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For my case, i started during NS... from a simple 10 sticks per day increase gradually to 50 sticks per day.

one fine day, i woke having severe chest pain. thought i was going to die... heng doctor found nothing...

maybe is a warning sign asking me to stop. tried a few times cold turkey and finally i managed to quit..


until now, it has been a few good years that i did not touch the ciggy at all.

however. after i quitted ciggy.. my weight increases, maybe if bcos i got more appetite now.

last time when i was smoking, just want to rush thru my meals and go for a puff...


Hope u guys quit this habit successfully. afterall is burning money for nothing and not good for health too..

I am happy that i managed to drop this habit as ciggy is too expensive nowadays and if i were to continue smoking,

the qty sure to increase overtime and i would probably have died already.

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Edited by Actan72
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I managed to d/l a softcopy of the book... [:p]

readin it right now..

but somehow, in between reading..i oredi smoked 2 cigs liao. [rolleyes]

i started at 7 yrs old...now...managed to tone down to 1 pack a week.

so far, book is kinda interesting..i'll read on. [thumbsup]

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hearsay from friends that those decades smokers type, once they quit, they died of lung cancer......


we are tinking that if the fellow continue to smoke, the cancer cells will not outbreak......

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  On 12/5/2012 at 5:48 AM, Whattafarck said:

I managed to d/l a softcopy of the book... [:p]

readin it right now..

but somehow, in between reading..i oredi smoked 2 cigs liao. [rolleyes]

i started at 7 yrs old...now...managed to tone down to 1 pack a week.

so far, book is kinda interesting..i'll read on. [thumbsup]



7 yo start liao? That i pri 1 leh!!!


how old are you now liao?


Can email the soft copy to me : nightkids7089@hotmail.com



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I really don't understand what so nice about smoking actually..

Some people says that it can help you to lose weight or even distressed.

But the problem is, it is not healthy for our body..

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  On 12/5/2012 at 5:58 AM, Kelliebubbles said:

I really don't understand what so nice about smoking actually..

Some people says that it can help you to lose weight or even distressed.

But the problem is, it is not healthy for our body..


i don't know about you..


but i do enjoy smoking, really..


enjoy the puff into your lung as you inhale.

rich with menthol coolness..


i probably will smoke forever if not for the cons.. [:(]

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i started smoking since sec sch..like 14yo? then its an on-off affair but smoke often during army time.


i wouldnt say i have already quit but i havent smoke for past few mths and i dont crave for it. luckily my limited pool of frens dont smoke except my auntie and uncle. as long as i can avoid them, i will not be asking for a stick.


i dont find smoking very nice la. smoke too much my throat feels bad, lungs feel bad. its smoke to pass time.

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It is all a matter of determination and how much you want to do it.


My dad started smoking in his late teens and he continue doing that for the next 35 yrs well at the rate of about 2 packs a day until one day he started having chest pains. He went to the doc but the doc couldn't detect anything particularly wrong with him but advise that as he is a heavy smoker, he should quit to safeguard his health.


He went back thinking about it and at that time my mum also happened to be unwell as well. He started to think what would happen to the family if both were to be down long term with health problems. At that instance, he decided to go cold turkey. He never touch a cigarette from day one when he decided to quit and kick the habit for good just about 3 weeks (when the urge is totally gone) into it and never looked back since. He is a lot more healthy after he did that. Now in his early 70s and his lungs were not very good. Doc told him it is likely due to his heavy smoking years ago but had he not quit after that, it might worsen to become something really serious.


I really have this to say to all smokers. Do quit the habit when you can before its too late.

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  On 12/5/2012 at 3:24 AM, Calvin79 said:

Next time i light up... i go far far away from u... [:p]


Bro, next time you light up, lit one for me also.....'


I quit.....buy first.....then .........quit puff

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  On 12/5/2012 at 3:29 AM, Kurty said:

thanks for sharing, you mind sending me the PDF version to me at kurt_629@yahoo.com


i also trying hard to quit smoking..

5-6 sticks per day, just can't quit..


Kurt you smoke also? I dont remember seeing you smoke leh?


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  On 12/5/2012 at 6:33 AM, Shor said:

Kurt you smoke also? I dont remember seeing you smoke leh?


haha, yeah.


was sick for the last couple of week, asthma somemore..


so cut down plus gf around.. she don't like me to smoke..

so due diligence and respect formality, i don't smoke when with her..


ok, maybe 1 or 2 stick at most :D

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  On 12/5/2012 at 6:49 AM, Babyt said:

anyone knows anyone who got lung cancer before 40yo?


My wife's frd..barely 30..smoker but dunno how heavy..

Died of lung cancer..but then, i do know of more non smoker who got cancer than smokers.

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