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Setting a bad example to his son <SGG9143S>


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Please ignore the date on the video as I have not set the correct date and time. Basically this took place today evening. This lao hero wanted to go against traffic flow to exit carpark. I saw him coming from opposite direction and high beamed him to warn him of his action. After this I glide my car to the right, thinking that he will either back off, turn right or just move on with life.


After that he choose to still go against traffic to exit carpark. The exciting part came next. He stopped his car in no men land and got me stuck there and then. He got out of his car like a typical lao hero and come talk kok saying that why I pointed middle finger at him. I just asked him to shut his trap as I got video camera in the car to see who is right or wrong.


To son seem innocent enough, seeing the ugly side of his lao peh. I simply tell this fella who got the right of way and bang on the point that he is a danger to other drivers in car or walking in the CP. In the middle of our argument, I pointed at a gentleman standing beside my car. I simply told this lao hero that I got video evidence and witness on who is right and wrong. So don't bother to argue.


This nice gentleman came over to get him to move away and get his arse back into the car. However this lao hero who might not be able to afford a luxury car start mumbling that drive luxury car big sharks izzit, stay HDB only, it is peanuts etc. What a joker.


I am quite sure he can afford a luxury car as my mother teaches me not to look down on anyone. However I hope this incident can teach his son and my son what is right and wrong. Do the right thing and you won't get into awkward situation like this ever again. I would have called the cops based on my suspicion that he drink and drive.


1) Let me guess..., you must be a lot younger than him. If yes, IMHO, he probably think that "why you made a big fuss of me driving opposite direction, cann't you show a bit of tolerance..."

2) Would you do the same if this happen in Malaysia ?


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wah lao wat if these typical uncle not happy and being a sore loser go and give ur luxury car some "cosmetic" designs?


u gotta be prepared to catch him red handed...


*can't forget 2nd day collection of my car, parked in MSCP free parking on sunday... one deep scratch.. sigh...

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This is sadly the product of Singapore's middle class (aka sandwiched class).

They usually own just one car, live in a condo or HDB, country club(s) membership, with a stack of platinium/gold credit card (dunno for what need so many) and perhaps earning <only> up to $250,000 p.a. <_<


They will always have a problem with the high networth and asset-richer people (compared to themselves).

Never satisfied and always envious :angry:


Such was the unker's final reaction / words to the TS, before they parted ways.


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Typical Singaporeans mentality. Leafs swept to neighbours's door not my problem. Just move on although it is wrong. Now JB also come out. What a joke.


Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Did not steal from u doesn't mean won't steal from u in future. That's all I have to say.


i noticed alot of old folks got bad temper these days. i personally encountered 2 recently.

one sent regards to my mum and when i got down of my car he screamed like a little gal asking for help and pleading passer bys to call the police.

the other one stupid enough to ealk behind my car while im reversing buay song jee jee wai wai staring at me next to my driver window. he came straight at me within inches after i got out and ask if i wanted a fight wif salivas shooting out like melon seeds while he held his fist next to my nose. i stepped forward and b4 i could say anything he backed away really fast when he read my intention but continue wif his vulgarities while doing so.


of coz, both morons started wif: wat? drive car big fark ah? own the road ah?


is dat the only thing they can come up wif?

the only thing im worried is they bloody kena stroke in the midst of the argument.

dunno will call for ambulance or juz fark it and walk over them.

Edited by 20G
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Lao hero has strong inferiority complex.


He may be vengeful though, be careful.


If his son is in this forum and tell his daddy, it's gonna be worse.

Edited by Alim
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After the gantry,u are supposed to turn left and not go straight.I believe the left turn arrow only is there although it's bit of faded.what is any difference between u and the Lao Goh?

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After the gantry,u are supposed to turn left and not go straight.I believe the left turn arrow only is there although it's bit of faded.what is any difference between u and the Lao Goh?


Dude, I can turn left or go straight. Right is the only exit direction. He can either go right or back up and head the reverse direction from his position.

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I would have moved on with life if he did not come out from his car. I already turn my steering wheel to turn right while he can continue his wrong way. Coming out of the car is a wrong thing to do or demo to the young ones (especially my 7yr old in the car). I will be very firm with my stand and explain to my boy what happened and such actions are morally wrong.


Everybody takes things for granted. No car means illegal uturn, no car means can go opp direction. 99.99% we will get away with it but when the small percentage happened who to blame?


Drive what car is not important, where are we is not important, just play our own part. BTW in JB, usually it is Sporeans who does such stupid things not the local.

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Dude, I can turn left or go straight. Right is the only exit direction. He can either go right or back up and head the reverse direction from his position.


Ah my bad,I frequent that carpark as well and thought the arrow show left turn only after the gantry..maybe my eyesight is failing me..gonna see doc soon...

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Ah my bad,I frequent that carpark as well and thought the arrow show left turn only after the gantry..maybe my eyesight is failing me..gonna see doc soon...


No ones bad. Just speaking what u think and see from the low res video. Give and take to live happily.

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Neutral Newbie

Pardon my asking... but I was looking at the video and I thought I saw a "Left Turn Only" arrow on the floor as your passed the carpark entry barrier.


Or has the paint of the go straight arrow worn off?

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my aunt stays there. confirm is left turn only arrow. i hope TS stands corrected.

Presumably it's ah Lau's way and still kana high beamed. Can't blame him for piss off, but still overboard though.


I honestly don't think TS been to Jb too often....

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That ah pek really cheezepie one. Wrong means wrong. Still dare to come down.


I ever kana once in my cp. i drove into my cp n saw a altis drving agaist the flow towards me, wanting to exit from my end. I stopped my car n waited. Why shd i give way?


He tried to squeeze n hs left mirror swipe my left mirror. Very obvious kiss. Continued to exit without saying sorry!


Gave chase n block hs car at the shelter as he was picking his family up. Asked him to come out. Stil can tell me no damage wat.


Gave him a good fvvvvvking in front of his wife. Told him, i expect him jst to say sorry or paisay since he was in te verrrrry wrong. I was not asking for his money!


N next time, if his son got knock down by a car pulling off hs same stunt in the same cp, tat is karma.


He lala say sorry. I replied. That is all i want!



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