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GPGT 4yo pushed down AMK escalator. Hand mangled


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Visa Lee's Photos

This hand belongs to my 4 years old nephew. We need witnessess from the pushing case that happened yesterday (29/03/12) around 3 odd pm at Ang mo Kio station escalator. We need witnesses to step forward to catch the person who push him down the escalator and lefted the poor boy with his left hand stuck in the escalator!

And this little boy is my nephew. He is now having 18 stitches on his small fingers! For your info, he is left-handed. We are worried if he is able to use his left hand again. Imagine the amount of pain inflicted on him, his parents and us.

Please help me to share so that witnessess can step forward to contact us. No, I do not earn anything if you are willing to share. I am hereby begging your help to arrest that horrible person who did this to my little nephew.



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Pushed down from the escalator and hand got injured until so seriously?! [shocked] The hand must be caught into the escalator!

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Visa Lee's Photos

This hand belongs to my 4 years old nephew. We need witnessess from the pushing case that happened yesterday (29/03/12) around 3 odd pm at Ang mo Kio station escalator. We need witnesses to step forward to catch the person who push him down the escalator and lefted the poor boy with his left hand stuck in the escalator!

And this little boy is my nephew. He is now having 18 stitches on his small fingers! For your info, he is left-handed. We are worried if he is able to use his left hand again. Imagine the amount of pain inflicted on him, his parents and us.

Please help me to share so that witnessess can step forward to contact us. No, I do not earn anything if you are willing to share. I am hereby begging your help to arrest that horrible person who did this to my little nephew.



call SMRT and request for their video..... [mad]

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Fark the b------d who did this!! I hope your nephew recovers well.


Did you approach the station control and hopefully they have footage of the incident.


Any police report made?

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Fark the b------d who did this!! I hope your nephew recovers well.


Did you approach the station control and hopefully they have footage of the incident.


Any police report made?



not TS nephew lah :D but you can fark that b-------d -_-

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did anyone holding on to the kid when he was on the escalator? what were the adult doing then?


we know that escalator is not a play play thing that fulll attention is need to ride one (i am serious!), you never know when there will be people rushing and cause accident.


Even the person did not run away, but the accident had already happen, what can that person do? throw himself down the escalator too?

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If I am not wrong, the location is AMK MRT. There were reports on EDMW yesterday about SCDF showing up.


I can only hope this was an accidental and unfortunate fall.


If the boy was really pushed on purpose, the culprit should have his KKJ kiap by the escalator as punishment.

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Even the person did not run away, but the accident had already happen, what can that person do? throw himself down the escalator too?


Pay compensation [sweatdrop]

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The appeal written like the poor kid was deliberlately pushed - which you would think there would be some story behind it.


If it was an accident is a bit different, would be good to know the circumstances behind what happened - it sounds like there is a lot more story there.


And what a graphic picture - wah lau, and I just ate my lunch!!


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Pay compensation [sweatdrop]



compensation is welcome but damage is done.


the parents heart pain but who suffer the pain-the kid [:(]

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hope this is just an unfortunate accident and not pushed by some a**hole ( FT and local alike).


Just for the sake of discussion, AMK station is above ground I dont understand why ppl would "push"other down the escalator ( rush to exit the station?)). For those stations which are below ground, ppl tends to rush for the trains, so "pushing" as you rush down the escalator is rather common.

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