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7 Brake Myths BUSTED


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Good info,but until now,i still don't understand why Conti cars brakes have more brake dust than most Japanese cars.??Also most Conti cars brake rotor last only 50-60Kkm,while Japanese car brake rotor can easily lasts above 110Kkm.??

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Good info,but until now,i still don't understand why Conti cars brakes have more brake dust than most Japanese cars.??Also most Conti cars brake rotor last only 50-60Kkm,while Japanese car brake rotor can easily lasts above 110Kkm.??


In my opinion, this is subjective. It all depends on the driving style of individual driver(s).


The rotors of my old Jap car only last me till 50k km in mileage.

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Question:- No need to tap our brakes after going thru floods / ponding? [confused]


tapping of brakes after going thru water is for drum brakes, disc brakes not required to...

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Good info,but until now,i still don't understand why Conti cars brakes have more brake dust than most Japanese cars.??Also most Conti cars brake rotor last only 50-60Kkm,while Japanese car brake rotor can easily lasts above 110Kkm.??

maybe conti cars heavy?

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tapping of brakes after going thru water is for drum brakes, disc brakes not required to...

But if the car moves very slowly, the water on the pads n rotors will still stay wet for a while until it is spun off by wheels' rotation.

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It depends on brand to brand. The discs on my Toyotas did not last long (40-50k) but the honda lasted 160k even it has more power.


Good info,but until now,i still don't understand why Conti cars brakes have more brake dust than most Japanese cars.??Also most Conti cars brake rotor last only 50-60Kkm,while Japanese car brake rotor can easily lasts above 110Kkm.??


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Very deceiving information.

1)Design of the disc is indeed related to heat load and cooling capabilities and strength!

Of course the distance the pads have to travel to grip the disc, and a worn out pads will have to travel more, meaning the calipers have to travel more too. That caliper piston distance can be designed to move longer to cover a thinner rotor.


2) a wet rotor will never be fully dry due to the centrifugal force on a rotation disc. The wheel rotation is actually very 'low', and not fully capable of removing all the water on the rotor. Also a wet pad is Substantial for the critical moment when you need emergency brake! If not, then why would Mercedes, BMW, Lexus all design their brakes to gently 'tapping' the pads and rotor during raining days. This feature could be triggered by the wiper sensors activated during raing days, or some moisture sensors. It was a reported feature to help Mercedes car slow down and stop just that extra distance when you need it in wet condition. So the fact abd necessity about tapping the brake system during wet weather is TOTALLY true and essential. If not the high end cars will not design the feature into their cars!!


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Safety is something every manufacturer takes seriously, and automakers constantly develop new technology to help make driving safer for everyone.


Cadillac is implementing a new system that it says could help make driving in the rain safer for drivers of its new SRX crossover SUV.


According to the US Department of Transportation, in 2009, around 62,000 accidents occurred in the rain.


Cadillac's new feature, called Auto Brake dry, will be tied in with the SRX's normal StabiliTrak traction control system.


StabiliTrak has been around since the late 1990s and has gone through various upgrades and changes over the years, but this is the first time the company has specifically targeted wet brakes.


The Auto Dry Brake system works by gently applying the car's brakes while driving in the wet. By doing this, the car automatically removes water from the braking system and allows the car to stop more reliably.


The SRX's windshield wiper system turns the Auto Brake Dry feature on. After driving over four miles, the Cadillac will automatically pulse the brakes and clear any water off of the brake rotors. Drier brakes mean there is a better response from the brake pedal, and better stopping power.


Cadillac says the brakes are lightly pulsed when clearing the water and the process is so gentle that the driver won't even be aware that the system is working.


"The important thing is to assure the brakes are as dry as possible before the driver applies the brake pedal," said Randy Leek, one of GM's brake engineers. "We designed this feature to ensure that the brakes provide optimal braking performance while driving in inclement weather."

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Very informative for those thinking about big brake kit or want to know the truth from the real scholars and not some Myth buster website.


Page6 of this technical studies.

"the analytical solution, to achieve a low surface temperature of solid rotors, it is useful to increase the thickness of the solid rotors. As shown in figure 1.6, when the rotor thickness increases from 5 mm to 7 mm, the surface temperature greatly reduces...."

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