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$30M TOWN COUNCIL Deal - NCS Deputy Director


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$30 mil shared by 14 TCs means $2 mil+ each. Cheap cheap lah.


In total, they have $1 billion you know?



You mean a collectively 1billion dollar company actually sell off their finance software to a 2 dollar company...wow. .. think only happen in sg. ... even boleh land also not so gungho. ..

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TC has lost $16mil during the lehman brothers saga. what happens after? nothing .... $16mil went to feed wallstreet bankers and their super cars..


one of the town councils was major shareholder for Creative Technology right? that another millions of $$

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$30 mil shared by 14 TCs means $2 mil+ each. Cheap cheap lah.


In total, they have $1 billion you know?


no..... they like the way of calculating of dividing it by the total population.


30 mil divide by 5 mil population = $6 each pax. CHEAP CHEAP LAH. They will tell us that we are getting a very good deal.............

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30 millions lines of codes? or 30 millions characters in the entire code???

It's not uncommon to sell applications priced on the number of users.

If one TC has 50,000 residents, it's 50,000 x $X [laugh]

This is to generate maximum profit.

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It's not uncommon to sell applications priced on the number of users.

If one TC has 50,000 residents, it's 50,000 x $X [laugh]

This is to generate maximum profit.


not true la. in such a scenario, the users are the TC people that need to log into system to use the system. how many TC user licence can there be?


the residents are more like lines of data in the database. like the stock code data, customer data, vendor data in accounting ERP system. such lines data usually does not figure much in the course of the system. the fields in each line of data would be quite straightforward comprising fields like name, nric, address, conservancy charge, payment date .


that's why i cannot under stand how it can come up to $30m. i have seen cost of accounting ERP. $2m would have been more reasonable figure.

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not true la. in such a scenario, the users are the TC people that need to log into system to use the system. how many TC user licence can there be?


the residents are more like lines of data in the database. like the stock code data, customer data, vendor data in accounting ERP system. such lines data usually does not figure much in the course of the system. the fields in each line of data would be quite straightforward comprising fields like name, nric, address, conservancy charge, payment date .


that's why i cannot under stand how it can come up to $30m. i have seen cost of accounting ERP. $2m would have been more reasonable figure.



yah lor....30M can roll out entire SAP plus hardware liaoz.....plus maybe sent some SAP admins for courses...SAP courses not cheap okay

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yah lor....30M can roll out entire SAP plus hardware liaoz.....plus maybe sent some SAP admins for courses...SAP courses not cheap okay


this one ncs software not sap. as such not expecting it to be such an astronomical figure. [rolleyes]

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no..... they like the way of calculating of dividing it by the total population.


30 mil divide by 5 mil population = $6 each pax. CHEAP CHEAP LAH. They will tell us that we are getting a very good deal.............

u forgot to divide by 365 days, which is like $0.02, 2 cts a day..how many of us spend more than 2 cts a day? cheap leh....cant even feel it moving in our pocket.... [laugh]

Edited by Cars08
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this one ncs software not sap. as such not expecting it to be such an astronomical figure. [rolleyes]

NCS is just the vendor that provides customisation. I am sure they make use of available platforms to customise for this case, the TCs. They used Oracle's Financials

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NCS is just the vendor that provides customisation. I am sure they make use of available platforms to customise for this case, the TCs. They used Oracle's Financials

was it reported it was Oracle Financials? I may have missed it. but seriously why would Oracle financials go obsolete as THP has claimed?

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was it reported it was Oracle Financials? I may have missed it. but seriously why would Oracle financials go obsolete as THP has claimed?


I remember reading somewhere that at point of inception, they directed to use Fin 11 which was already outdated even at that timeframe.

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I remember reading somewhere that at point of inception, they directed to use Fin 11 which was already outdated even at that timeframe.


actually for such a simple system catering to simple billing and collections process, why do we have to use oracle? i cant envision how complicated can the Town Council business processes get to warrant such a costly system.


I think MYOB, Quick Books or AccPac can even do the job. just need a server to host it so that TC can access it remotely.

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actually for such a simple system catering to simple billing and collections process, why do we have to use oracle? i cant envision how complicated can the Town Council business processes get to warrant such a costly system.


I think MYOB, Quick Books or AccPac can even do the job. just need a server to host it so that TC can access it remotely.


Oracle Fins is quite adept in terms of scalability. However, whatever we say remain at best, speculation.

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Oracle Fins is quite adept in terms of scalability. However, whatever we say remain at best, speculation.


to be frank, i find "scalability" a sly word that ERP consultants like to use to their advantage.


not too long ago i have been talking to another big software company (competitor of SAP and Oracle). I was unconvinced my small company need this big system. he keep askign me not to worry because this system is "highly scalable". i was skeptical because the logic is that if we pay for a lambo, and used it in a way suitable for toyota, there's hell lot of wastage and nto forgetting lambo probably takes a long time to get assembled, while a toyota can be driven almost immediately from the showroom. the implementation of big systems are going to take a hell longer time or manhours and makes no commercial sense to incurr more resources to implement and yet not use it.



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