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Surviving Starlets


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  On 4/26/2012 at 8:50 AM, Syaheerbmw said:

I think this rubberband will understand only gaming language: /ignore RubberPad..


BTW, exam period, right? Go study lah..


ya exam...the chemistry question about oxidation/reduction difficult la

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Neutral Newbie

Since ppl can call old cars junk, then show how they feel or treat about retired people. These type of people should be condemned or burn in hell for eternity.... Ooops better don't burn, burning rubber cause air pollution.

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my 1st car was the civic EF and i still think its a dam cool car with character.


it does not have power windows, no direct FuelInjection, very noisy when revved and still moves slowly but..


has alot of soul and character that not found in modern cars..


[laugh] still miss him..



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Neutral Newbie
  On 4/22/2012 at 5:11 AM, Rubberpad said:

its a piece of junk...

why would anyone still hold on???


Starlet a piece of junk ?? I driving a WRX now but still love my starlet more than my Rex..

It tears my Rex easily..


Edited by Gtturbo
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  On 4/23/2012 at 3:48 PM, Ididbobe said:

Rubber sounds like an adolescent who never had much attention in his youth hence his attention-seeking and ignorance fueled comments. Don't bother answering him cos that's what he really wants. Pity him cos his parents never gave him what we all had a good and loving upbringing.

RIP Rubber! [bigcry]

To all erstwhile Starlet bros.....all these years and I still miss Reddy! Nothing comes close. Am tempted to buy over the starlets on sale now on sg car hehehehe

To all those who still have your starlets ......treasure them guys!! [laugh]


Well said bro.. Stupid rubberpad is just a keyboard warrior, he will never find real friends in life. He never know the unity of starlet fans here. He could never feel the warm when we see other starlets on the road and wave at each other. Screw him... #@!%!$%^#$^%!@#$

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Neutral Newbie

It's the spirit of the starlet lovers, iregardless of what car we are driving now.

By the way, my ep70 is still with me even though I had bought new cars.

Starlet Lovers rock!!! :wub:

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  On 4/29/2012 at 3:30 PM, Steam said:

It's the spirit of the starlet lovers, iregardless of what car we are driving now.

By the way, my ep70 is still with me even though I had bought new cars.

Starlet Lovers rock!!! :wub:



Think i saw ur EP70 few years back at punggol plaza carpark. Can't take my eyes of her. Mom used to drive one in the early 90s. Cool ride indeed. Although 4 speed MT but brought us to many places.

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  On 4/29/2012 at 5:17 PM, Acerchan2002 said:

Think i saw ur EP70 few years back at punggol plaza carpark. Can't take my eyes of her. Mom used to drive one in the early 90s. Cool ride indeed. Although 4 speed MT but brought us to many places.



It's a 5 speed MT short throw. [inlove]:wub:


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  On 5/1/2012 at 6:08 AM, Steam said:


It's a 5 speed MT short throw. [inlove]:wub:


Dunno why my mom one was only 4 speed... I think got 2 model of EP70. Mine was a SBB plate then.

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The Starlet is value for money.


I can't say the same about China made cars or anything good about an owner trying to justify that 20 year old cars are worse than his car which is based off the same ancient technologies underneath all that cheap plastic.


Sure, a Starlet/EG/EK isn't as "safe" as today's cars fitted with ABS, ESP, airbags, etc. But this is something about car ownership that everyone has to accept. You pay for what you get for (unless you are buying a China made car). You pay $300k for a 7er or S-Klasse and you get all the state-of-art technologies. These technologies trickle down slowly down the chain, finally reaching entry-level cars as options. If you bought an older car, you have to live without these features.


If you need any gadget, just buy. GPS, bluetooth, ICE, alarm, tint, what not.


without all the fancy crap, the Starlet is a light car. it has a high power-to-weight ratio for a car in its day and perhaps even today. Body-to-weight ratio is what matters, not just engine output.


looks are subjective. One man's meat is another man's poison. The Starlet may be beautiful to this group of die-hard fans, it may not be to someone without any taste. Anyway, it's subjective.


the starlet is comfortable if you find yourself a good specimen. Not every starlet roaming the streets now are still comfortable having been in service to many owners by now.


Yes, i traded up my Starlet because there are newer cars with more features, more power, better handling, more safety features, better looks. But, like every car that i've owned, the Starlet will always be a proud part of my car ownership record.


you simply can't compare a car with $4k/yr (Starlet) depreciation with one that loses $7k/yr (Vios), or $25k (7er). There's a lot to like about the modest Starlet, but to shoot one's ignorant mouth off just basing on personal biases reflects on one's inferiority complex.

Edited by Kyojin
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there is yellow / silver starlet that appears around my area . usually driven by a lady . cant make out which model it is as i have no knowledge on them honestly.

but it looks well maintained and nice .

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  On 4/23/2012 at 2:49 AM, Starletgt said:

Hope this answer you.


1) safety - Handles like a Go-kart, sturdy like a horse.

2) looks - old but still maintain the modern look.

3) power - 428hp at the wheel on a 900kg body please do your calculation.

4) emissions - who needs a pussy when it don't come standard

5) gadgets

GPS - buy from Mustapha and work great.

bluetooth - intigrated with head unit... Cheap and good.

ABS - Didn't ur driving instructor teach you to brake?

ICE - Already mentioned from bluetooth

hill decent - Manual car leh....

start/stop - Aiya that button can install too...

6) ride comfort - well at least my wife never drop the baby when she's pregnant.



nice figures .

think i saw one on sale with over 400whp and huge fmic in sgcarmart couple of years ago .is that yours?


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  On 5/11/2012 at 8:17 AM, Rb26dett said:

nice figures .

think i saw one on sale with over 400whp and huge fmic in sgcarmart couple of years ago .is that yours?


Nope... My setup is sold to various ppl and my car was send for scrap....

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  On 5/27/2012 at 9:13 PM, Starletgt said:

Nope... My setup is sold to various ppl and my car was send for scrap....


hey long time no see


need some advise... what would be a good price to sell my starlet... coe until 2019


wondering if i should sell or not... i don't feel like selling it but i will be going overseas soon... sigh [shakehead]

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Neutral Newbie

Depends on your car condition, and the extent of goodies (mods) you have on it. Why dun you post up pictures so we can have a better idea and let you know.

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Neutral Newbie
  On 7/19/2012 at 9:36 AM, Chenoire said:

Depends on your car condition, and the extent of goodies (mods) you have on it. Why dun you post up pictures so we can have a better idea and let you know.


i took a pic while pumping petrol ^_^post-30205-1343562729_thumb.jpg

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