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Bike crash into SUV accident - Sept 30 2pm


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-Dunno why got blockage in the middle - Emas board got warning.


-Not sure why the Suv was trying to filter into the blocked lane.


Bike was trying to overtake the lorry and never see the Suv blocking the middle.

Edited by Iiiusion
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that nissan trail is so suay...don't know can claim insurance from that biker or not


The biker was lying on the ground but was ok.


Could have been me [bigcry] , ya I wonder can claim or not.

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that nissan trail is so suay...don't know can claim insurance from that biker or not

Sure can claim, 90% is motorcyclist's fault...the Nissan won't lose its NCD...

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biker riding in the middle between two lanes again [shakehead] .. dangerous... some mis-que will become like this.. this one even kenna a lorry. [knife]

btw, your camera's view isn't covering your whole bonnet? maybe u wanna consider attaching a wide-angle lense?


if the biker is hospitalised, or not making his accident/insurance report, then good luck to the suv driver..


from my own recent experience, the driver (victim) will have to file is own damage claim first (and risk kenna insurance loading) if he want his car repaired.

ws won't do third party cos biker's insurance company won't pay, since there wasn't a report from the biker.. (in my case, i was told that the insurance company will simply void the biker's coverage under T&C if he didn't make a report.. so nobody is paying third party)


anyway, hope the biker is okay...

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The biker was lying on the ground but was ok.


Could have been me [bigcry] , ya I wonder can claim or not.


lucky the nissan trail and you have stopped when it crash, imagine all the cars are still travelling. he will be run over

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Sure can claim, 90% is motorcyclist's fault...the Nissan won't lose its NCD...


i saw a similar scenario in another thread (too lazy to dig..)..


if the nissan did his OD first, while his NCD isn't affected and discharged liability later, he may still get loading the next year he renews his insurance simply because he claims OD first.


so if possible, die die don't claim OD first.. live with the damage until insurance companies confirm liability and go for third party

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looks serious. i think the rider's helmet also flew off...hope he is fine......ya thats the danger of riding in between lanes.


that one maybe didn't strap properly.. or lousy helmet quality.

the one that hit me the other time got his visor flew off.. but the helmet still intact protecting on his head

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biker riding in the middle between two lanes again [shakehead] .. dangerous... some mis-que will become like this.. this one even kenna a lorry. [knife]

btw, your camera's view isn't covering your whole bonnet? maybe u wanna consider attaching a wide-angle lense?


if the biker is hospitalised, or not making his accident/insurance report, then good luck to the suv driver..


from my own recent experience, the driver (victim) will have to file is own damage claim first (and risk kenna insurance loading) if he want his car repaired.

ws won't do third party cos biker's insurance company won't pay, since there wasn't a report from the biker.. (in my case, i was told that the insurance company will simply void the biker's coverage under T&C if he didn't make a report.. so nobody is paying third party)


anyway, hope the biker is okay...


Ya my cam a simple Garmin intergrated one.


Oh you mean the biker won't be able to claim for his injuries/bike? Why would he not report? Injury too minor? Then driver suck thumb?

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By right, even in riding school, motorcycles not suppose to ride in between lanes. By left, they do and if nothing happen, all is fine. Even TP or Fire Engine bikes will straddle between lanes.


But this accident, biker suay suay straddle on the wrong lane at the wrong time. But seriously, why the lane slowed to a stop??



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Ya my cam a simple Garmin intergrated one.


Oh you mean the biker won't be able to claim for his injuries/bike? Why would he not report?


so u bought the new model with integrated camera. how much is it.....thinking of upgrading to that, less one item on windscreen

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Bought it half a year ago at IT show for 379 including the 2565LM gps unit.


Video quality so so only, even worse at night + as mentioned there's no widescreen lens.


But it auto starts/turns off together with the engine/power supply.


For me, it's better than nothing.

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Was this at AYE? If it was, I was caught in it, in a test drive car. Lots of other cars drove on the road shoulder to try to get ahead. Accident seems bad and there was also a lady who was wearing shorts and was injured too.

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