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SFV2875S Lady driver cannot drive dun drive lah!!!!


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Met similiar suitation 5 year ago, but mine was even "hiong", a COE expiry soon car came out from car park exit without checking me coming from his right, somemore he jam brake right after he turned out (claimed saw an animal), i cannot react fast so hit his "backside". My case dragged for about 2 years, in the end I still lost, my insurer conpensated his claim and I 've to pay for my own repair $1500. My insurance premium was then increased to almost 3k per annual. Incar camera was not common 5 years ago so nobody believe me that the car suddenly jambrake right after he turned out from carpark.

On the second year, I involved in another accident, I still did not have my incar camera installed, jumped "yellow river" also nobody believe my statement. I was stationed on a slip road queing behind other cars to turn left, suddenly a P-plate van rammed from my LEFT and stuck in between my car and roadside barrier. From the view other passing by vehicles, 10 out of 10 think that I was trying to lane cut and forced the poor P-plate van to the extreme border. :wacko:

Many years back, my Americans and Japanese associates told me more about "Believe or Not" type of freaking accident scenarios, got brighten up by them and brought made in USA & Japan Police type of dashboard cameras with super expensive price to support my honest accident statement, come to think of it without regrets in this camera's investment.

Just 2 years ago, with "Mcf Bro Parking idiot" helps in group buying a Taiwan made cheaper versions and replaced the older ones to newest HD camera's.


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Unfortunately, the majority are.


I agree some lady drivers can't drive well but lately I've encountered quite a number of male drivers with poor driving skills as well.

Well, I guess there are always black sheep. [:/]

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From the tone of the posts, it's very obvious that most of u are against female drivers! [wave]


I have my fair share of near accidents, all from male drivers who couldn't stand the sight of a female who drives better than them or in bigger car,


They purposely cut very near in front of my car after traffic lights, forcing me to jam braked, them sped off, or did the same on expressways when the road ahead was clear of other cars.... All were male drivers! [hur]


For sake of road safety ( Drive Safely For The Sake Of Your Loved Ones-sounds familiar, doesn't it?) , I'd just let it be, not without cursing and swearing, of course! [furious] [furious]


I have gripes abt female drivers too; but they don't practise dangerous stunts to satisfy their own childish pride!



Almost everyday, I encountered Idiotic & Inconsiderate drivers on the road, be it of either gender.



One has to be on constant lookout, practice defensive driving But Keep Our Egos Away From The Steering Wheel !! [angel][drivingcar]












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u pple keep cursing and swearing at women driver, how many of u guys are married or attached?....if your wife are driver too...thats mean u pple are actually cursing your own wife or even worse...your MUM.....

learn to take things easy lah.....

Edited by Streamstyle
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u pple keep cursing and swearing at women driver, how many of u guys are married or attached?....if your wife are driver too...thats mean u pple are actually cursing your own wife or even worse...your MUM.....

learn to take things easy lah.....

my mum and oc both have licence, but both dont drive........... [:p]

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u pple keep cursing and swearing at women driver, how many of u guys are married or attached?....if your wife are driver too...thats mean u pple are actually cursing your own wife or even worse...your MUM.....

learn to take things easy lah.....

my mum and oc both have licence, but both dont drive........... [:p]

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Cannot drive properly dun drive lah!!!!!


This is quite common thesedays.


Just have to slow down when approaching filtering lane like this. You will never know who will barge out.


Anyway, I wouldn't kpkb on this as it wouldn't upset me one bit.

Edited by Icedbs
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From the tone of the posts, it's very obvious that most of u are against female drivers! [wave]


I have my fair share of near accidents, all from male drivers who couldn't stand the sight of a female who drives better than them or in bigger car,


They purposely cut very near in front of my car after traffic lights, forcing me to jam braked, them sped off, or did the same on expressways when the road ahead was clear of other cars.... All were male drivers! [hur]


For sake of road safety ( Drive Safely For The Sake Of Your Loved Ones-sounds familiar, doesn't it?) , I'd just let it be, not without cursing and swearing, of course! [furious] [furious]


I have gripes abt female drivers too; but they don't practise dangerous stunts to satisfy their own childish pride!



Almost everyday, I encountered Idiotic & Inconsiderate drivers on the road, be it of either gender.



One has to be on constant lookout, practice defensive driving But Keep Our Egos Away From The Steering Wheel !! [angel][drivingcar]







As stupid as such stunts are, th question is wat did u do at the first place to invite such response?

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Just for info my wife is a driver and a good one at that.....but what this driver did is quite unforgiveable, regardless if its a HE or SHE. Think TS should submit the video to the authorities. I mean we all make mistakes and when we do we acknowledge it and raise our hand to apologise but when someone doesn't even realise it then its a bit too much.

