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Woohoo...no more additional transfer fees.


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why no one complain about the transfer fee for retaining car number plate?

the fee is ridiculous.


Because if a person can think of playing number plate and dabbling in nice number plates, he or she shouldn't be complaining about the transfer fee for number plate retention.

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what is the rational behind? why can't it be $100 too. [confused]


I asked this question too.. apparently you will need to de-register the 2 used vehicles and re-register them again, thats y the combined admin fees is staggering.

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Huh? Why must bid new number for existing car? Why can't the existing plate of the targetted car come to my car that i am selling and my target car take the plate of the car i am selling? Eg, say i have an existing toyota with plate number ABC 1234 and i am buying a used Golf with plate number XYZ 5678. So they just need to do a double swap of the Golf taking over my ABC 1234 which i want to retain and my Toyota that i am trading in will take over the XYZ 5678 from the Golf.

Dont think it works this way. [rolleyes] I also dont know why?! :D

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Wapiang if number plate used to be on golf then transfer to toyota, if got summon TP get confused how?


Firstly, u mean TP summon who? Me in my "new" golf? It would be carrying my previous license plate (i.e. ABC 1234, which brought over from Toyota) so no problem, its still me that he is summoning. Or you mean summon the toyota with the old golf plate, i.e. XYZ 5678? That Toyota would now be sitting in the used car dealer's selling floor waiting for new owner ma. When a new owner buy it, he will take over the car with the "old" golf's plate XYZ 5678 (unless he himself got another car to trade in which he want to retain the plate number). Where will confuse? Summon is by license plate of the car at the time he is being caught on the road and not by make/model of car. By the time the new owner of my old car take my old toyota out, it would already have be either with the XYZ 5678 plate of some other plate which the new buyer retain from his own car.





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