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Mother of ALL JAMs in at Checkpoint


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yes...all please go to malaysia


so those left behind in sg can enjoy smooth flowing and light traffic conditions



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light jam la .... 2-3hrs can clear custom ... [laugh]


Will there be jam on Thursday mid afternoon?


Thinking of going Malacca


Edited by Wt_know
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Will there be jam on Thursday mid afternoon?


Thinking of going Malacca

Last year I left around mid day (3pm) on Thursday - jam was slowly starting to build up but I was past the crowd within an hour or so.

I met one of my colleague in JB the next day - she was stuck in the jam on Friday morning from 6am until about 2pm...

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Last year I left around mid day (3pm) on Thursday - jam was slowly starting to build up but I was past the crowd within an hour or so.

I met one of my colleague in JB the next day - she was stuck in the jam on Friday morning from 6am until about 2pm...


within an hour is ok. Causeway or second link?

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Let's analyse why both causeway causes so much ' Unnecessary Jam " year-in year-out ?


Poor planning and bad car entry custom check , Why ?


I believe, the people planning the custom area has lack of understanding based on the followings:



` Car are built bigger in size like SUV, MPV and bigger c.c car can't really navigate through the custom lane for passport check.


' This dual carriage way check per lane should have double yellow line draw to accommodate space to mitigate side window for checks/ inspection.


' Design of in-coming and out going custom check counter/s must be environmentally friendly, e-effective & i-custom technology.


' Install a detector shell space within custom check by installing radar screen check effortlessly. ( easily identify any illegal passenger hiding in boot etc. )


If ICA and relevant authority can put their head together and come out with the eco-friendly and " Green technology "tapping on Solar-energy, I foresee Singapore can go a long way to be sufficiently reduce ( not free of jam ) amount of time wasted in the " Mother of all Marmalade Jam " for all Holiday in BolehLand, best part is, if Malaysia head of Dept can explore this option and share the cost infrastructure, it will do both of us a lot batter place to live, work and play.

If you only opened 20% of the counters, whatever technology you deploy also useless as you need someone to chop on the passport.
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yes. spore and msia need to open 100% counters during peak hours and full day on Sat, Sun and PH


then got talk! else simply wayang nia when minister come visit

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yes. spore and msia need to open 100% counters during peak hours and full day on Sat, Sun and PH


then got talk! else simply wayang nia when minister come visit

Yalor yalor... The white elephant in the room that everyone is pretending not to see.
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When Dr M comes to visit during our ND Parade, don't open up special lane for him ..... :yuush:


Let him stuck at the jam and only then he will realise how serious it is.... :omg:  

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If Sg customs enforce 3/4 tank rule on all Singapore plated cars, I think the congestion would be reduced by 1/2. 


Anyway... everybody is looking for a short getaway. Most people would leave Sg at different time slots but all would come back together. 


Chiong ar!!!

When Dr M comes to visit during our ND Parade, don't open up special lane for him ..... :yuush:


Let him stuck at the jam and only then he will realise how serious it is.... :omg:  


He will come in Genting's new boat.

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yes...all please go to malaysia


so those left behind in sg can enjoy smooth flowing and light traffic conditions



its a public holiday.... no jams in sg. and its not like everyone go north uss and zoo suddenly drop ticket price by half

Let's analyse why both causeway causes so much ' Unnecessary Jam " year-in year-out ?


Poor planning and bad car entry custom check , Why ?


I believe, the people planning the custom area has lack of understanding based on the followings:



` Car are built bigger in size like SUV, MPV and bigger c.c car can't really navigate through the custom lane for passport check.


' This dual carriage way check per lane should have double yellow line draw to accommodate space to mitigate side window for checks/ inspection.


' Design of in-coming and out going custom check counter/s must be environmentally friendly, e-effective & i-custom technology.


' Install a detector shell space within custom check by installing radar screen check effortlessly. ( easily identify any illegal passenger hiding in boot etc. )


If ICA and relevant authority can put their head together and come out with the eco-friendly and " Green technology "tapping on Solar-energy, I foresee Singapore can go a long way to be sufficiently reduce ( not free of jam ) amount of time wasted in the " Mother of all Marmalade Jam " for all Holiday in BolehLand, best part is, if Malaysia head of Dept can explore this option and share the cost infrastructure, it will do both of us a lot batter place to live, work and play.

if dowan jam, simple tuas sop... leave home 6am, clear sg side, spot a starex, tail him all the way to jb side... but be prepared to receive a thousand curses. not good karma
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you remember MH370 that flew from KLIA to Beijing then disappeared? after that incident, a lot of chinese tourists don't dare to fly MH anymore. they rather trust SQ so fly to SG then tour bus to forest city then continue on to melaka. then back to SG and fly back to China. 


That's very true.... A lot of chinese people I know refuse to take MH now.


Actually I also refuse it.

Forest City is advertised in CN as a luxury development just "next to" Singapore. No where mentioned it's a different country. [laugh]


But it's logical to assume that something next to Singapore can't be in Singapore right?


Anyway, are there really people that are tricked to believing that Forest City is in SG?

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That's very true.... A lot of chinese people I know refuse to take MH now.


Actually I also refuse it.


But it's logical to assume that something next to Singapore can't be in Singapore right?


Anyway, are there really people that are tricked to believing that Forest City is in SG?

i am ok to take MH if its convenient. problem is, from sg, not many MH flights except to KL.

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Let's analyse why both causeway causes so much ' Unnecessary Jam " year-in year-out ?


Poor planning and bad car entry custom check , Why ? 


I believe, the people planning the custom area has lack of understanding based on the followings:



` Car are built bigger in size like SUV, MPV and bigger c.c car can't really navigate through the custom lane for passport check.


' This dual carriage way check per lane should have double yellow line draw to accommodate space to mitigate side window for checks/ inspection.


' Design of in-coming and out going custom check counter/s must be environmentally friendly, e-effective & i-custom technology.


' Install a detector shell space within custom check by installing radar screen check effortlessly. ( easily identify any illegal passenger hiding in boot etc. )


If ICA and relevant authority can put their head together and come out with the eco-friendly and " Green technology "tapping on Solar-energy, I foresee Singapore can go a long way to be sufficiently reduce ( not free of jam ) amount of time wasted in the " Mother of all Marmalade Jam " for all Holiday in BolehLand, best part is, if Malaysia head of Dept can explore this option and share the cost infrastructure, it will do both of us a lot batter place to live, work and play.

one of the thing i realised is SG Tuas have jam because under 1 section, there are maybe 12-14 counters on left and right side. 

cars coming in, can be coming with 3 queue.... left will go left counter which might only be 1 counter. right will have right counter of maybe 1 counter too. then middle lane will have like 4 counters on left and right. but all congested in the middle of the section with a few AETOS security to tell you which counter to go.


in msia side, there is only 1 queue per section. then there are 4-5 counters. one by one car go to counter.... 


that is why the msia side have lesser jam unless too few counters open. so the queue built up all the way. but at least the only way to cut in is from the left.

Ya last year I went in on Good Friday. From aye jam till clear custom is at least 7hrs


This year take extra leave before and after the long weekend hope can mitigate.

last year good friday also ching ming that is why double whammy. i think this coming good friday will not be as bad as last year.

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