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95 Students Wrongly Informed Abt Eligibility For Poly Pgm


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Must be a major blow to some of the 95 kids who thought they had make it.


Basically from euphoria to despair [:(]


If only this mistake could be the other way round, that they actually made it instead of couldn't...


From CNA:




95 students wrongly informed about eligibility for polytechnic programme

By TODAY | Posted: 19 December 2012 2028 hrs


SINGAPORE - A "system error" resulted in 95 students who were not eligible for the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) being issued eligibility forms, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Wednesday.


"On 17 December 2012, after the release of the GCE 'N' Level results, a system error was discovered, which had resulted in 271 students being issued eligibility forms for PFP with wrongly-computed ELMAB3 aggregate scores stated on these forms," said the MOE in a statement.


The system double-counted grades for subjects that the student had sat for at the actual 'N' Level and 'O' Level Preliminary examinations, although each subject should only be counted once, with the better of the two grades being used.


The PFP is a one-year programme that offers a practice-oriented curriculum to better prepare Normal (Academic) students for entry into the relevant Polytechnic Diploma courses.


The MOE said it took "immediate steps" to address the situation.


On Tuesday, it started calling each of the 271 affected students to inform them of the error. As of 5.45pm Wednesday, 256 students had been successfully contacted and 15 were unreachable.


"MOE regrets the inconvenience caused by this error. We understand the disappointment of the affected students who were given application details for the PFP but are actually not eligible, as well as their parents' disappointment," said the ministry.


All 95 affected students who are not eligible for the PFP may progress on to Secondary Five, or apply for the Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnics (DPP) if they meet the DPP eligibility criteria, said the MOE.


- TODAY/ir

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Actually MOE should just 将错就错 let the kids move on. They and their parents must be damn demoralised now.


Seriously if I am one of the 95 or the parent of one of them, I will be extremely, extremely [:(]


Imagine a typical scene of a proud father telling the whole world - his colleagues, friends and relatives that his below-average kid finally made it to the PFP but now having to learn the shocking or hard truth.


Sianz to the limit...

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Neutral Newbie

So where can these 95 students go?


If cannot go poly, then can go where?

No chance to go poly in future? Gate closed?

Then how about private poly or private university?


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Machiam in office your boss telling you are promoted and then telling you "paiseh bo hor, mistake mistake" next... [bigcry]


(Then again I know of folks who rather not get promoted...)

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Machiam in office your boss telling you are promoted and then telling you "paiseh bo hor, mistake mistake" next... [bigcry]


(Then again I know of folks who rather not get promoted...)


I ever had such an experience. I was told that I was promoted to rank of Senior Staff Nurse. Everyone congratulated me. Even the roster reflected it as such. I was puzzled because usually the one promoted would know it first rather than his friends first but I thought maybe some c--k - up in informing me. Finally I got a phone call from the manager saying it was a typo error in the roster and I was not promoted... [bigcry]

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So where can these 95 students go?


If cannot go poly, then can go where?

No chance to go poly in future? Gate closed?

Then how about private poly or private university?



they can stay on and do N level or try O level?


Anyway its a mistake la. cannot because of system error then u still allow the kids to proceed right? it may do harm to them also because they may not be able to cope with poly. imagine if u score badly for O level and then said u passed w good grades to go JC, u dare go meh?

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Seriously if I am one of the 95 or the parent of one of them, I will be extremely, extremely [:(]


Imagine a typical scene of a proud father telling the whole world - his colleagues, friends and relatives that his below-average kid finally made it to the PFP but now having to learn the shocking or hard truth.


Sianz to the limit...


The good father can now tell his kid that one should not receive what one does not earn.


And MOE just might as well have gotten your PSLE result wrong also. [laugh]


Or KK gave the wrong baby :D

Edited by Tonyng
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some of the affected parents said that it was very inconsiderate of MOE to directly break the bad news to the students instead of them first.

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what is wrong with this country's administration these days ?? We're not third world country ok, our work force is HIGHLY educated, with degree holders aplenty ....... [shakehead]

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I ever had such an experience. I was told that I was promoted to rank of Senior Staff Nurse. Everyone congratulated me. Even the roster reflected it as such. I was puzzled because usually the one promoted would know it first rather than his friends first but I thought maybe some c--k - up in informing me. Finally I got a phone call from the manager saying it was a typo error in the roster and I was not promoted... [bigcry]


This reminds me of a another duty roster many many years back.


Our teabreak kaki was instantly promoted from "CPL" to 'CPT" on the notice board and all wanted the bugger to give treat.


Ended up the orderly room clerk was F upside down by the chief clerk [laugh] [laugh]

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some of the affected parents said that it was very inconsiderate of MOE to directly break the bad news to the students instead of them first.


students have to face the truth. they took the exam so they sld be informed. everything must call parents like babysit.



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The good father can now tell his kid that one should not receive what one does not earn.


And MOE just might as well have gotten your PSLE result wrong also. [laugh]


Or KK gave the wrong baby :D


This one sure get into heart attack mode... [laugh]

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