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Some bus lans look like ghost-lanes .....


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Having very few buses utilising bus lane and only cars jamming in lane 2 & 3 i still can understand the logic.

Move more ppl without jams on public transport as compare to every1 jammed.

But i dun understand the all day bus lane in orchard road, where buses prefer to be in lane 2 & sometimes 3 rather than the all day bus lane.

Mayb they trying to avoid the taxi stand queues at the shopping strip, or the left turn towards paragon.

But if thats the case, den whats the point of the bus lane?

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Also, I find dumb is the give way to bus exiting bus stop. Imagine you were traveling 60km/h. Then a bus signal and started moving out. So you going to jam brake or chiong over? This is the problem I keep facing. Imagine a tipper truck behind, you jam brake, you counting death. Chiong also counting death. And you guys know, nowadays our road filled with ah Tiong driver. You think they care about other road user?


Why would you need to jam brake? If you see a bus there, just slow down, anticipating the bus driver's movement.


What will it have cost you, 15 seconds? 1 minute? Unless you are the MD of a Apple or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates where you are making 1 million per second, then it would have cost you very little, if anything!


Slow down, enjoy the music from the radio, the chio bu in the car beside you...you will have less stress and masturbation will be more pleasurable!

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Goes to show that Singaporeans are very law-abiding :D[laugh]


No. Singaporean, like any other sane and smart city-dwelling homo-sapiens, will naturally take beneficial chances when opportunity arise.


What defies natural logic is when your hard-earned S$130 will get zipped by an LTA-guy armed with a candy-camera during peak hours...


And you have this Guy on the right to thank for enlarging this entrapment every weekday morning and evening. [mad]


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Bus lanes are useful only if they are fully utilised and move more passengers on the buses to their destinations faster in a jam.

Funny you raised this.

Just almost one-week to a year ago, someone pointed out this "income opportunity" and how little benefit it really made for the general road users during peak-hour.


LTA laughing to bank - last year caught 40,772 buslane offenders


This one we see this every day: Empty lane with few public buses. What improvement ?


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My mentality towards buses actually get affected by the bus lanes. When it is in effect and I cannot drive there, I think I tend to drive more aggressively when it comes to buses cos' I feel they are already 'protected'. Whereas on normal roads without bus lane, I'm more accommodating towards buses.

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Neutral Newbie

Bus lanes are useful only if they are fully utilised and move more passengers on the buses to their destinations faster in a jam.


However, i notice there are bus lanes which remain empty during peak hours when the adjacent lanes are jammed with cars queueing for more than 1km daily!!


Example: during evening peak hour along Teloh Blangah Rd under the viaduct towards VivoCity from Alexandra Rd junction all the way to VivoCity. Most of the time the buslane is empty except for a few buses. The >1km car queue affect many drivers + their passengers while the few buses which use the empty bus lane only benefit bus passengers who are out-numbered by the drivers / car-passengers.


Our road system should be utilised to benefit the larger group, in this case (ie for this stretch of the road mentioned), the drivers / car-passengers. (Not counting the passengers in the vans / lorries who are also trapped in the jam.)


Have you noticed other such situation else where?



Yes same along Bt Timah Road. Only left with 1 lane for cars.

The worst part is that the buses themselves forgot they are driving bus. End up driving out of the bus lanes. WHY ?? I also don't know.

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OMG, this is really scheming to squeeze money from motorists!!


before: 3 lanes and cars, buses, etc all moving relatviely smoothly...


after: they chop one lane for buses (but not many buses to begin with!), 3-lane becomes 2-lanes and end up traffic jams


next: new ERP and collect money!!



upper bukit timah road - near Hume estate is also like this... used to be nice 3 lane road... then they start bus lane.. and then they add MRT construction... so you can imagine the jam at morning peak.. so they add an ERP as an icing on the cake. LTA FTW!

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Why would you need to jam brake? If you see a bus there, just slow down, anticipating the bus driver's movement.


What will it have cost you, 15 seconds? 1 minute? Unless you are the MD of a Apple or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates where you are making 1 million per second, then it would have cost you very little, if anything!


Slow down, enjoy the music from the radio, the chio bu in the car beside you...you will have less stress and masturbation will be more pleasurable!

Why I need to jam brake? Just yesterday I nearly got crush by SBS bus. There is no give way lane and I'm just next to it. Between it's rear wheel and front wheel portion. Right most lane has vehicle parking at the road side. This bus just drive out without checking. Imagine if it is the give way bus lane, all the more he wouldn't check. I can slow down, but he is not moving. I will accelerate. Sometimes it is I'm next to them already and it just doesn't make sense for me to come to complete stop as car behind will crash into me. There is no different between jamming brake at 60km/h and 30km/h. The only difference is alertness of the driver behind me.

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I feel that the simple solution would be to increase the service numbers or frequency of buses instead of removing bus lanes altogether.


iirc, when MRT came about they remove quite a number of bus routes and their frequency. I remember a time where I have a choice to take 4 different service numbers via 2 different routes to get to school.. which eventually turned into only one available service number when the MRT is in place.


More bus services would mean more comfortable and efficiency for commuters, leading to lesser load on the MRT cable ties as well as lesser cars on the road. win win situation



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