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Resignation of Yaw Shin Leong confirmed liaoz!


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I think I will destroy my VOTE in GE 2016 ...


I set up Alternative Party to challenge.

The Party Slogan will be :

Either Way you are Screwed by voting them, Why not vote for us ? We don't use Screws we use Nails.

Can i join??? which SMC you want to target?? :ph34r:

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Aiyah, dun understand why some pple are demanding YSL to explain when he is not holding any national/ministerial level portfolios. Is he accountable to the nation? Maybe to residents of Hougang but by most accounts, the residents there are still giving him the unconditional support.

Edited by Toothiewabbit
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So ? Yours is NAP ? Nail All Parties ! [knife][dead]

Wah this is the Best party name leh !

Come vote for NAP and you can take a Nap soundly while we nail the competition and do our MP work cheap and good.

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Can i join??? which SMC you want to target?? :ph34r:

What SMC ? YOu see me NO UP arh ?

I go for GRC one - Of course East Coast lah !

Want to join ?? You will be deployed to attack SMC lah.

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What SMC ? YOu see me NO UP arh ?

I go for GRC one - Of course East Coast lah !

Want to join ?? You will be deployed to attack SMC lah.

siew.. i go attach SMC?? which one???

so who go attach GRC with you??


MO and RadX??

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siew.. i go attach SMC?? which one???

so who go attach GRC with you??


MO and RadX??

I see you got UP and you say I Siao ? You very chek ark one.

Which SMC ? You go choose lah ? What you choose I, Secretary General of NAP, will Sarpork one !

Who come to join me GRC ? I only got you asking to join my Party others not yet come leh.


But hor you must forrow raw hor :

Raw #1 : never screw around esp party member wives. Nail around is OK. but neber touch Sec Gen wife.

Raw #2 : If you want to got Erected, you must always say this to the pubic "I will Nail that bugger" and my secret society team will do the job for you in the wee hours. But you need to give Big Kopi Lui as this is not covered under the GE Erection funds of NAP.

Raw #3 : Still in the works pending from brain storming as we enrol new members...

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I always reminds my good friends, bro and bro listen here, NEVER POO AT THE PLACE WHERE YOU EATS, BUY YOUR MILKS IN 24/7 SEVEN ELEVEN STORE AND DON'T BRINGS THE COW HOME !

Must wipe the mouth clean after makan :D


Sine day one, straying husbands/wives are nothing new under the sun. Some stray but come home eventually, others stray and lost their ways? [:p]

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Wah this is the Best party name leh !

Come vote for NAP and you can take a Nap soundly while we nail the competition and do our MP work cheap and good.

Tomorrow going Mandai Zoo to check all their tigers having wood nails or not, if I can finds it ? I'll snap a picture to show how the Tigerwoodnail look likes [laugh] Going to have my Afternoon NAP now [sleeping]

Edited by Fongmy
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I see you got UP and you say I Siao ? You very chek ark one.

Which SMC ? You go choose lah ? What you choose I, Secretary General of NAP, will Sarpork one !

Who come to join me GRC ? I only got you asking to join my Party others not yet come leh.


But hor you must forrow raw hor :

Raw #1 : never screw around esp party member wives. Nail around is OK. but neber touch Sec Gen wife.

Raw #2 : If you want to got Erected, you must always say this to the pubic "I will Nail that bugger" and my secret society team will do the job for you in the wee hours. But you need to give Big Kopi Lui as this is not covered under the GE Erection funds of NAP.

Raw #3 : Still in the works pending from brain storming as we enrol new members...

I say siew. U look again. All raw I can follow.m as long as I am not the secret society.

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In a nut shell, opposition party [thumbsdown]

Tell that bugger, next time any Opposition Party or Ruling Party go Geylang, they have to declare so that all politicians come clean with Pubic for all Matters, Pubic or Privates.


As I have said before, the Media is trying hard to blur the boundary lines between what is Public and what is Private to create more Fodder in their news to sell more newspapers ...

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Got link?? from where one?



This entry was posted by sam.明德 on Wednesday, 8 February, 2012 at



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Interstingly, there is a law that PAP MPs cannot be spied upon, blah blah, and their private lives to be just that, private.


Here, we have an opp MP and his private life kena whack.......double standards me guess


I guarantee you, this yr, ND rally, PM Lee sure mention this in some way or another

Until now i dun remember any MIW mentioning it...it wld do him better nt mentioning otherwise....the matter backfire...ho ho....he will come out with new local dishes comments lah..Mee Siam mai hum.... maybe prawn noodle jus fish balls.... [laugh]

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