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Well-known Financial Guru dies of Heart Attack

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出席昨晚3小时讲座后 理财专家吴加万心脏病突发过世












Apparently he suffers a heart attack last night after his 3-hour seminar at Parkmall. [:(]


His books on financial freedom would probably be selling like hotcakes now.


Dennis's wake will be at Blk 632 Veerasamy Road (off Jalan Besar) from tonight (26/7 Thur) till Saturday 28/7. Cremation and funeral will be on Sunday 29/7



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also another Top property agent pass away at age 32, reported in wan bao.... sigh!! [:(]



wah bro...property agent got so many...this guy is only1 in a million...his expertise and insights are quite accurate. Though I did not attend any paid seminar only those free ones. [:p]


Tonight probably go popular find his book.

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must take life easy.......treasure one's love ones [grouphug]


life is just a fleeting cloud.......



agree bro...cherish those around you.. if decided to do something quickly do it, if not will regret...

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Sometimes life is a balance.

You earn alot,but short life.


It can also be unfair.

But some earn alot and do much evil, still live long life.


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how old is he?



43 bro


Btw the property agent was 32. Similar heart attack while waiting for his wife in carpark. -_-

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Many years ago, his ads was on mycarforum.


I actually met him in his office before to discuss some business related things. He shared with me he quit his job in a bank to set up his own company .He was a very friendly chap. His wife is the office manager and helps him run the business.

Edited by Davidtkl
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For those never heard of him or interested, this is his last radio interview:


At the end of the interview, the DJ still said "See you next week". I think now the DJ would definitely not want to "see" him next week.

Haiz...life is so unpredictable.

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Neutral Newbie



Life is really fragile.


He come across as someone who gives sound no BS advice to the general public. What a lost.



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Wow....wat a surprise. Din know him personally but he seemed like a down to earth person. Took a housing loan via his mortgage brokerage co when it first started out. Despite redeeming the loan years ago, his co still sends CNY and birthday cards annually to his clients and personally signed by him.

May he RIP.





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