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LKY say we need more foreigners


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i confirm ur subconscious minds u all never address..... where the sex slaves?? geylang already stopp the licences, so this time round.. are they going to convert singaporean with a mixture of russian babes..or what...??? professional babes also confirmed got..then release good news..... wad worker this worker that.... be honest... sex slave right..........? u need economy renewal...and haha..i am ready to mingle....wad else man.... 1st qns mm ask undergraduate... are u married?... maybe he can help me ..? dun too old, dun too ugly, dun to promiscuous... forget cnb guy.. now got 1 3 pin plug and one permanent socket issue plus a plug head... can have more sockets please.... wha not forgetting mbs many male escorts also. ^_^


what talking you?? [dizzy]

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what talking you?? [dizzy]

u don't understand what u read, then forget it, it is alright... u spent so many years to study this much, and you cannot understand..(meh?) [laugh]

Edited by Creativeshoot
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I think not enough singaporean is an excuse that is over used too many times. Imagine that yr parent were to produce more sibling... are they expected them (siblings)were work for sake sushi as a dish washer?

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almost every country in the world needs foriegners. No doubt about that.


But to what extend? Massive influx of foreigners resulting in rapid population expansion..resultant: strain on our social fabric and infrastructures?


Rapid population expansion artificially boosts GDP and allows public servants and ministers to justify astronomical salaries...

Economic growth should be built on increasing productivity and innovation of LOCALS..Current model of economic growth is unsustainable as our popualtion growth cannot continue indefinately..


My Company is having problem recruiting people to work. Locals many complains and not prepared to work the hours and say too hot etc. Last time we recruited Malaysians, now malaysian also dont want to work , prefer to work in KL cos say in Singapore earn more but high cost of living. So we hire more PRC, now harder to get them to come here cos their economy has been expanding and they can earn good income back in China as well. So how? Move our plants to Malaysia/JB/PJ, so the jobs which support our industry like managers/executives/ adminstrative staff will be retrenched. Already in the cards, so all of you please stop this nonsense about foreigners etc etc. You dont know how many families will be affected when our Factory close down here cos the MOM is tighting due to your complains!

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My Company is having problem recruiting people to work. Locals many complains and not prepared to work the hours and say too hot etc. Last time we recruited Malaysians, now malaysian also dont want to work , prefer to work in KL cos say in Singapore earn more but high cost of living. So we hire more PRC, now harder to get them to come here cos their economy has been expanding and they can earn good income back in China as well. So how? Move our plants to Malaysia/JB/PJ, so the jobs which support our industry like managers/executives/ adminstrative staff will be retrenched. Already in the cards, so all of you please stop this nonsense about foreigners etc etc. You dont know how many families will be affected when our Factory close down here cos the MOM is tighting due to your complains!


I repost what I said earlier.


We are not against foreigners coming in. Truth be told, we need foreigners to do those construction work, road work, cleaning work, manufacturing work, etc. Those that are more lowly skilled. These are the jobs that Singaporeans simply won't want to do.


What we are against are those foreigners competing with us for those Professional, Manager, Executive, Technical (PMET) jobs. They come here work, get PR then fight with us for housing, etc. That's why our property price went up so much.






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I repost what I said earlier.


We are not against foreigners coming in. Truth be told, we need foreigners to do those construction work, road work, cleaning work, manufacturing work, etc. Those that are more lowly skilled. These are the jobs that Singaporeans simply won't want to do.


What we are against are those foreigners competing with us for those Professional, Manager, Executive, Technical (PMET) jobs. They come here work, get PR then fight with us for housing, etc. That's why our property price went up so much.



Why you reply??


He not replying to your post mah......


Anyway, FTs jip ar si see, bo jip ar si see.......

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Neutral Newbie

My Company is having problem recruiting people to work. Locals many complains and not prepared to work the hours and say too hot etc. Last time we recruited Malaysians, now malaysian also dont want to work , prefer to work in KL cos say in Singapore earn more but high cost of living. So we hire more PRC, now harder to get them to come here cos their economy has been expanding and they can earn good income back in China as well. So how? Move our plants to Malaysia/JB/PJ, so the jobs which support our industry like managers/executives/ adminstrative staff will be retrenched. Already in the cards, so all of you please stop this nonsense about foreigners etc etc. You dont know how many families will be affected when our Factory close down here cos the MOM is tighting due to your complains!


Go Changi Business Park and you will know why so many people are against FT, not FW.


There are people here already say, if your company need to employ cheap FT in order to survive, I think close down better since jobs are going to FT, it doesn't benefit any locals at all, only fatten boss wallet.

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My Company is having problem recruiting people to work. Locals many complains and not prepared to work the hours and say too hot etc. Last time we recruited Malaysians, now malaysian also dont want to work , prefer to work in KL cos say in Singapore earn more but high cost of living. So we hire more PRC, now harder to get them to come here cos their economy has been expanding and they can earn good income back in China as well. So how? Move our plants to Malaysia/JB/PJ, so the jobs which support our industry like managers/executives/ adminstrative staff will be retrenched. Already in the cards, so all of you please stop this nonsense about foreigners etc etc. You dont know how many families will be affected when our Factory close down here cos the MOM is tighting due to your complains!


