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Will Chen GuangCheng and his wife survive?


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He didnt challenge the rulers in Beijing, in fact he just asked Wen Jia Bo (central) to guarantee the safety of himself and his family (presumeably against real life threats from the local govt). You're right.

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'Batman' star punched, stopped from visiting blind Chinese activist



December 15, 2011|By Steven Jiang, CNN



China: Bale activist visit stopped

As Christian Bale approached an impromptu checkpoint leading to this tiny village in eastern China, four men blocking the narrow path started marching toward him in menacing unison.


"I am here to see Chen Guangcheng," the Hollywood actor said and I translated, with correspondent Stan Grant and cameraman Brad Olson next to us.


"Go away!" the plainclothes guards barked, pushing us back.


Amid the scuffling and yelling, dozens more guards in olive-green, military-style overcoats -- and two gray minivans -- emerged from the other side of the checkpoint, all coming toward us.


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Imagine a blind man escape custody from his home where there are many many highly trained martial arts guards. Many people wants to learn from him that's why he's so important [:p][laugh]

maybe he also bribed some of the martial arts guards.... the sword is mighty, money is not far behind [:)]

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'Batman' star punched, stopped from visiting blind Chinese activist



December 15, 2011|By Steven Jiang, CNN



China: Bale activist visit stopped

As Christian Bale approached an impromptu checkpoint leading to this tiny village in eastern China, four men blocking the narrow path started marching toward him in menacing unison.


"I am here to see Chen Guangcheng," the Hollywood actor said and I translated, with correspondent Stan Grant and cameraman Brad Olson next to us.


"Go away!" the plainclothes guards barked, pushing us back.


Amid the scuffling and yelling, dozens more guards in olive-green, military-style overcoats -- and two gray minivans -- emerged from the other side of the checkpoint, all coming toward us.


Even Batman couldnt do a thing :o


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IMO, that's not what going to happen to him. For as long as he keeps fighting for human rights in China, he will be a threat to the Chinese govt. They will not release him so easily so that he can quietly go to US. If that do that, he will continue to be an activists who will go against them.


I think the chinese will threaten him with the safety of his family. Any wrong moves and he will suffer the consequences. Silence will be his safety net.

In fact its reported in today's news he told reporter that chinese govt already threaten the life of his wife if US kept him in the ambassy....

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1st Gear

I think no action now until clinton return home.

Too liitle economic n political mileage to gain from this chap

CGC will disappear overnight after that to secret labour camp in the middle of Gobi desert.

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