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PRCs go nuts over Fishing Islands


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Paranoid and stupid, yes. The smart ones are still welcoming and doing business with them.


Well you know... you wouldn't want to be arguing over whether the guy is stupid or paranoid when he has a baseball bat and his pal has a gun and they are heading your direction with the intention to "pistol whip the sand nigger" ... or "the chink/gook, whatever"


That is reality.

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1820. Long after Mongol Rule. I think you're confusing Qin with Qing. The first recorded unification of the tribes under one rule was during the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC not 1820 AD

Edited by Elfenstar
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kid, I do believe your upbringing includes having some respect for the WW2 dead..so don't start using derogatory terms on Singaporean.


Sentosa is NOT for sale. So what if Indonesia decides to by Sentosa without consulting us?



Hi Sir, i bo tak chek so don understand wat you write...... wat i wanna say its since Singaporeans can forgive wat the Japs have done to us in WW2, why the PRCs bear such deep grudges to the Japs???


Don let history repeat itself, it will be a never endind thing if China is seeking revenge bcos of of WW2 saga.....



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Have a look carefully at the Qin Dynasty maps. It doesn't cover Tibet. Take the wiki one for example. The dark area is that of the Qin Dynasty while the lighter area is of the PRC.



You could be right. If superimposed:





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According to sydney morning herald Date June 2, 2012




US to shift most war ships to Asia-Pacific "The Pentagon will shift more navy ships to the Asia-Pacific region and 60 per cent of the fleet will be assigned there by 2020, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says.


The shift is part of a new strategy to increase US presence in Asia."


I'm not surprised. We are the biggest hotbed for international conflict. PH vs CN, CN vs JP, KR vs JP, North KR v South KR, etc

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You could be right. If superimposed:


I'm pretty sure Hainan Dao, Sichuan, Guanxi, and parts of Fujian were not part of the Qin Dynasty. It was the start and covered most of the north-west (excluding inner Mongolia), areas of modern day china only.


P.S. Found a better map


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Do they constitute the majority or are they are minority like radical muslims. I'm sure you would agree that most of our muslim friends are nothing like the radical ones.


So do the majority of Tibetans want a separate state or is it just a radical (vocal) minority who do?


I dunno. I have never been there nor interviewed most of them. Have you?


As far as I know, Tibet is an autonomous region with their own sub-government and things were going fine for centuries until something instigated the Dalai Lama to turn radical.

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I'm pretty sure Hainan Dao, Sichuan, Guanxi, and parts of Fujian were not part of the Qin Dynasty. It was the start and covered most of the north-west (excluding inner Mongolia), areas of modern day china only.


P.S. Found a better map



Glad to see that there were ancient Chinese who were called Lou Lan [laugh]

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I'm pretty sure Hainan Dao, Sichuan, Guanxi, and parts of Fujian were not part of the Qin Dynasty. It was the start and covered most of the north-west (excluding inner Mongolia), areas of modern day china only.


P.S. Found a better map


Just realised that back then, there was no such term "China". They were all separate kingdoms in what is present-day China. The term "Han" is also misleading, as it simply means a subject of the Han emperor during the Han dynasty, and not a racial/ethnic group. However today it is used to categorise a single group of people, who may or may not have the same ethnic origin, probably for political purposes, like for the sake of unity.

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So do the majority of Tibetans want a separate state or is it just a radical (vocal) minority who do?


I dunno. I have never been there nor interviewed most of them. Have you?


As far as I know, Tibet is an autonomous region with their own sub-government and things were going fine for centuries until something instigated the Dalai Lama to turn radical.


Mini-history for modern times. Not the first time actually. This happened before in the early 1900's as well. Anyway, Tibet expelled all Chinese when China started becoming communist in 1949, then Chairman Mao decided to show his power and attack Tibet thus taking over it.


Anyway the Tibetans (or that is the impression I get from my Tibetan friends) feel like their being stepped on in favour of ethnic Chinese, and want their country back. Also to them the Dalai Lama is the head of state as well as their religious head.


Oh on a side note, did you know that one of the early Dalai Lama's converted Kublai Khan to being a Buddhist?


P.S. the dynamics of the region is very complicated. At times, parts of modern day china were under Tibetan rules, at times all were under Mongol Rule, other times Manchu rule, then there are the Chinese Dynastys which covered various areas..... Its a real pain to know most of it. I just know the structural bits and little bits and pieces of info I find interesting.

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Is that why Chinese is not united?


I guess all present-day Chinese came from the different countries, tribes and states in that big piece of land there and those people have been fighting among themselves for few thousand years already?

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