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Doomsday!! Scary scenario for Singapore if PAP is voted out?


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No diversion.

Every topic argued by oppo thus far, I give a score of a miserable 1.

They have to perform better to impress me lah kodot.

After all we are their employers, aren't we?


ok fine, name us 1 topic argued in parliament and back it up with facts

don't be like 'opposition parties' who throw in half truths ok?



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WP can promise you to make you a millionaire but they will not be able to pass the bill thru parliament

so they can do NOTHING but tell you what they wish to do if they have 68% of the seats, not 6.8%

but come back to the topic

err the WP did not make me a millionaire hor.

Maybe, just maybe, the PxP and their past policies did.


So if the WP cannot do nothing in parliament then have them for what?

Wayang kulit issit? [laugh]

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That is why no use to have oppo minority in parliament one!

Cho hee only. Toothless tigers [laugh]


read what i've said earlier about grooming opposition parties

you are obviously misguided and clearly convinced that your train of thought is superior to everybody else's and refuse to accept others comments, selectively acknowledging only what that follows your train of thought.


i shall argue with you no further because there will exist no valid argument to change your mindset as you are blinded to the truth

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My ratings on oppo MPs only lah deh!



p.s. I am no supporter of PxP. So you can whack them all you want, I got no feeling one.

I only just anti oppo [laugh]

I am confused by the logic.


No supporter of PxP, anti oppo.

Does that mean anarchy?


If oppo only manage 1 upon 10 but no other ratings for the majority. The benchmark is very vague. There is no normal distribution curve to refer to. Only 6 data points out of possible 80+


Bery interesting, to say the least.

Edited by Oblong
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when in parliament, argue a case responsibly, intelligently and sensibly.

Do your research thoroughly, not on incorrect, or incomplete data or information.

So far, I see and read only big emo, but anti-climaxing when cornered with half truths.


To be a world class opposition, they well need to perform much better.


Since we the tax-paying citizens are their 'employers', paying them the $15K or so per month to perform their duties as an oppo MP, I have a say in their appraisal/ranking.

On a scale of 1-10, the current motley crew scores only a 1 ... at best 2, on my scale.

They have to do better than that. Much better.


At least I'd rate some previous oppo MPs higher ... like JBJ, or CST (in his youth)

Look at 'glass houses' in parliament, he can only throw stones and then sit down [bigcry]

You want to rate MPs as a whole? Out of the large number of pxp MPs in parliament, how many of them produced meaningful debates given the long history of pxp monopoly in the house, and given the large resources they have? You need to look at things in proper prospective. Throwing thoughtless statements around here doesn't make you sound convincing.

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read what i've said earlier about grooming opposition parties

you are obviously misguided and clearly convinced that your train of thought is superior to everybody else's and refuse to accept others comments, selectively acknowledging only what that follows your train of thought.


i shall argue with you no further because there will exist no valid argument to change your mindset as you are blinded to the truth

Exactly! Why waste time with his gutter-level logics n statements? He's only here to poke. :D Let him talk to himself from now on

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No worries. Our system is already mature enough to handle this, in the event of Gov shut down. The only main problem are those who have vested interest in Singapore. Like heavily in vested in phyiscal properties and small certain businesses maybe badly affected. Other than that, we are still fine. [:)] So Singaporeans, do not worry so much. [thumbsup]

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Was Japan doomed in 2009 when the ruling party of 54 years lost? How many years did PAP rule? If Japan did not die, why would we?


"A general election in Japan was held on August 30, 2009, for all 480 seats of the House of Representatives of Japan, the lower house of the Diet of Japan.


In the election, the opposition Democratic Party (DPJ) defeated the ruling coalition (Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Komeito Party). The LDP had ruled Japan since its formation in 1955."

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as i've highlighted, property crash = lower prices on EVERYTHING

you might not have 2 or 3 properties but you can have 2 or 3 chicken rice the next time you eat outside


lower land prices = lower rent

so how is that not a good thing?



Expertz, this is the 3rd time I ask u.... how old are you??


lower land prices = lower rent?? you forget to add in the salary into the equation.... not to mentioned whether you still have a job if all the terrible things happened...

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Why not? My flat is fully paid for now and if it crashes, spare cash + whatever in CPF can be used to finance the other 2 properties.

That is assuming the property crash is significant where houses are up for fire sale.


And those couples who are planning to buy a house would find it affordable, at least not paying 500k for a 5 room pigeon hole.



you still dont get what I meant.... everyone knows the theory of buy low sell high.... but how many plp have the guts to buy shares during crisis?? Look at what happen in US in 2007. Did you see Americans chiong to property market even when many properties were selling 50% lower than the previous owner purchased price??


Even if you have cash and CPF, so what??? you dare to take the risk?? if you really have the guts to do so, why not chiong share/ property market during 1997, 2003 & 2007 instead? While the whole market is paranoid, cant wait to sell, you can still kept calm and invest, buying what others trying to abandon?? you would have become a billionaire already if you take the opportunity during these crisis... [laugh]Yeah, [laugh] like Ive said.... talk its easy, talk its cheap....



