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New MInister, New Govt?


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its all the 2011 GE lah...


remember, most of the pap MP's also admitted after that the ground is strongly against them during their walkabout.

before that leh, mbt still got a weekly column defending his hdb policies on the ST.


i am 100% sure that if aljunied wasn't won by the WP, mbt policies on hdb, FT policies etc will still remain, because its telling PAP that nothing is broke, no need to fix it.



they still get 60% of the votes... I think its not "strong" enough.. opposition geting close to 40% seems alot in SIngapore context..but in other countries, its considered a landslide victory for the incumbent liao lor :D


Further more.. this 40% are from various alternative parties... even if one day they achieve majority votes against PAP.. will you trust that their coalition government to work cooperatively? There is a reason why they are different parties and not 1 in the first place


I think we should consider carefully which alternative party have real substance and is more suitable for Singapore. For me, WP gets my vote anytime [:)]

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give them credit for getting their act in place. for a high calibre like Chen to want to go to WP says it all.

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Ok.....i am happy that there are indeed improvement in recent policy changes. Can be better.


Hdb admitting that they didnt build enough flats previously, adjusting the income ceiling upward, etc are some positive changes pointing to the right direction.


More pro family policies such as the jst announced father paternity leave is also welcome.


Now....why didnt the previous ministers, when they were in office, thought these were necessary and for the good of citizen n singapore? What the hell were they doing back then?


In particular n i remember vividly, MBT defending the $8,000 ceiling saying that the 90s rule is still relevant in 2011.


If the current ministers are doing all the right corrections, then, can i say we had been paying those oust ministers million dollar salary for nothing???


Money sucking CBL slackers? -_-

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they still get 60% of the votes... I think its not "strong" enough.. opposition geting close to 40% seems alot in SIngapore context..but in other countries, its considered a landslide victory for the incumbent liao lor :D


Further more.. this 40% are from various alternative parties... even if one day they achieve majority votes against PAP.. will you trust that their coalition government to work cooperatively? There is a reason why they are different parties and not 1 in the first place


I think we should consider carefully which alternative party have real substance and is more suitable for Singapore. For me, WP gets my vote anytime [:)]


But to hold win than 90% of the seats with a simple 60% majority is nothing short of remarkable.

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give them credit for getting their act in place. for a high calibre like Chen to want to go to WP says it all.



I heard alot of coffeeshop chatters saying the reason why WP won Algunied GRC is not so much on LTK leaving HG but because of CSM joining. [:)]



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still good ... which means ruling party has the mandate and full control (unlike thailand or taiwan, can swing left/right anytime)

but need to work "sibei harder" because got 10 opposition MPs in parliament kaypoh kaypoh


2 GRC, say 10 seats, still got majority to pass laws and amend constitution leh.

Edited by Wt_know
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But to hold win than 90% of the seats with a simple 60% majority is nothing short of remarkable.

That's Uniquely Singapore mah......... [laugh]

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All these are signs that putting pressure on govt to perform by having more opposition presence is the key. As what was mentioned at the WP rally. Voting in one more WP politician to make the govt work harder. But Heng Swee Keat says it should be the other way round. To vote in more PAP MPs to make WP work harder. I seriously think there is a problem in his mind to say that.



vote in 1 to make 80 work harder (Opposition)or to vote in 1 to make 6 work harder(incumbent) ? the second option makes more sense and value for tax payer's money.

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But to hold win than 90% of the seats with a simple 60% majority is nothing short of remarkable.


In Singapore, its even possible to have a 51% majority and yet win 100% of the seats.


It all depends on how skillful they cut up the GRCs and SMCs. [:p]

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its only when there is now more alternative MPs, that they are listening...else.....neh neh neh neh poo poo <_< <_<


i dun use opposition as it does not stand for what they are, they are the alternative voice!




I don't think it was wise for PM to say that they did not provide alternative views. Just the fact that they lost one GRC has woken them up (somewhat).

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It takes a loss of 1 GRC for them to listen. May be losing a few more will make them REALLY listen.


I agree. Losing a GRC was so unthinkable for the rulling party, especially since many believe it was designed so that this would not happen.

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perhaps it just shows that the gap between is really big (and bigger exponentially by arrogance, ignorance, elitism, overbearing & uncaring).





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I agree. Losing a GRC was so unthinkable for the rulling party, especially since many believe it was designed so that this would not happen.


more boundary changes coming prior 2016?

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if lose 2, u see radical changes./....


i tell u wat u will see,


1) Free medical care for senior citizen n children < 18yo

2) raised income tax

3) public transport change back operate by gov agency

4) COE via ballot instead of bidding

5) Increased childcare centres

6) normalise all HDB flats to reasonable price pegged to % of construction cost

7) Civil servant salary reviewed again, salary cap at SGD1Mil for highest paid minister


... ok add whatever u deem fit :D

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I heard alot of coffeeshop chatters saying the reason why WP won Algunied GRC is not so much on LTK leaving HG but because of CSM joining. [:)]


yes, u definitely need quality candidates. but some are just epic failure, like the M1 engineer [gossip]

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