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Bizzare Food of Asia - WARNING! Not for the faint of heart


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Neutral Newbie

i saw a similiar video like that



Wow this is really interesting. But i felt sad for the frog. With them looking at me, i wouldnt dare to eat them at all! [dizzy]

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Tried kudu steak, very lean, kangaroo steak, ultra lean, very nice, warthog burger, very greasy, not my liking, and just last week, civet cat, power! Very nice, certain part was very tough, but some parts really tender. The way it was cook also played a part, BBQ.

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Does singapore sell stuffs like wild boar meat or kangaroo meat?


can find kangaroo meat at most Australian restaurants..one i know is @ The House of Robert Timms..its gamey and not everyone can like it

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How does it taste like? Pork? chicken? beef?


for me its a cross between beef and venison and its very lean..it has a bit of an aftertaste that stays with you

Edited by Darthrevan
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Neutral Newbie

Never done NS in Crescendo ?? Rat satay is very popular there.


NS national service? Im a girl, cant get to experience all these leh

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