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2012 ND Song - Just Don't Have That ....


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Comparing with the past ND songs, this year doesn't give me that touchy feeling .... [:(]




same for 2011 .....



and this not so bad......




This one at least make me feel HOME




1987 ...




This one the best of all .... [smash]



the one by Clement Chow ... [thumbsup]



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[laugh] [laugh] My boys loved that song too

My god-daughter too......and she can sing the song without looking at the lyrics but not this year's ND song.... [:p]

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What the video depicts is far from reality, too empty in the streets but SG now is damn crowded.


Where are the PRCs, featured so much in our society and none in the video? [laugh]

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My god-daughter too......and she can sing the song without looking at the lyrics but not this year's ND song.... [:p]


Then we should have a video here [laugh] [laugh]


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Then we should have a video here [laugh] [laugh]


[thumbsup] but these days like don't see it on CNA so often liao...... [smallcry]

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[thumbsup] but these days like don't see it on CNA so often liao...... [smallcry]


These type of "ads" don't earn any money. They won't put it up for long. Must revert to those money spinners. <_< Lucky the world has a thing call youtube ^_^

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Then we should have a video here [laugh] [laugh]



when i first heard it, i thought they were singing 'save my home'.. then realized it should be 'save my world'

probably relevant...sublime message?

save my home (SG) from FT invasion.. especially for the kids' generation when they grow up.


okay.. some FT bashing..stopping here [laugh]

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