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Taxi driver sibei hiong!


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For me it doesn't matter who starts the ball rolling.


The taxi driver collided with the car.

He is totally to blame imo.


The taxi driver should have just got on with his job instead of being the revenger.



:blink: oh there was a collision?... didnt know...


opps [:p]

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i tink it's oso the driver's fault... cut so abruptly into ppl lane... siao one oso lor...

tis type of ppl shld lose his license together wif the taxi driver...

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Neutral Newbie

however kl is the driver, it is not right for the tai driver to bum into him on purpose.


in other words, if i kl and bully u all the times, u have no right to beat me up and llst? [hur]

pls post with rational thinking

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Neutral Newbie

For me it doesn't matter who starts the ball rolling.


The taxi driver collided with the car.

He is totally to blame imo.


The taxi driver should have just got on with his job instead of being the revenger.



do u ever drive? i doubt so..

while driving, if u were highbeam for no reasons at all, do u get pissed off or pretending nothing has happened? (I am not talking abt what happened in the video)


if i provoke u, u llst?

if i take all your $$, u kuai kuai give it to me?

Rational thinking and posting pls

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from the video, i think the taxi is changing lane at a still considered safe distance; thereafter the taxi continued braking is to try change lane to the left most lane soonest, as you can see (in the last part of the video when both vehicles stopped), there is a filter lane / exit coming up real soon.


More importantly, we MUST NOT have the "REVENGE" or "OWN THE ROAD" mentality when driving. This kind of mentality will cause accidents on the roads.

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Neutral Newbie

this is soooo stupid, shld eliminate more of these dumb cabbies, purposely caused harm to others. shld sue him of attempt murdering.


pls do not condemn other occupation just because he is a taxi driver and is deem as the baddest occupation here in MCF..


ask yourself these questions:

1) why did the owner of the private car post only +/- 1min of video clips in his FB when the DVR starts to record the moment he drives. Hidding something?

2) we do not know what is the real cause. why the hell the car owner highbeam the taxi driver when he could overtake it in another lane?

3) this is just a one sided story from the car owner

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do u ever drive? i doubt so..

while driving, if u were highbeam for no reasons at all, do u get pissed off or pretending nothing has happened? (I am not talking abt what happened in the video)



If people high beamed me, either i made them TL (by being slower than them which is not necessarily wrong; or cut into their lane), or I will think they are trying to get my attention whether something is wrong with my car. Of course I will get a bit TL on the first example, but it is only for a fleeting moment like "wtf he doing, boliao lah..", and continue driving or change lane to let him go.


There were quite a few instances when I high beamed people to get their attention to let them know that they forgot to switch on their lights (i even turned on and off my own lights), but some got scared and sped away, and some totally was unaware which i think is the most dangerous kind.

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pls do not condemn other occupation just because he is a taxi driver and is deem as the baddest occupation here in MCF..


ask yourself these questions:

1) why did the owner of the private car post only +/- 1min of video clips in his FB when the DVR starts to record the moment he drives. Hidding something?

2) we do not know what is the real cause. why the hell the car owner highbeam the taxi driver when he could overtake it in another lane?

3) this is just a one sided story from the car owner



ok i admit im biase, just hate them.


regardless of what happen before or after that incident, intentionally causing damage to others is total wrong doing

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ok i admit im biase, just hate them.


regardless of what happen before or after that incident, intentionally causing damage to others is total wrong doing


which the camera vehicle driver might be guilty of that too.

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it takes both hands to clap.


but as a driver on the road, one should practice defensive driving not "kuay lan" driving.


the taxi move/sway/cut-in/swerve (what ever you call it) to the left without signal is wrong but the driver had take notice of it. period.

it pissed off the driver and in return it is wrong of him/her to get even by cutting into the taxi path abruptly.


likewise for the taxi uncle just that the latter causes the accident.


insurance premium heading north again and thanks to both of them.



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The driver himself is a kuku driver lah. The taxi is like 1~2 car lengths ahead of the driver when he change lane. Beam one time not enough and keep beaming the taxi. Aftering overtaking the cabbie, he still purposely cut into the taxi's lane. WTH... some might say the taxi driver is at fault too but you can't really blame him since he's the one being provoked. Din really read through the comments on his FB but it seems his friends are siding him. [crazy]

It's these clowns like the driver himself should be banned from the roads.

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If pple high beam me, I also seldom will get notice, maybe because my anti glare mirror is so efficient ba :)


i seldom get high beam on the road, unless got some sibei kiasu driver that beam with miles away behind me~~~~

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