the plates

why not try to delay the summons and let it go to court

then you can explain to the judge

if the judge buy you explaination good for the rest of the guys

if not, just pay the summon many times more than the original amount

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Hmmm.. That's what I wondered too. But the word they used is "normally" instead of "must be, need to be" etc....


Thanks anyway, guess will just change to the normal plate for a new year.

Huat ah!

The normally do not refer to the white letter itself.

The normally refers to means either white letters with black background(front+back), else it will be black letter with white plate(front) plus black letter with yellow plate(rear).


So the rule is crystal clear on the white letter!


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OMG.......you got to be kidding me.


Kena 3 times still wana act tough......... [hur]


I would love to see the 4th, 5th......10th time scenoir.


TS please continue retaining the plate. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

chill bro. mine is red so in any ways i cant mod it. but honestly if i were to drive a normal plate i would change the plate especially if the number is nice. =D

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they are suddenly very strict with the flat chrome plates.


only early last year, those were allowed(annual inspection no problems).. now even flat chromes not allowed(just went for reinspection in Dec for that same plate issue)

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TS, if you got fine 3 times because of some moddings to your car to boost performance, I will still give that to you and think it's probably due to passion.


But if you get fine 3 times due to a car plate, I can only say that's really foolish. I am really not sure what are you trying to prove.


If you are really so keen to wait for LTA reply, why not just change the plate first and see what they reply later? For that little money, why wanna test the system?


I cannot really fathom your actions.....it's very strange to me.

Edited by Icedbs
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If u so serious about ascertaining the RIGHT no plate.... go down to LTA, take a queue no and speak to the officer DIRECT.


Appreciate your suggestion.

Not offended in anyway. I know its my mistake by taking chances.


But the main thing I wana find out has no answers. I knew that most ppl will only be shooting me instead of looking at the other areas where I posted my queries.


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Neutral Newbie

TS..next time will not be fine...good luck


btw..I like to send video and report ppl like you who illegal mod the car..be it HID, orange light, illegal number plate, illegal shade, illegal exhuast..etc


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TS, if you got fine 3 times because of some moddings to your car to boost performance, I will still give that to you and think it's probably due to passion.


But if you get fine 3 times due to a car plate, I can only say that's really foolish. I am really not sure what are you trying to prove.


If you are really so keen to wait for LTA reply, why not just change the plate first and see what they reply later? For that little money, why wanna test the system?


I cannot really fathom your actions.....it's very strange to me.


Totally agree. For less than $50, change back to a basic normal plate and wait for LTA reply.


Bu Da Bu Liu Lei. Don't listen, then prepare for more summons. Get a life.

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Neutral Newbie

Totally agree. For less than $50, change back to a basic normal plate and wait for LTA reply.


Bu Da Bu Liu Lei. Don't listen, then prepare for more summons. Get a life.

it will not be summons the next time..will court case..cause LTA will charge him for trying to be funny... [laugh]

but yes, the next time..the LTA can charge you to court..don't believe..continue do it

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