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Expertz, this is the 3rd time I ask u.... how old are you??


lower land prices = lower rent?? you forget to add in the salary into the equation.... not to mentioned whether you still have a job if all the terrible things happened...


i am not going to post my age because age is not a measure of maturity.


whether you remain in a job during a recession depends very much too on your day to day performance.

besides, if an opposition party takes over and reduces the influx of foreigners or perhaps starts sending foreigners back, we might just have an abundance of jobs and because of the huge demand salaries might just raise.


so the effects of a recession can be offset by a political party with a strong mandate to create jobs for singaporeans

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you still dont get what I meant.... everyone knows the theory of buy low sell high.... but how many plp have the guts to buy shares during crisis?? Look at what happen in US in 2007. Did you see Americans chiong to property market even when many properties were selling 50% lower than the previous owner purchased price??


Even if you have cash and CPF, so what??? you dare to take the risk?? if you really have the guts to do so, why not chiong share/ property market during 1997, 2003 & 2007 instead? While the whole market is paranoid, cant wait to sell, you can still kept calm and invest, buying what others trying to abandon?? you would have become a billionaire already if you take the opportunity during these crisis... [laugh]Yeah, [laugh] like Ive said.... talk its easy, talk its cheap....


well to be fair he did say that he plans to use his cpf, your cpf even if you used to chiong the share market will net $0

also we don't know his family background, perhaps he is limited to buying only 1 flat?

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you still dont get what I meant.... everyone knows the theory of buy low sell high.... but how many plp have the guts to buy shares during crisis?? Look at what happen in US in 2007. Did you see Americans chiong to property market even when many properties were selling 50% lower than the previous owner purchased price??


Even if you have cash and CPF, so what??? you dare to take the risk?? if you really have the guts to do so, why not chiong share/ property market during 1997, 2003 & 2007 instead? While the whole market is paranoid, cant wait to sell, you can still kept calm and invest, buying what others trying to abandon?? you would have become a billionaire already if you take the opportunity during these crisis... [laugh]Yeah, [laugh] like Ive said.... talk its easy, talk its cheap....


Well, at least I would knowing that the property market will always recover after some time.

People are abandoning in a crash due to failure to service the loans and it is a good time to pick up. I do know of people going around picking up these cheap units during 1997-1998. Too bad for me, during the past crashes, either I'm still not earning enough or servicing my loans. My current flat was picked up during the 2003 crash. And in next crash I'll be looking for such deals for an upgrade.


For shares, there are 101 entities, when you picked the wrong stock, you're doomed. Property is a single entity, doesn't matter whether it is a HDB, landed or condo. For landed, even if the house is crumbling, it is the land that has value.

In land scarce SG, the price can only head north after some time, which is also the safest bet. Looking at the 2003 downturn where I got my flat, HDB prices dropped to a all time low, in less than 3 years, new flat prices already surpassed pre-crash levels.


Unless you refer to after a war or disaster where the whole island is devasted, then it may take decades or never for the price to recover to the pre-crisis level.


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Neutral Newbie

MIW is not the only party who can run S'pore. I m very sure S'pore has more capable people to run her other than MIW. MIW is trying to almost totally monopolise the political arena for the benefits of the elites n their cronies. That's all they care.


Fear-mongering n all the doomday tactics dun work anymore in this era. If it is true that only MIW can run S'pore n no one else, then I would say the incumbent who has been in power for so many years has failed to groom capable S'poreans regardless of political affiliations to take the country forward. Life still goes on whenever there is a change of govt.


MIW has been bullying n repressing S'poreans for a long time aredi. They would house arrest, sue n even bankrupt their political opponents. MIW is also doing whatever they can to control the important aspects of society so as to control peoples' lives, subjugate S'poreans under them n hold on to power. MIW will change the constitution at their own fancy whims to their advantage. An eg would be the constitution on by-election laws, GRCs, PA.


Today's papers stated that the HG Indian resident who sued the PM will only withdraw the legal case only if the PM announced in parliament that by-elections have to be held whenever a seat is vacant within 3 months or within a reasonable time frame, n not in the PM's own personal discretion.


MIW has been abusing their power to "tekan" their political opponents. Now, this HG resident is countering n challenging the PM n his lao peh (when he's still alive which I think he never expected S'poreans to have the guts to do so) under the guidance of the intelligent lawyer Ravi. Though I know MIW will win this case, but this issue is exposed to the whole world n that would disgrace the MIW n put MIW in a very bad light in the eyes of the world. Is this the 1st case in the world when a citizen sues the leader of a democratic country over some by-election issue (can enter guiness bk of records)?


The lao peh can try very hard to glorify himself while still alive by coming out with autobiograpies proclaiming his truths. I feel like laughing as this BE law case has somehow put a dent on his legendary reputation?



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well to be fair he did say that he plans to use his cpf, your cpf even if you used to chiong the share market will net $0

also we don't know his family background, perhaps he is limited to buying only 1 flat?



to be fair, I didnt only quoted share, I also mentioned property in the same reply. pls read again....



Edited by Tigershark1976
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i am not going to post my age because age is not a measure of maturity.

age is not a measure of maturity??? [laugh][laugh]



whether you remain in a job during a recession depends very much too on your day to day performance.

You r obviously a school kids to say this.... [laugh]


besides, if an opposition party takes over and reduces the influx of foreigners or perhaps starts sending foreigners back, we might just have an abundance of jobs and because of the huge demand salaries might just raise.

Yeah... when things getting unstable, you think the investors gg to stay? there will still be abundance of jobs?


so the effects of a recession can be offset by a political party with a strong mandate to create jobs for singaporeans

is this is what you think?? or what you are 100% sure off? New party taking over a country has thousand and 1 things to take care and to familiarise with. Mandate to create new jobs?? Yes, of course, wait till they settle other higher priority issue 1st...



age is not a measure of maturity??? [laugh][laugh]

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