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How to share printer?


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2 desk top - 1 WIN7 and 1 Mac. Connected wired to router with USB support.


Was told scanner only support USB. Lexmark x543dn.

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2 desk top - 1 WIN7 and 1 Mac. Connected wired to router with USB support.


Was told scanner only support USB. Lexmark x543dn.



very simple.


If your router does not support a USB printer directly, then

1. connect the printer to the Windows 7 PC USB port.

2. Install the driver

3. SHARE the printer (go to printer properties, sharing tab, and check the "SHARE PRINTER" check box, and give a sharename

4. From the mac, go and search for shared printers on the network (I'm not really sure how macs work) and add the shared printer. (you may need to install Mac printer drivers)

5. The only caveat is that the Win 7 PC must be on, for the share to work, and the Mac to print.

6. I think the scanner cannot share - can only scan from the Win 7 PC (but should be able to save to a network drive or the Mac)


Alternatively, get a USB print server or switch to print directly from both mac and win7 PC. (can scan directly as well.)

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