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Dual Citizenship For Singapore? Your Views?


Dual Citizenship For Singapore?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree to dual citizenship to counter the adverse effects of our declining birth rate & ageing population?

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very easy? I recall reading a singaporean lady? uniformed employee went awol? and took an indian citizenship and return to singapore.. but got caught after that..



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aiyah, this discussion is useless if it does not deal with the following complicite issues:


1. NS military (draft change to volunteer or professional)

2. NS for New citizens in other services (medical, police, etc)

3. NS for females (discussed in some other mcf thread)

4. HDB subsidy and property ownership

5. CPF


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very easy? I recall reading a singaporean lady? uniformed employee went awol? and took an indian citizenship and return to singapore.. but got caught after that..


I was told by an Indian colleague who took Sg citizenship that they are issued with a PIO (persons of indian origin)card such that with this card they can go back to India reclaiming their citizenship.


Meaning once they are done with Sg, they can sayonara and take their cpf with them and be king in India.

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huh ? :huh:

how can sporean have dual if spore don't allow?


I'm not totally sure how it works but I've met people with foreign citizenships having Singapore citizenships as well (so they claim cos I've not seen the paperwork). Seems like you need to be a foreigner to be able to apply for a Singapore citizenship and still hold on to your original and not the other way round.

Edited by Porker
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I'm not totally sure how it works but I've met people with foreign citizenships having Singapore citizenships as well (so they claim cos I've not seen the paperwork). Seems like you need to be a foreigner to be able to apply for a Singapore citizenship and still hold on to your original and not the other way round.


In theory, you can. Let's say you just got a new passport in Dec 2012 and you manage to obtain citizenship elsewhere in Jan 2013. You can hold onto both passports/citizenship till you need to renew your SG one (is it 5 or 10 yrs?). I believe there's a question in the renewal form specifically asking if you have obtained citizenship elsewhere.


You can choose to lie and hope you don't get caught or reveal the truth and surrender your SG citizenship. So, you can have both for as long as your SG passport is still valid...



mods, not sure if this "loophole" should be publicised here.

Edited by Katz2282
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Actually with the new biometric passport system, Spore custom will know immediately once you enter with a foreign passport. It just depend if they want to question you or not. Anyway, your foreign passport got also state which country you are born in, so that's a dead give away.

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Good point!


Although, I know someone who entered with their SG passport and then left with their other passport. The custom didn't have a clue that he left, they have been sending someone to his grandparents to arrest him for defaulting on NS. This was a couple of years back, so I am not sure if he used the biometric passports or not.



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Immigration overseas are a lot more stringent than Changi.. everywhere I have been, I had to provide proof of a return airticket within the visa validity period.


I also have Singapore as place of birth on my passport but they hardly look at me when i walk through, contrary to all the stories you hear.

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Dual citizenship certainly has it's own merit but it will create deeper resentment that it already has to the locals which will be even harder to repair. All the side effects of the deep resentment is already what we all see now, like blaming someone else for anything, poor civic manners, etc....


So, I'd say it will do more harm than good....

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Why would we want double citizenship to be allowed? So hard up? Why allow those opportunists to make use of our esteemed passport for their sole personal benefits?


I would say, "scrap" PRship also. I mean "scrap" = limited to a very limited pool and not completely cut off. Grant PR only to those who really deserve it. The rest, just give them "temp" pass to stay for employment.

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how come singapore so good to citizen of india or prc?

but i never see india or prc so good to singapore citizens and give us dual ic?



Give you free also you won't want, especially the PRC one. Need visa to visit pretty much every country on earth.

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I'm a quitter, I immediately contacted immigration to ask how to renounce my citizenship when i got my Aus one.


Took quite a few emails and calls here and there to find out who to send the documents to, which is why i believe that you can keep your citizenship till the day that you want to renew your passport. Not me, i was just glad to get rid of it, and if i recall correctly, I had to pay to throw my IC in ah gong's face [laugh]

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I can about accept the need for froreigners to come in but definitely a no go for dual citizenship!!

Divided loyalties and its almost sure they will be on the first plane home should things nose dive here!


By the way, it was reported in today's ST that 4 foreigners gave up their citizenship in the FT scheme for sports, 2 of which were footballers. Any idea who were they?

I think one was the Brazilian footballer Egmar Goncalves playing for Home United and the national team.

If i remember correctly, I read somewhere he played less than 10 times for the national team but went back to Brazil a millionaire!! Not sure if this is true??

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I'm a quitter, I immediately contacted immigration to ask how to renounce my citizenship when i got my Aus one.


Took quite a few emails and calls here and there to find out who to send the documents to, which is why i believe that you can keep your citizenship till the day that you want to renew your passport. Not me, i was just glad to get rid of it, and if i recall correctly, I had to pay to throw my IC in ah gong's face [laugh]

Wah...seems like some unhappiness you gone thru here. What happened ?

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First, we just need to know who are those who fights for Dual Citizenship and we will understand what logic is behind it....

These are probably:

1) future potential defaulters of NS (or parents of sons who are PR)

2) local females who married (or choose to marry) a foreigner, but want to remain in SG to reap the best of both worlds

3) FT and SPR who wants the best of both worlds but no commitment to Singapore

4) Locals who are rich and wants the best of both worlds


So, should we change our law to cater to these group of people? [:/]

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Same as all of you.. i just chose to abandon ship instead of waiting for it to drown [;)]


Best part is we are now answering the calls to procreate.. just that we are doing it overseas and not enslaving the little ones.

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You see, countries like R.O.K., R.O.C., U.S., U.K., etc. facing population problems and/or outflow of local talents all allowing dual citizenship. Japan is also reviewing its dual citizenship for Japanese with foreign spouses. It is less of a benefit for the thousands of foreigners that are migrating here, than it is to local Singaporeans who are working long term abroad or have foreign spouses. Then, dual citizenship has to be mutual, you cannot have dual citizenship in a foreign country, when your home country do not allow it. Countries like Malaysia, PRC and India do not allow dual citizenship in the first place. Do not confuse it with granting citizenship to immigrants.


actually, i find citizenship should only be for very derserving people. if u want to stay in another country for the rest of your life but are just a normal office worker, just get a PR

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