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Alfa 159 Part IV (any alfa discussion welcome too)


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Neutral Newbie

so fierce?? gear oil every 5k??


my gear oil i only do every 20k


Fierce la :D

I think of it...engine oil circulates and cooled by coolant, some with oil cooler. Gear oil not circulated mah plus not too expensive to change, so change lor.


Money all go maintaining, no moola for zhng, hence car stock.



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Neutral Newbie

Power! must be track car.... after every race, change all fluids... power, when I grow up, I wana be like u......


Track car? Typo is it? You meant stock car.


When you grow up?!?! :ph34r:



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Track car? Typo is it? You meant stock car.


When you grow up?!?! :ph34r:


Haven't grow up yet.... when I grow up, I will change gearoil every 5k ...




[laugh] [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Haven't grow up yet.... when I grow up, I will change gearoil every 5k ...




[laugh] [laugh]


[:p] i want a straight 6 and v6 too when i grow up [laugh]




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[:p] i want a straight 6 and v6 too when i grow up [laugh]


SCV now got one chinese drama, something about wishing on a PC in a library, 2 people exchange identities.... :P




wah lau, I am thinking, if change all the fluids in both cars every 5k.... I think I don't need to grow up liao.....

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Neutral Newbie

SCV now got one chinese drama, something about wishing on a PC in a library, 2 people exchange identities.... :P




wah lau, I am thinking, if change all the fluids in both cars every 5k.... I think I don't need to grow up liao.....


Honestly, changing gear oil is not that pricey, just that most are used to/follow the routine of 15-20K for gear oil change. Fresh oil can only do good, i'm merely buying a peace of mind. I'm sure many can afford too.







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Hi guys, I've had my alfa spider manual for about 5 months now and some feedback for the newbies who are asking about Alfa reliability:


1) passenger seat window can continuously wind down automatically, but i have to hold on to the button to wind up

2) aircon is not cold even when only directed through 1 set of vents (main circular ones)

3) passenger seat can't push forward

4) frequently unable to open the boot whether its via Remote Key or the button in the armrest

5) footwell gets warm easily ( abit worried about this!)

6) VDC/Hill control alert always comes on <_<

7) Moderate jolts over bumpy roads will cause the "hood not properly closed" alert. Not sure whether its an accurate alert of is the catch on the retractable hood really loose after jolting

8) this isn't really a car fault, but i just can't find the preset seat position buttons on the driver side! I was looking at it in order to preset the side mirrors to tilt downwards when reversing.. Mine's a Nov 2006 model btw




I wouldn't change it for ANY car in the world :D

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Neutral Newbie

hmm. seems like some have no problem and others have all the problem!!!


i'm used to servicing at the 7.5k mark anyway with any of my previous rides. i do not mind being a bit more attentive to my car, but i definitely do not want to be shocked by sudden huge repair costs.


top speed done on a 159 so far anyone?

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Neutral Newbie

[:p] i want a straight 6 and v6 too when i grow up [laugh]


Casio is fierce on track! Sifu... please point me to the right direction :ph34r:


Ahem.... 5th Aug

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Neutral Newbie

hmm. seems like some have no problem and others have all the problem!!!


i'm used to servicing at the 7.5k mark anyway with any of my previous rides. i do not mind being a bit more attentive to my car, but i definitely do not want to be shocked by sudden huge repair costs.


top speed done on a 159 so far anyone?


Best done 233km/hr, tuned of course.

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Neutral Newbie

Haven't grow up yet.... when I grow up, I will change gearoil every 5k ...




[laugh] [laugh]


Bro, you sure not change car every 5k? :ph34r::D

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Neutral Newbie

Casio is fierce on track! Sifu... please point me to the right direction :ph34r:


Ahem.... 5th Aug


Wah foo, anyhow ah you. Since when i track? I go for Beggar Chicken only.


What about 5th Aug? Ah beng talk about 8th Aug lar [laugh] motor siao chut chia liao



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Neutral Newbie

Wah foo, anyhow ah you. Since when i track? I go for Beggar Chicken only.


What about 5th Aug? Ah beng talk about 8th Aug lar [laugh] motor siao chut chia liao


I miss the beggar chicken and "Chang Sen Bu Lao Soup", are we doing one soon?

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Neutral Newbie

I miss the beggar chicken and "Chang Sen Bu Lao Soup", are we doing one soon?


Oh ya, Chang Sen Bu Lao Soup, power! No idea man, if go, i need to borrow my friend's handphone again :D


Anyway, tonight is "Yim Kok Hai" for me [thumbsup]



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Neutral Newbie

Hi Mates,


Just got a 4 year old black Alfa Romeo GT a week ago, was driving a Fiat GP for 5 years. Would look enviously at Alfas whenever I visit AS. Hence, when the opportunity came, just have to get it!!!


So far, all is good except for a few things


- Air Con seems to be blowing cold air only if it set the climate control to 21 degrees (Wonder its a leakage or low refrigerant)


- Audio from the stock head unit seems to be behaving erratically when reading MP3 discs


- At high revs, there seems to be burning smell.... [confused]


Other than that, it's really a nice car!!!! Love the look, interior and most of all, it just drives so well. The engine noise above 4K rpm is just awesome!


Really a happy camper now!

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Bro, you sure not change car every 5k? :ph34r::D




only got one fella I know, from 159 to 159......


from 147 to CTR......


aiyo, own more cars that I own handphone.....

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Neutral Newbie

Hi Mates,


Just got a 4 year old black Alfa Romeo GT a week ago, was driving a Fiat GP for 5 years. Would look enviously at Alfas whenever I visit AS. Hence, when the opportunity came, just have to get it!!!


So far, all is good except for a few things


- Air Con seems to be blowing cold air only if it set the climate control to 21 degrees (Wonder its a leakage or low refrigerant)


- Audio from the stock head unit seems to be behaving erratically when reading MP3 discs


- At high revs, there seems to be burning smell.... [confused]


Other than that, it's really a nice car!!!! Love the look, interior and most of all, it just drives so well. The engine noise above 4K rpm is just awesome!


Really a happy camper now!




My 147 aircon is the same like yours, keep it at 21 degree or lower. Any higher, the passenger side will get warm air. Was told some sensor thingy...at 21, you're good.





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