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If the Cok can Tok, we will Sing Songs (TKSS)- Sweet 16


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Hey! I've playing the starter edition of Diablo 3.


Battle Tag is: Clubace#6965


What's the diff in starter edition and full edition?


Can the player's character be ported over later?


Bought the full digital version liao. Add me to your friend list so that we can pak together at night. ^_^

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pssss.... lau nang old already. :ph34r:


He can eitehr remove his dentures and put one on each hand and use his hands to "bite" the meah and chew chew,

then mouth open and swallow, or remove char kiak, whack until all smashed, then put into mouth to chew tam poh and swallow,

then it wil be known as Babi Penyat. [laugh] [laugh]

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He can eitehr remove his dentures and put one on each hand and use his hands to "bite" the meah and chew chew,

then mouth open and swallow, or remove char kiak, whack until all smashed, then put into mouth to chew tam poh and swallow,

then it wil be known as Babi Penyat. [laugh] [laugh]


char kiak.. very fond memories of my late grandma.. :wub:

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Open up in mid air, then loop your head, hang by your neck. [laugh] [laugh]

like wearing scarf like that [laugh]


and got two hold for hands some more.. wow.. look like singlet. [smash]

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