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How to make money in 4D with 91% probability?


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Neutral Newbie

4D has a probability of one in ten thousand of you striking top prize. The total payout on 1 draw is 3k+2k+1K+(250X10)+(65X10)=9.15k. (Someone check the maths cos this was my understanding about a decade ago). Meaning to say you can spend 10k to buy every number between 0000-9999 (assuming singapore pools do allow you to buy all numbers in a single draw), you still make a loss of 850 bucks. The house always win.


Technically buying 0000-9999 guarantees you a win, but you still lose money overall.


That's why I don't buy 4D.



Just in case people go away with a wrong impression. Singapore pools actually earn lots of money with 4D, ToTo and BigSweep. In the computation above, you realize that the person who spent 10k only got back 9.15k and lose 850 bucks. If everyone does that, Singapore pool still wins. If most never strike any of the 23 combination, their bet kena eaten. So Singapore pools earn by the money odds set in the price structure.


Years ago, Singapore pools actually lose money in BigSweep. Back then, each ticket was $1 if I'm not wrong, and there were only 2mil tickets. The prize can snowball above $2mil. Therefore when the Bigsweep top prize is above 2mil, you buy all the tickets, you win money 100% from Singapore pools. But that loophole is now patched. Believe BigSweep is now $3 a ticket and there are 3mil tickets. So you have to spend $9mil and I don't see the snowball ever hitting that level.


hahahaha... There's no free lunch in this world.

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4D has a probability of one in ten thousand of you striking top prize. The total payout on 1 draw is 3k+2k+1K+(250X10)+(65X10)=9.15k. (Someone check the maths cos this was my understanding about a decade ago). Meaning to say you can spend 10k to buy every number between 0000-9999 (assuming singapore pools do allow you to buy all numbers in a single draw), you still make a loss of 850 bucks. The house always win.


Technically buying 0000-9999 guarantees you a win, but you still lose money overall.


That's why I don't buy 4D.


Too high. The actual is $3k + $2k + $800 = $5,800 for small.


For Big = $2k + $1k + $490 + 10 ($250) + 10 ($60) = $6,590


We are better off playing Roulette. [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Too high. The actual is $3k + $2k + $800 = $5,800 for small.


For Big = $2k + $1k + $490 + 10 ($250) + 10 ($60) = $6,590


We are better off playing Roulette. [laugh]



This is pathetic... hahahahaha... [laugh]


Didn't know the 4D payout rate is now further to banker's advantage...



Think go casino play blackjack instead lah... [laugh]

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Who would go for a 91% probability than a 100% probability???

With $1.4 mil, a sensible person would go for a sure win bet with investment and/or capital return while the principal amount remains guaranteed.

Is this education in the right direction since it is about money making by the educational institutions?


in this day and age, nothing is 100%

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In the Singapore 4D game, we describe a betting strategy that will allow the player to

make a profit with at least 91% probability, as long as the player has a capital of around

$1.4M. Of course, the flip side is that the player has to bear the risk (around 9% of the

time) that all the money will be lost in the 4D game. The strategy is simple, just bet on 44

four-digit numbers, and siutably increase the wager over the iBet BIG and SMALL games

after each round if the player does not win. Your capital of around $1.4M should allow you

to sustain 22 rounds of the game. Good Luck.


collaboration with NUS and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.




Really stupid studies... they nvr calculate that there are always so many numbers sold out on a weekly bassis...

this kind of statistics studies works on paper only... doesnt work in reality...

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The only formula which i saw work before... maybe also only 70%....

they buy 1000 numbers.... in each draw...


eg. buy number 8....8000 to 8999....

as long as top 2 got a number with 8... u get capital back...(1st prize of course best)

any additionals will be your winnings.


And the person i know doing it spends alot of time compiling statistics as well...

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i wonder whether did they take in the odds of numbers being sold out?

all numbers makes some sense until Singapore Pools managed their risk by limiting the bets to the particular number...

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i wonder whether did they take in the odds of numbers being sold out?

all numbers makes some sense until Singapore Pools managed their risk by limiting the bets to the particular number...


yo bro,


number has no memory


haven come out, doesn't mean will come out soon


Singapore Pools do not / will not know these info too.



What they do is purely based on Risk Management.

i.e the max loss for 1st prize is maybe 1mil,

so i cannot take in bets for more than $1,000,000 / $2,000


make sense?


from what i remember,

saw a TV interview with the Singapore pools CEO,

he mentioned: not every draw is a profit

and he hates sms after a draw on wed, sat, sun.


cos sms = lose $$


but i think win more than lose la

for banker

thats y can sponsor this sponsor that.

Edited by Sk65
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It's academic study means it would be mostly statistical and mathematical research. Michael Hui made a movie in the 1970s that has the final scene about betting on Macau greyhound racing. His method involves betting in both race club and bookie, causing the hot favourite odds to increase, by making a lousy dog the new hot favourite. The reality is the bookie will match his bets in the race club to balance the odds, so he needs to prevent the bookie from doing so -- for a 70s movie, the method was to cut the telephone wire.


Outside a movie, there are much more external factors, other people sold out on the same number etc. which are not predictable.


Saw the documentary on discovery on how a group of "shooters" win in a game of carp...

though i do not understand the game...

but that show also clearly shows, only practice... be it "cheating" or the normal way will u stand a chance against bankers...

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the only proven way is in Jack neo's movie



take telephone book

find 10,000 names


call them give them 1 number each

and note which number given to who


after draw date,

call the 23 winners take commission for "temple bulding fund"


0 capital

many man power required for collection of $


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I have found a sure fire way to win in lottery.

I just need 10,000 followers.

Each week I will give each follower a unique 4D numbe to bet.

Should the followers win I will get 50% of their winnings.

Should the followers lose, they will have to repent for their sins that week, for their sins caused them to be cursed and thus did not win in the lottery. Better luck next week.



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I have found a sure fire way to win in lottery.

I just need 10,000 followers.

Each week I will give each follower a unique 4D numbe to bet.

Should the followers win I will get 50% of their winnings.

Should the followers lose, they will have to repent for their sins that week, for their sins caused them to be cursed and thus did not win in the lottery. Better luck next week.


Like the temple at bugis giving out 4D numbers...

put 10000 numebers there...

every week sure got ppl strike...

and 23 will be so grateful and donate and then start telling all around that its super "Zhun"...

then every draw date will have 23 new supporters...


it never ends...

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i wonder whether did they take in the odds of numbers being sold out?

all numbers makes some sense until Singapore Pools managed their risk by limiting the bets to the particular number...


actually, minus all sold out numbers, same numbers and obvious stupid numbers, looking from 0000-9999,


skipping properly can actually earn u abit

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actually, minus all sold out numbers, same numbers and obvious stupid numbers, looking from 0000-9999,


skipping properly can actually earn u abit


like which ones? :huh:

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