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Caught newly-wed husband cheating


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Stuck in a sticky situation. Im from HK and moved over here with my partner of 9 years from Aus. We moved so I could be closer to my family. Early last year we got married in Aus, of which majority of our friends from HK flew over to witness. During Oct, I got suspicious of my husband as I could tell things weren't right and he admitted he was texting/seeing someone on the side as I was too busy for him and he felt 'neglected'. Drama queen. Anyway, I have quite a successful job, and he is often left on own during some evenings, while I am out working. I said I was going to leave him and he threatened to take his own life, as I was the only one who really cares for him (he doesn't have any close friends in HK and is not so close with his family in Aus). So I forgave him and promised him

that I wouldn't spend so much time on my work.


A patchy xmas went by, and we went away during CNY on a sort of 'patch things out' holiday. It went really well, we spoke about how we felt and that we were newly married and having children. He really wants children at the moment and has booked in with the Family Association for us to visit next week.


Then last night, I just so happen to go on his email, and BAM - there it is - email messages to and from this girl he was seeing in Oct. Things such as, i love you, i may be with my wife but my heart is with you, and this girl emailing him back asking him to spend more time with her and telling him she wants to be his 'Mrs'. Emails and pictures galore. The whole thing. Even emails from when we were on our patch-up holiday "had to quickly sneak away to tel you I miss and love you!!"


What the hell right? Just the other day he was saying he really wants kids now and wants me to stop contraception and blah blah blah.. and then this? Why would he still want kids?


So husband comes home, after I discovred all this when he was at the gym. I calm my nerves and act out all normal as if i didn't know anything.


Now the question is - how the hell do I tell him? I want to leave him. I want separation/divorce. This is not the first time he has 'wandered' off in our relationship, as it happened many years ago and he promised he changed.


We share a house together, he has no friends and no family here. I am scared if I leave him, he will do something silly to himself, like he always said he will. Emotional blackmail i know, but it is working.


Also, how do I break the news to my family and friends, who all flew over to our wedding? They all love him and think he is great. Together we meet up with my family at least twice a week without fail. If I start showing up on my own, they will get suspicious.


sorry for the long message....... i don't even know where to start. haven't even told my closest friends as I am greatly embarrassed this has happened. I have a lot of pride which has now been shattered.


he kissed me goodbye before he left for work and he has booked dinner and movies tonight.... how and when shall i break the news?!?!




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hmmmm..... 1st, i'm a guy ....

next time go to his email? print those SH!T mails out really. might be useful during court case.

Emotional blackmail? i think 50% of the time works and only 5% of that 50% really happens lol. i means 9YEARS!! you should know what extend he will goes to.

and the family and friends part. i believe is they love you that's why they love him too. and if you drags this like 3 or 5 more years and they come to know that this shiits has been happening and you din tell them, them will be more sad or angry or disappointed. long pain why not short pain?

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If he threaten to kill himself throw him a metal spoon and ask him to scoop out his heart so that you can see whether his heart got your name or her name. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

If he threaten to kill himself throw him a metal spoon and ask him to scoop out his heart so that you can see whether his heart got your name or her name. [laugh]


Wah! Evil leh, spoon difficult, need knife lah. But think the prick only has big horn without balls lah.

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Wah! Evil leh, spoon difficult, need knife lah. But think the prick only has big horn without balls lah.

black & decker power drill best...........

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I agree with the PI thingy. Since you said you're the more successful 1 between the 2, I would try to act on the safe side. I'm talking about splitting your assets. As you know in Australia even if you're not married, it can become a drama if your partner is living with you. I would definite engage lawyers and PI to sort this issue out. Hope you wouldnt be at the losing end.

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SMS the biatch using you hubby phone to call her out.

When you meet her tel her to FO..

This issolution if you loved your hubby and willing to forgive him and spend your life married to him.


next is ask your hubby to FO

Edited by Tigerwoods
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SMS the biatch using you hubby phone to call her out.

When you meet her tel her to FO..

This issolution if you loved your hubby and willing to forgive him and spend your life married to him.


next is ask your hubby to FO


check her pic 1st [:p]

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Stuck in a sticky situation. Im from HK and moved over here with my partner of 9 years from Aus. We moved so I could be closer to my family. Early last year we got married in Aus, of which majority of our friends from HK flew over to witness. During Oct, I got suspicious of my husband as I could tell things weren't right and he admitted he was texting/seeing someone on the side as I was too busy for him and he felt 'neglected'. Drama queen. Anyway, I have quite a successful job, and he is often left on own during some evenings, while I am out working. I said I was going to leave him and he threatened to take his own life, as I was the only one who really cares for him (he doesn't have any close friends in HK and is not so close with his family in Aus). So I forgave him and promised him

that I wouldn't spend so much time on my work.


A patchy xmas went by, and we went away during CNY on a sort of 'patch things out' holiday. It went really well, we spoke about how we felt and that we were newly married and having children. He really wants children at the moment and has booked in with the Family Association for us to visit next week.


Then last night, I just so happen to go on his email, and BAM - there it is - email messages to and from this girl he was seeing in Oct. Things such as, i love you, i may be with my wife but my heart is with you, and this girl emailing him back asking him to spend more time with her and telling him she wants to be his 'Mrs'. Emails and pictures galore. The whole thing. Even emails from when we were on our patch-up holiday "had to quickly sneak away to tel you I miss and love you!!"


What the hell right? Just the other day he was saying he really wants kids now and wants me to stop contraception and blah blah blah.. and then this? Why would he still want kids?


So husband comes home, after I discovred all this when he was at the gym. I calm my nerves and act out all normal as if i didn't know anything.


Now the question is - how the hell do I tell him? I want to leave him. I want separation/divorce. This is not the first time he has 'wandered' off in our relationship, as it happened many years ago and he promised he changed.


We share a house together, he has no friends and no family here. I am scared if I leave him, he will do something silly to himself, like he always said he will. Emotional blackmail i know, but it is working.


Also, how do I break the news to my family and friends, who all flew over to our wedding? They all love him and think he is great. Together we meet up with my family at least twice a week without fail. If I start showing up on my own, they will get suspicious.


sorry for the long message....... i don't even know where to start. haven't even told my closest friends as I am greatly embarrassed this has happened. I have a lot of pride which has now been shattered.


he kissed me goodbye before he left for work and he has booked dinner and movies tonight.... how and when shall i break the news?!?!

Now I have some idea why those career/professional ladies do not want to marry me [:p]

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I said I was going to leave him and he threatened to take his own life.

People that stand on the roof threatening to jump, never do!


So just dump his sorry ass and date jamesc.


Also take out a million (S$ not HK$) policy in case he does take his own life.



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