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PRCs go nuts over Fishing Islands


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emperor qin went to diaoyu for fishing hence the name diaoyu island.emperor qin also sent his army of subjects to colonize japan.so as to say,diaoyu and japan belongs to emperor qin.



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A car carrying the U.S. ambassador Gary Locke to China was mildly damaged


after becoming surrounded by anti-Japan demonstrators.




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A very weak arguement i will say.


no one ask you to forget the past. but the hatred those who remember it, will repeat it again. just look at taliban -_-


Talk is easy for you coz you do not know what is war and its cruelty. You do not know the pain some people or country has gone through. We can forgive but never should we forget especially when the country till date do not admit to their atrocities and continue bullying certain race for quite some leow and there is why this big hoo haa. Resting on comfort zone is a damn risky job to some.[dizzy] And please, just becoz we are English educated......or learn the English way of life since young means we have to be oblivious to the Chinese/Asian sufferings or the way the Chinese being treated.

Edited by Renegade777
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Talk is easy for you coz you do not know what is war and its cruelty. You do not know the pain some people or country has gone through. We can forgive but never should we forget especially when the country till date do not admit to their atrocities and continue bullying certain race for quite some leow and there is why this big hoo haa. Resting on comfort zone is a damn risky job to some.[dizzy] And please, just becoz we are English educated......or learn the English way of life since young means we have to be oblivious to the Chinese/Asian sufferings or the way the Chinese being treated.


Yup, you can be very fluent in English, better than the natives - heck, even born and brought up in the western country - but they will still view you as asian, and be genuinely surprised that you can speak English so well [hur]

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To cut it short & sharp!


The island is belong to China since ancient time. Japan is just a leasehold owner.


Even if this case go to international court, it'll still be favour China.


Now it's up to China whether to en-bloc the leasehold or not.

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A car carrying the U.S. ambassador Gary Locke to China was mildly damaged

after becoming surrounded by anti-Japan demonstrators.


I am curious if those protestors had received insider info about the US ambassador was on his way to the Japanese embassy just blocks down the street


..... interesting timing nevertheless :ph34r:


For those who being to Beijing, 建国门外大街 is where majority of the foreign embassies are located, including Singapore which is very near to the US.

No wander the 公安 with its riot police response was so fast...


Here is the same unedited clip with the original audio which the CNN had used.


Map of embassies along 建国门外大街


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In reality there is no argument. Fact is that the island is found by China. Japan is the country who use force to occupied the island illegally. That are the ones who stir up the anti Japan feelings. China have to stay strong.

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Yup, you can be very fluent in English, better than the natives - heck, even born and brought up in the western country - but they will still view you as asian, and be genuinely surprised that you can speak English so well [hur]



There are people like Cerano who think by wearing ang moh backside skin on his face, the ang mohs will be fooled and treat him as one of their own. [laugh]


Actually there are many people like that in Singapore!

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To cut it short & sharp!


The island is belong to China since ancient time. Japan is just a leasehold owner.


Even if this case go to international court, it'll still be favour China.


Now it's up to China whether to en-bloc the leasehold or not.



Only fools pay for something that they originally own and was stolen. Don't think the Chinese will pay a cent.


China just sent some warships there. Now all is quiet on the Japanese front. Think the Jap PM Noda has to resign soon. They wanted to play balls with China, they have got it. Remember it is not just the Chinese Govt, it is the entire 1.3 billion people behind them. Japan? Only the right-wing nationalists support this effort. China is prepared to go to war, I don't think Japan is.


And time for the world to buy some cheap stocks!

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Only fools pay for something that they originally own and was stolen. Don't think the Chinese will pay a cent.


China just sent some warships there. Now all is quiet on the Japanese front. Think the Jap PM Noda has to resign soon. They wanted to play balls with China, they have got it. Remember it is not just the Chinese Govt, it is the entire 1.3 billion people behind them. Japan? Only the right-wing nationalists support this effort. China is prepared to go to war, I don't think Japan is.


And time for the world to buy some cheap stocks!


Japan should be smart by now, USA will not tag along to go to war. Some what they had signed the treaty, ang mo are known to take back words. Dun believe? Ask the chinese. Also they will not only take on China, Russia will take part to eliminate them so that US will not have any dominance foot hold in Asia and North Korea will volunteer to take the lead. Taiwan and south korea will just see see look look and sabo the japan if they want.


Now who is the winning side, it is very clear. There is a saying US soldiers go to war to to earn a living but the russian? For the motherland!!! Communists are strong.

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In reality there is no argument. Fact is that the island is found by China. Japan is the country who use force to occupied the island illegally. That are the ones who stir up the anti Japan feelings. China have to stay strong.


China is far stronger now. That is without question.

The irony is being in favorably position also has its disadvantage also.


I think the Chinese gov is caught between a rock and a hard place -

- To assert your ownership, people would say China is a "bully" or question its "peaceful rise" policy.

- To remain quiet or failure to challenge the Japan nationalization of Diaoyu island will be seen as soft and PRC citizen will blame their gov.


So is current Japan gov with PM Noda facing economy problem, post-tsunami nuclear fallout and growing militant resurgence - with a pending election by end of next year. And it is certainly not a good time to pick a fight especially your largest trading partner is China . So, there is more to loose than going to war - provided no further provocation is made by the Japanese.


Today, China accounts over 21% of Japans trade volume, more than the US.

2010 figure:

China - US$149.5 billion (21.6%)

US - USD$120.5 billion (17.4% l)



Chart of US & China trade with Japan 1998-2008 - 米国 - US, 中国 - PRC.







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In fact, that [Prior discovery and history] is precisely one of the most effective evidence to support one's case.


I am surprised that you do not know almost all International legal arbitration involves

some form of historical evidence and documentation



Wishcum said "[Prior discovery and history] is precisely one of the most effective evidence to support one's case".

Wishcum provided no evidence or substantiation to back his claim.


Compared to Wishcum, I was asserting that under international law, effective control is more important than history (prior discovery)



1. In general, there are nine classifications of legal justifications accepted by the ICJ, they are namely


a. Treaty Law

b. Geography

c. Economy

d. Culture

e. Effective Control

f. History (includes prior discovery)

g. Uti Possidetis (principle used to define postcolonial boundaries)

h. Elitism

i. Idealogy.







2. Under the ICJ, history claims are...




Apparently, after so many days and posts, this is the only ONE legally acceptable argument

Wishcum and his many pro China supporters have offered.






3. Only the Japanese government have made claims of effective control...




While Wishcum and his many pro China supporters have offered zero claims of effective control by PRC over Senkakus,

mainly because the PRC government themselves have offered no evidence of effective control






4. International court has ruled "effective control" (Japan's argument) as more important than "history" (PRC's case)







Thus, any decision by ICJ will be influenced by only two important types of arguments

, namely treaty law and effective control.


History and prior discovery is unimportant relative to the above two classes of justifications.




Edited by CKP
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Being a Chinese to support China to stand firm is not wrong, it is ethically and morally correct . We may disagree the current ruling party but when China is under attack As chinese we should will support. Without China without my great great grandpa without me.

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