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CPF Medisave Amount raised


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only your kids will see it

IF the gov dont change the requirements...if they change (they always do) then everbody this generation and the nx and the nx will lppl!

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Growth is paper growth, cannot touch, and if ever need to use, also restricted, as good as not having it, WTF.

I'm not the least bothered, because sometime down, the sheet is going to come out that the MIN age for withdrawal

IS CHANGED again, siting the same reason that we are living LONGER. (WHen so man drop dead all of a sudden, and

hey, who gets all their CPF? Transfer to son, down down down the bloody line with no sign of light at the tunnel!)


Every bloody month draw out a small amount, what about those drawing civil salaries in the millions yet pay $1 for some

surgery? We all can talk till the cows come home, the sheep get slaughtered, the hens get raped. Is there going to be any difference?



Nah...even all the bullsheet of Vote wisely, 201X vote this a new change, utter rubbish, all boh lam pah, talk big.

I'm in a state of mind, live out my life contented, make do with how bad a situation and STFU. -_-


You say wah kong tio boh tio?


ah kong will NOT makan the CPF.. this one we all no need to worry...


if not married, your siblings will get the money.


if married, wife.


if wife go before u its kids.


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You are wrong, one can inherit only so much if one can control finances.

A million dollars in the hands of a fool will always part.


My uncle inherited $X and all was spent in 8 months. A fool and his money are soon parted.


sometimes its beyond control also..


putting your $$ in fixed deposit also got chance the bank default and close down..

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Then again, my dad was also a victim of this medisave thing.


passed away still cannot use medisave to pay off his remaining debts(almost 10k).


hospital in the end took it from the estate



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This one better make sure hv evidence hor...CPF funds I understand is managed by the Board of the Central Provident Fund..Official Foreign Reserves managed by MAS...Temasek Investments are financed thru dividends from its portfolio companies, divestment proceeds and commercial borrowings...


GIC got 8% share... now half price....




14Billion ... now left with only a spare tire (assuming GIC bought a car then)... [laugh]



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No need 50s lah...most ppl that cross 30 or so depending on their income will already have higher than this amount by now....tot the contribution ceiling is $43,500 and every year they will adjust to keep to inflation...


Adjust 5% every year, in 25 years time will be about $100k for medisave ceiling liao. That's a big sum !! Not forgetting inflation adjusted SA which would likely become $300k. Meaning, prepare to "set aside" at last half a million for those currently in the 20-30s ... Bye bye half a million $$$

Edited by Alechi
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can we all agree that the biggest and main grouse against the cpf schemes is that members cannot withdraw all the money at withdrawal age ? or is there other ?

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The main grouse is THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE CEILING!!!


Every year adjusted for inflation, one fine day, everyone got to set aside 1 MILLION DOLLARS !!!

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can we all agree that the biggest and main grouse against the cpf schemes is that members cannot withdraw all the money at withdrawal age ? or is there other ?


can withdraw..


just not all [rolleyes]

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can we all agree that the biggest and main grouse against the cpf schemes is that members cannot withdraw all the money at withdrawal age ? or is there other ?


how long can the CPF board delay and stretch the payouts? I wonder.


In Detroit, I have read of pension funds plunged in fiscal crises as they are unable to payout the promised monies, never mind the fact that the payouts themselves barely withstood the scourge of inflation otherwise anyway.


Then there was the dabbling of the same institutions in sub prime mortgage loans which were gleefully offloaded by the unscrupulous bankers who devised and issued the subprime loans in the first place.


I am not very sanguine about the situation with CPF honestly as the disappointing performance of our sole SWF gives little solace if any cue and parallel is to be drawn between the two. Both focuses on wealth preservation and long term right? I vaguely recall Goh CT mentioned as such back in 2002.

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what can 30+k do really? these days if u kena some big time critical illness... that amt would be wiped out in no time..


rather use that to buy insurance..

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