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  On 12/5/2012 at 6:53 AM, Tarzan666 said:

Funni..i smoker but i cannot stand 2nd hand smoke..especially wen Im not smoking..the stink cannot tahan sia..

now i knoe how non smoker feels.


i also dislike 2nd hand smoke, despite being a smoker

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me too. dont like smell at 2nd hand smoke even when im social smoker.


thats why i take care not to smoke when walking on pavement or at places w innocent non smokers.

Edited by Babyt
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  On 12/5/2012 at 6:25 AM, Babyt said:

i started smoking since sec sch..like 14yo? then its an on-off affair but smoke often during army time.


i wouldnt say i have already quit but i havent smoke for past few mths and i dont crave for it. luckily my limited pool of frens dont smoke except my auntie and uncle. as long as i can avoid them, i will not be asking for a stick.


i dont find smoking very nice la. smoke too much my throat feels bad, lungs feel bad. its smoke to pass time.



My friend power, he say quit then quit liao..... i ask him how can he tahan the urge, he say just treat as nothing happens and don think about it can liao.....most importantly is don ever tink of getting a stick or even a puff, bcos that means subconciously you don wanna quit.....



Do you guys feel that sometimes the body tell yourself to stop smoking?? is it a warning sign your body is giving you?

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yes i do. when i smoke i feel terrible inside, i tell myself, why am i torturing myself?


that dead dr. richard teo was a good example. i dont want to die young.

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Neutral Newbie
  On 12/5/2012 at 5:48 AM, Whattafarck said:

I managed to d/l a softcopy of the book... [:p]

readin it right now..

but somehow, in between reading..i oredi smoked 2 cigs liao. [rolleyes]

i started at 7 yrs old...now...managed to tone down to 1 pack a week.

so far, book is kinda interesting..i'll read on. [thumbsup]


don't worry, as you progress along the book, the author encourages you to smoke. and reflect about some questions. :ph34r: the first time a book told me to smoke hahaha

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  On 12/5/2012 at 6:45 AM, Kurty said:

haha, yeah.


was sick for the last couple of week, asthma somemore..


so cut down plus gf around.. she don't like me to smoke..

so due diligence and respect formality, i don't smoke when with her..


ok, maybe 1 or 2 stick at most :D

Huh! I didn't know you smoke leh.... You also didn't smell of smoke when talking.... [laugh]


Yah, better quit for the sake of your future and gf..... have more sex in place of smoking lah... [laugh]

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  On 12/5/2012 at 10:22 AM, TVT said:

Huh! I didn't know you smoke leh.... You also didn't smell of smoke when talking.... [laugh]


Yah, better quit for the sake of your future and gf..... have more sex in place of smoking lah... [laugh]


Wow, u are the second person who said this to me.


Man, i didnt know i got a gd image..


Bro,.. why must you sex talk to me everytime.. u like very zealous in my or our sex life hor ..


Dont lah, I'm a straight.. there's no future for us. [laugh]

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  On 12/4/2012 at 3:45 PM, Noctis said:

I'll send you guys a pm, meanwhile I would like to add a note, If you guys cannot find the online free download for the book I gave, please PM me your Email, I will gladly send you a PDF file for it :)


Meanwhile, mates here who managed to get their hands on it, please let me know how did it go for you :)


and for your information, I have gone through some of the replies here, like after a meal, or someone lighting up infront of you, don't worry, the book covers that point also.


When I turned into a non smoker, my family members and friends still carried on smoking in-front of me, I'm surrounded by smokers 24/7, yet I did not feel a thing. It's a funny thing really, and the book really covers a-lot of the hidden facts of smoking, things we didn't know at all.


Bro, can pm me the book too? Thanks

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  On 12/5/2012 at 6:55 AM, Tarzan666 said:

My wife's frd..barely 30..smoker but dunno how heavy..

Died of lung cancer..but then, i do know of more non smoker who got cancer than smokers.


Statistically, of course, more non-smokers die of cancer because there are vastly more non-smokers anyway.


Nevertheless I learned something interesting last time that in countries with high proportion of smokers, e.g. China and Japan, the lung cancer rate is not significantly higher than other countries with lesser proportion of smokers. Not sure if this still holds true.

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  On 12/5/2012 at 1:25 PM, Nightkids said:

i got the copy....can i post?


Will it violate the rules here, mod?


Nothing wrong. I already can't stand the 2nd hand smoke. [laugh] [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Brothers, I already gave out the title and author a few replies back, hahaha.


for those that missed it, " easy way to quit smoking " - Allen Carr.


search online google for a free download! I believe one member here has already posted a download link.



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  On 12/5/2012 at 3:58 PM, Noctis said:

Those that PM-ed me with your email adds. I have already sent each of you guys the PDF file, please check your email! [wave]

I got the book bro.


Sorry to say, it's very long winded. I skip it to the easy ways to stop smoking chapter.. again sorry, you found it easy after you read all this? Determination is the only way to quit.


Good night.

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Neutral Newbie

Anyways, Just to share what got me inspired to stop smoking.


I'm a passionate sport climber, diver and basically into nature, I love trail running and hiking.


But smoking somehow hindered me from enjoying these activities fully and I felt with each puff I was inhaling in, I was disgusted at myself and what I was doing to my own body, yet I could not stop.


Ever since I picked up the habit somehow my body started to decline, I wasn't as athletic as before, I wasn't feeling vibrant and energetic at all, I missed the days where I was a non smoker, when I can run record distances in record times, and not feel a tinge of tiredness at all.


I decided it had to stop somehow, the motivation came from the love of the things I want to do, the sports that I do, challenges my body and mind to no ends, and cigarettes are just in the way for me, but I did not know how to quit. I have heard of smokers trying to quit, by trying to " cut down the number of cigarettes slowly but surely ", using nicotine replacements (but this did not make sense to me, I am addicted to Nicotine, why should I use nicotine to stop a nicotine addiction in the first place?), drugs (a big no for me as I studied pharmacology in school, and I knew most drugs out there aren't even good for the body) or simply, willpower. But all of these had one same effect, they make you go through hell just to quit, and expensive too, as we had to buy the nicotine replacements or drugs.


I guess the big break came when one of my friends chanced upon the book and requested that I read it. I didn't read it initially but within a week, 3 of my friends stopped smoking using the book, I couldn't really believe it but at the same time I wanted to give it a go. I did, and never looked back. Now, I feel energetic and better as each day goes by, zero cravings at all, zilch. I can hang around smokers and chit chat with them and not feel a thing at all. And most of all, I feel very happy my money is spent somewhere else, on food, positive activities or simply spending it on loved ones instead of on the straw of smouldering ash which I would very much gladly suck and inhale it in, albeit unhappily.


So, I hope by sharing this book here, you guys can benefit from it. Afterall, think of it, there's nothing to lose but everything to gain from stopping [smash]


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