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CHC Trial Matters Part 2


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There are too many "Cow Head Horse Face" in the down under, no vacancy for her [:(]

If "it" could buy its way into the top of Billboard charts, it could also buy its way into hell in my most humble opinion [nod]

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If "it" could buy its way into the top of Billboard charts, it could also buy its way into hell in my most humble opinion [nod]


7th month we burn paper money. She burns US$ between 2003 and 2010 :excl:



Quoting from an old article http://www.divaasia.com/article/17364:


Ho collaborated with noted rapper-producer Wyclef Jean on both singles.


The singer was based in the US between 2003 and 2010, reported The New Paper, where five of her English singles released made it into the top 10 of Billboard's Hot Dance Club Songs.


But according to a Straits Times on Wednesday, doubts were cast that Ho made it just on talent alone.


One senior music executive interviewed by the paper said the Billboard dance chart is based on airplay and not sales.


"You can just pay to promote yourself to get radio stations to play your songs," said the executive, who remained anonymous.


A director of a record label here estimates that it costs between US$300,000 (S$386,000) and US$1 million to produce an album in the US.


A collaboration with famed producer Wyclef Jean could cost between US$50,000 and US$300,000.


The $23 million that was purportedly used to finance Sun's music career not only gave her four No.1 hits on the Billboard dance charts, an English-language album and slick music videos but also a US$20,000 (S$25,600) a month Hollywood home.


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In a way she is the real And only winner in this whole stinking saga since she is not on trial at all right?


i don't think so. she will be the ultimate loser for bringing down the people who supported her.

don't think her conscience will ever be cleared for if all the accused go to jail and how is she gonna faced the congregation.


Will she continue to put on the front that what she is doing is all for the sake of evangelizing through her pop career? we will soon know the answer as the trial draws to a close.

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i dont mean to condemn all charismatic preachers but chc isnt the only 1 in town whos pastor etc look n dress like rockstars...

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i don't think so. she will be the ultimate loser for bringing down the people who supported her.

don't think her conscience will ever be cleared for if all the accused go to jail and how is she gonna faced the congregation.


Will she continue to put on the front that what she is doing is all for the sake of evangelizing through her pop career? we will soon know the answer as the trial draws to a close.

Well said [thumbsup]

Her ambitions is destructive to all those who are nearby and loving her [inlove] She will live in nightmares :huh:

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Hrrrrrrrrrr.............like this can or not ?


07th July 2009 to 30th July 2014







He also went for the durian makan trip huh ??

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Well said [thumbsup]

Her ambitions is destructive to all those who are nearby and loving her [inlove] She will live in nightmares :huh:



mr Fongmy you are just too curtest...she and all who sweet talk and con ppl $$ and abused God's name...hoped they rot in hell.

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i don't think so. she will be the ultimate loser for bringing down the people who supported her.

don't think her conscience will ever be cleared for if all the accused go to jail and how is she gonna faced the congregation.


Will she continue to put on the front that what she is doing is all for the sake of evangelizing through her pop career? we will soon know the answer as the trial draws to a close.

self delusion is very very powerful. You tell yourself something enough times, and those around you reinforce it, then it becomes truth.

She hae big dreams and a following of sycophants that enabled a very prideful transgression.

The optimist in me hopes it is a sin of stupid pride rather than evil greed

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ok folks. A timely reminder that this thread is bordering on sensitive grounds and i am watching it. It is clearly on religion and ppl can get carried away.


Any deviation from the main topic at hand, it will be locked!


Any further remarks from anyone putting religion in a bad light will be given a warning


Thank you

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There was no mentioned of any angmo in the durian trip by anyone....so cannot be durian trip lar...... [smash]


Hint Hint: What i do see in the peekture are water droplets on the bonnet........so.....hehehe [:p]




Anyway I remember his Wish is blue colour. This photo's Wish is not blue colour.... [;)]

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No laa... Some of us and the mod lun him for quite some time liao.

Some of his opinions are thought provoking which is good but then sometimes i feel he argue for the sake of arguing and thinks macam like western culture is always better.



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From the recent saga, we realized that there are so many gullible people beyond our imagination.


Folks, brush up your oratory skills and do up your charisma. With 10 million people coming to our shore, you could be the next billionaire.


Kong Hee Fatt Choy.

May the fortunes be with you.



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walao ehh ...

rubber stamp signature, minute meeting approval even before meeting, secret letters, sham bonds, buy unsold CDs, what else can they think of ???


Secret letters and sham bonds in the spotlight as prosecutor claims ex-board member John Lam is trying to shift the blame to former investment manager Chew Eng Han.
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Absolutely ! Bravo ! Just look at the other guy called JP from Suntec, oh no now he has move to Buona Vista. He is Indian but he transform himself to not look like Indian ala Michael Jackson. He was paid S$ 1/2 million by the church and can buy a brand new BMW 7 series leh.

How do these 2 jokers get to where they are ... via PROSPERITY GOSPEL.

I am advising every young job entrant I meet to switch to pastoring if they want to make it big. Forget about banking or IT.


pls be mindful of what you post [:|]


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