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Unemployment rate for over-30s creeps up


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Although they bought a 800k to 1 mill condo and their combine income is around 10k, maybe they have huge cash to help to settle majority of the house price and loan little only?

Yah, many ASK in singapore.

Er i mean silver spoon.


Next time i also want my children to be silver spoon.

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Can be done. I bought mine at 340k. Took a loan for 260k. Every year end dump 7, 8k each to the principle. Can probably (never really go calculate) finish the loan in 10 to 12 yr's time. It might be harder if couple average monthly income is 3 to 4k though. Again, depends on personal financial health and expectation. Some will prefer to use the cash for holidays or investment.

Your house is at 340k and you loan 260k so much? Cpf cant help off load the house price?

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Honestly nowadays 6mth buffer not enough




Also pick up a hobby that can pay


Lots of those in this gap economy now. Just how hungry ppl are



There is this tuition ctr that one can take over tho... @staff69 ai mai? Haha

Agree, 12 mths buffer is more realistic in the current climate

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wah chief....you think i working as table wiper ah


i peasant lose job will walk to bedok reservoir meet radx



Wah...u don't anyhow go there Hor...not safe leh...


Can apply for welfare, and get help de


Alternatively, tiagong the people in Mcf jin rich, can help u too :D

Have you ever seen a contract that states the retrenchment benefits of the staff? Without it being stated down contractually, company doesn't have to give @enye anything leh.


It's not common but I've know of a company gave their employees a contract with the benefits stated... @enye, yours have?

U didn't get the joke [:p]

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this one cannot anyhow transfer, must keep some for kids education when needed.


aiyo...don't use cpf for children education lar


cpf for retirement...ah gong say one



Yes, Showster


give chance leh


don't every time aim him


got many in the property thread for you to anyhow shoot arrows also



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Your house is at 340k and you loan 260k so much? Cpf cant help off load the house price?

Wife is self employed. So only use my acc. And I took abit out as investment before they wipe my oa clean. If wife also pay the DP, clearing the mortgage within 10 yrs is def doable.

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Wife is self employed. So only use my acc. And I took abit out as investment before they wipe my oa clean. If wife also pay the DP, clearing the mortgage within 10 yrs is def doable.

I see. Anyway, like you have said, you dump 7-8k every year to clear the loan, you still able to clear it quite fast la. Lol.

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aiyo...don't use cpf for children education lar


cpf for retirement...ah gong say one




If ah gong don't like people to use cpf for education then they can easily change the rule what. since ah gong allow means faster use la.

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No bro, i am not.



I think so too ...... your garden is way too big to be available in AMK area. 

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Busy with work and share allocation. Tide turning market is best for rolling! Shiok!

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If ah gong don't like people to use cpf for education then they can easily change the rule what. since ah gong allow means faster use la.

ah gong allow but still need to pay back with interest upon graduation


just like housing, ah gong also allow but need to pay back with interest upon sale


so ultimate objective of cpf is still for retirement



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ah gong allie but still need to pay back with interest upon graduation


just like housing, ah gong also allow but need to pay back with interest upon sale


so ultimate objective of cpf is still for retirement



Not really. Reach a certain age no need pay back already lor.
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ah gong allie but still need to pay back with interest upon graduation


just like housing, ah gong also allow but need to pay back with interest upon sale


so ultimate objective of cpf is still for retirement



can pay back $100 a month after they graduate, but if you turn 55 you can waive the repayment :D
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can pay back $100 a month after they graduate, but if you turn 55 you can waive the repayment :D

that's if you meet the frs leh


they still want you to accumulate to that



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