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Nitro r/c buggy


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Used to play with nitro on road. But now electric seems more popular. My nitro engines all sitting around doing nothing.

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Used to play with nitro on road. But now electric seems more popular. My nitro engines all sitting around doing nothing.


Few reasons why electric more popular than nitro;

1) less noisy so can play in built up areas

2) brushless motor matches or exceed nitro engine performance

3) LiPo batteries matches or exceed nitro performance

4) easy to maintain after play

5) 1/10 electrics vehicle components are now as bulletproof as 1/8 nitro

6) there are more local racing tracks supporting electrics


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Ya last time we had a bunch from sgdrifters, mostly playing in multi storey carparks. But dunno why the site became inactive liow.

Now my friend also turned to playing rc crawler...not much ppl already..

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""""Ya last time we had a bunch from sgdrifters, mostly playing in multi storey carparks. But dunno why the site became inactive liow. Now my friend also turned to playing rc crawler...not much ppl already.."""""""



Then it's time to go into offroad racing - the inthing. Just watch the videos a few more times & succumb to the poison :D

Edited by Kyosho1
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I've an electric buggy. It's quite old liao and the last time i check it, it seems that the batt is spoilt. Is the batt standard for all buggys and where can i get a replacement or have some expert to check it out? Would like to get it restored so that i can play in mscp since it's the end of the year. Need to clear leave, quite eng. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

What brand & model is your buggy?


If it is hobby grade instead of toy grade, it will use a standard size 7.2V battery pack.


Did you buy it from a hobbyshop?




I've an electric buggy. It's quite old liao and the last time i check it, it seems that the batt is spoilt. Is the batt standard for all buggys and where can i get a replacement or have some expert to check it out? Would like to get it restored so that i can play in mscp since it's the end of the year. Need to clear leave, quite eng. [laugh]


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wah...didnt know electric r/c can go that fast. where to get a gd set n how much will it cost? entry level type will b gd...very long time nvr play.

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