Ask your boss pay more, sure many people will wanna work. If pay so little, how to survive in singapore? People dishwasher also pay $3k a month, how much your company willing to pay to recruit locals? If he think its cheaper to reset and restart in malaysia, then just go ahead. If malaysian also dont wanna work because of low pay, what makes him think he open in malaysia, he can get staff?

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I guess most stance is if the Foreign import is a talent, then there is usually no issues.


There are 2 class of imports we must distinguish between - Foreign worker and foreign talent


Also some points worth to consider - are locals able to stand a chance (in terms of wages) with the foreigners? Why do we demand higher wages?

In certain industries, it is largely dominated by foreigners from the TOP to the middle management, any idea why?

Why can the foreigners demand lower wages as compared to us?

Looking from this perspective, why are we mostly attracting only so called talents largely from India, China or Philipines wheras not from the great land of the West?



I do not in any way feel that locals are inferior, but the factors and circumstances placed is making locals greatly at a disadvantage.

An example, any idea why IT is largely dominated by our friends from India?

Are they truly good?


Because the West gives priority to their own people first! [bounce2]


Anyway at the entry level, these FTs ask for ridiculously low pay to compete with our locals.

They are able to do so because they do not have many commitments here! [furious]

We on the other hand have to support our families.


So if we were to compete with these FTs and ask for low pay, how to have/support our kids in future when we have barely enough for ourselves.

At the end of the day it's one vicious cycle.

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My Company is having problem recruiting people to work. Locals many complains and not prepared to work the hours and say too hot etc. Last time we recruited Malaysians, now malaysian also dont want to work , prefer to work in KL cos say in Singapore earn more but high cost of living. So we hire more PRC, now harder to get them to come here cos their economy has been expanding and they can earn good income back in China as well. So how? Move our plants to Malaysia/JB/PJ, so the jobs which support our industry like managers/executives/ adminstrative staff will be retrenched. Already in the cards, so all of you please stop this nonsense about foreigners etc etc. You dont know how many families will be affected when our Factory close down here cos the MOM is tighting due to your complains!


Your post is a bit contradicting. If your company cannot find locals to fill the positions and most are filled by foreigners.Your company sounds like a typical "whiny"company. If I set up a factory in Singapore and offers wages that even the Msians and PRC do not want, then ,y wage structure is exploitative. If I want to set up a factory in Germany, Japan and Korea and has a wage structure that the locals and worse still even the lower cost neighbouring country refuse to take up to the point I need to ship in cheap labour halfway across the glob to survive, I have no business setting a factory up in these countries.


If your company goes, most of the jobs lost would be positions that cannot be filled by locals right? So how many locals would be affected? Only the Management/Executives who are responsible for the poor productivity and exploitative HR policies? I would not feel too sorry if they lose their jobs.

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My Company is having problem recruiting people to work. Locals many complains and not prepared to work the hours and say too hot etc. Last time we recruited Malaysians, now malaysian also dont want to work , prefer to work in KL cos say in Singapore earn more but high cost of living. So we hire more PRC, now harder to get them to come here cos their economy has been expanding and they can earn good income back in China as well. So how? Move our plants to Malaysia/JB/PJ, so the jobs which support our industry like managers/executives/ adminstrative staff will be retrenched. Already in the cards, so all of you please stop this nonsense about foreigners etc etc. You dont know how many families will be affected when our Factory close down here cos the MOM is tighting due to your complains!



Same argument as the PAP always like to use.. "Without Foriegners who's going to build your flats? Without foriegners who's going to clean your estate?"


nobody is asking for total eradication of foriegners.. so no need to be so extreme.


We do need foriegners..As mentioned by Bro Fcw75, foreigners should be here to do jobs which Singaporean don't do, not the other way round.


however, foriegners should be here to enhance our lifes, well if not, at least not affect our lifes.

Edited by Baphomet
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It is real talent that we need in this country, and we welcome real talents.


Not all foreigners are talents. They open the floodgate wide and did not do a good job during the screening process.

Look at our local university, there are so many foreign PhD students and research personnel who speak and write English as though they had not passed the primary school English exams. It is so embarrassing. Do I have to specifically mention where do they come from?

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Singapore needs to go through a period of consolidation to weed out the inefficient and low end companies fighting based on low labour cost alone.

There are simply too many companies offering duplicate services and products.


Just goto www.thegreenbook.com and search for any service.

You will end up with more than 30 results.

e.g. Lorry Transport Services



Does Singapore really need 554 companies providing lorry transport service?


If the low end companies do not hog on to labour, this pool can be freed up to the more value add industries.


The labour intensive low end industries need some government intervention to clamp down on the numbers of such companies.

Else using free market forces, it will affect Singapore as a whole.



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