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Just for info my wife is a driver and a good one at that.....but what this driver did is quite unforgiveable, regardless if its a HE or SHE. Think TS should submit the video to the authorities. I mean we all make mistakes and when we do we acknowledge it and raise our hand to apologise but when someone doesn't even realise it then its a bit too much.


In today's society, there is a total lack of civic mindedness amongst the majority of people here, very self centered, don't give a damn about other people around.

No doubt I do get a thank u wave fm a fellow motorist when I give way to them, I do meet wif selfish clowns (both male & female) who don't even bother.

Another example wud be the immigration check points, after clearing immigration, drivers gotta filter out of small lane. When there is a jam, inconsiderate arse holes simply refuse to let cars come out of the small lane, just drive on and ignoring others, thinking their time is more precious than others'. And those that do stop to let the others out, don't forget to wave thank you, its the most basic of courtesy.

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Women are not meant to drive, but driven.


Pity a girl like you have to do this and face the brute world of man here.


Well, things happen for a reason, including why you are driving. Chew on it!



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Women are not meant to drive, but driven.


Pity a girl like you have to do this and face the brute world of man here.


Well, things happen for a reason, including why you are driving. Chew on it!


wat d fark gave u d impression i am a woman?

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Let's admit.. Women drivers some really drives like Sssssshhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt... I personally cannot stand them myself.. most common seen on the road,


1. change lane wo checking , at times in an abrutly manner.. CCB..

2. road hog (saw many times usually high end conti cars)

3. tail gate ( i saw twice, honda fit/jazz, younger girls)

4. can't simply keep the car in a lane plus road hogging (saw many times usually high end conti cars) x many many times

5. using Hp got but not much..most i saw r men..driving car yet no $$ buy ear piece.. tsk tsk..

6. their feet like in fit, keep tapping brakes


I'm a female driver and it really really cheese me off seeing drivers esp female doing such stunts. Cos of them who led u MEN have the IDEA tat women CAN"T drive.

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As stupid as such stunts are, th question is wat did u do at the first place to invite such response?


A Good Morning isn't it?

Nothing like a bit of rain to bring down the heat generated by all these exchanges!



Dear Latka, I DID NOTHING 'to invite such response'! ............

Unless the sight of a female behind the wheels of a V8 engine galled them into such uncalled for & dangerous stunts? :o



These chauvinistic drivers don't need logical explanation for their immature acts to cover up

the inadequacies & shortcomings in their pathetic lives & perhaps in some part of their physical attributes!



PERHAPS we should try to understand & PITY THEM for trying to salvage their pride & to prove their worth........


By steering their vehicles with whatever's left of their Manhood!! [:p][laugh] [laugh]



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add a lousy in front of the woman can?


I hate lousy women drivers...pui.


actually does not make much of a difference but there you go.



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Let's admit.. Women drivers some really drives like Sssssshhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt... I personally cannot stand them myself.. most common seen on the road,


1. change lane wo checking , at times in an abrutly manner.. CCB..

2. road hog (saw many times usually high end conti cars)

3. tail gate ( i saw twice, honda fit/jazz, younger girls)

4. can't simply keep the car in a lane plus road hogging (saw many times usually high end conti cars) x many many times

5. using Hp got but not much..most i saw r men..driving car yet no $$ buy ear piece.. tsk tsk..

6. their feet like in fit, keep tapping brakes


I'm a female driver and it really really cheese me off seeing drivers esp female doing such stunts. Cos of them who led u MEN have the IDEA tat women CAN"T drive.


1. whether got check or no check I doubt they bother, whether they did it abruptly or not does not matter, the thing is they change lane as if they are the only car on the road. Wont use CCB here since today I good mood and I still show some respect for nice ladies.

2. double that, even a lot of my female relatives and colleagues are like that and they use the 1st lane. Have to tell them to use 2nd lane or 3rd lane. So paiseh sitting in the front passenger seat if you know what I mean.

3. hmmm...that I never encounter before, this type mostly is men.

4. so many times I almost got bumped at speed by women drivers not keeping to their lanes or changing lanes when we are side by side, especially turning...nabeh where do you suppose I can siam most of the time lan lan only can hard braking when turning and taking care not to understeer into other cars. Now, come to turning, I will always try to be ahead of the mass, but very bad for the front tyres.

5. agree on this. women drivers are so bad already cannot imagine what will happen if they use the phone at the same time.

6. thought this applies to both male and female.


I admit when I see women drivers, my adrenaline pump for a reason other than that of a carnal nature. My pupils dilate and heart beat raised, I am at attention other than my manhood, ready for action.


knn now my mood is turning bad.


women drivers are really pui.

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