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Register interest for note 2 already


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I have registered this morning. Any bro register?

It is indeed worth waiting for it from the excellent review of note 2. :D



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I have registered this morning. Any bro register?

It is indeed worth waiting for it from the excellent review of note 2. :D


all this farkup marketing s--t of registering in advance is really pissing me off... what is the point of registering when launch time, no stock lar or still have to go Q lar or must wait for call lar?...


more people register is just for them to brag about "sold xxxmil in blablabla days.. ..".... but in reality, many will kpkb cannot get a unit, no stock everywhere, mark my word.. many will go forum ask where to buy? which telco still have stock? why i didnt receive call? why i didnt receive confirmation email? blablabla....


but many will still register thou... including me...... [grin] ... but i register just for fun, not that i will buy the first day or go Q... never like such marketing sh*t...... just want to know when it actually launch... [laugh]

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Bro do u know the pricing? Hope it is below $500 for 16g. ^_^


seriously, if one want to buy, will still buy, regardless of amount... ur budget is $498 max? if they laucnh at $538 how? will u bite? or maybe $518 u will....ofcause if they sell at above $600, then most people wont buy...... i think the best is buy an ip5 now if already can re-contract, sell it off.. get the cash ready for the note2... sure got balance.. [:p]

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seriously, if one want to buy, will still buy, regardless of amount... ur budget is $498 max? if they laucnh at $538 how? will u bite? or maybe $518 u will....ofcause if they sell at above $600, then most people wont buy...... i think the best is buy an ip5 now if already can re-contract, sell it off.. get the cash ready for the note2... sure got balance.. [:p]


Can buy note2 then sell off and buy iphone5? [:p]

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all this farkup marketing s--t of registering in advance is really pissing me off... what is the point of registering when launch time, no stock lar or still have to go Q lar or must wait for call lar?...


more people register is just for them to brag about "sold xxxmil in blablabla days.. ..".... but in reality, many will kpkb cannot get a unit, no stock everywhere, mark my word.. many will go forum ask where to buy? which telco still have stock? why i didnt receive call? why i didnt receive confirmation email? blablabla....


but many will still register thou... including me...... [grin] ... but i register just for fun, not that i will buy the first day or go Q... never like such marketing sh*t...... just want to know when it actually launch... [laugh]




Ha ha ha ha......bra-ther, all this preorder are all gimmicks lah.....they let you feel songwhen you look at the preorder receipt..... they let you brag about the new phone you will be getting once its launched on first day....... they are doing things just like wat our gahment do......


me too, most probably will not be getting Note 2, just lai-gis-ter song only.....bcos i just got my Pink Note few months ago......(ARGH, after i purchase Note 2 announced)

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Just registered my interest :D . Currently using the old note and find the S-pen a super good to have feature especially its productivity tools. With the improvement to both the pen and functions, I believe this is an even better note to have for me. But if they want me to queue like stupid Iphone5 I rather wait awhile, I don't believe in queueing long queues for a phone.

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Just registered my interest :D . Currently using the old note and find the S-pen a super good to have feature especially its productivity tools. With the improvement to both the pen and functions, I believe this is an even better note to have for me. But if they want me to queue like stupid Iphone5 I rather wait awhile, I don't believe in queueing long queues for a phone.


Since my HTC desire era, I always order/recontract online, ... just a couple of days, it's get delivered to my office ...never like to q or go hello shop.... [:p]

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5.5" screen as a phone??????????


That's carrying a brick around.



The new 9pm show on channel8, all of them use note.... so huge on the face.... [laugh]

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I have registered this morning. Any bro register?

It is indeed worth waiting for it from the excellent review of note 2. :D




if they want me to buy.. give discount...

and why buy the latest product? sure full of bugs

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register in the hope to be able to win the concert ticket ... then can sell away to offset the phone price !!

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