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PAP MP Grace Fu no happy with pay cut?


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I am paying the person to run a "country", not a company nor organization. If she is not capable of seeing the difference lies within, I would strongly suggest she returns to where she came from. [laugh]


Hint: She's putting personal & family in front of country... [rolleyes]

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  On 1/5/2012 at 3:05 AM, Jman888 said:

like some companies experience, will the govt face mass resignation after CNY? [laugh] [laugh]


think i shld go apply if tehre is a vacancy in parliament

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Must also remember, that even after the revision, the family is hardly going to have to stint or budget to get by. She is a junior minister right? So still over $1million per year, before the bonus (up to 6 months!!) and other allowances, not to mention her sideline activities.


If on an income of $ 1 million ++ per year her family is going to be deprived then she needs to think long and hard about the standard of living in Singapore for the average family.

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When she made a decision in 2006, pay wasn't a key factor. Now in 2012 after the pay revision, it would be a key factor if she was to join politics, interpreting from her last sentence??? What is she trying to say??

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  On 1/5/2012 at 3:05 AM, Jman888 said:

like some companies experience, will the govt face mass resignation after CNY? [laugh] [laugh]


Maybe they waiting for bonus... like me... hahaha [laugh]

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I feel her comments is fair and just. And her consideration that after joining politics, her family standard of living should not suffer is also logical and reasonable. Will you take on a new job that will cause your family standard of living to drop? Not likely tio bor?


Please don't flame me, I think those who are invited to the tea party are usually already doing quite well in their chosen profession. They already gave up their private life as well as that of their families once they decided to stand for election. I don't think you can put a price to privacy.


Seriously, if I am invited to tea party, I will turn it down flat... No ifs no buts. Privacy is priceless. I enjoy being a nobody wearing singlet & slipper to my favourite bak chor mee stall on weekends and jogging around parks in all corners without having to wave and smile at every single soul that runs besides me. If you are a politician, you can you can do that? Wave and smile can be tough especially when you try to push the old bones to the finishing line. Puff & puff still must said hello.....

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Neutral Newbie

There's someone who stated as a fact he 'welcomes' his 51% pay cut leh, who is this Grace Fu to say she is unhappy? People kenna cut 51% still nvr make noise, her pay got kenna cut so much or not? It only serves to reiterate the fact that pay and nothing else is foremost on their minds when they enter politics, coz once the prospect of pay cut comes out, they must express their 'reservations' that future pay cuts would deter others from k=joining them in the field of politics.


On the other hand, would you know of anyone, however noble they are, who would 'welcome' a pay cut of 51%? Please lah, think people reading his statement stupid or what? Everyone knows the statements of course cannot complain about the paycuts, but to say he 'welcomes' the pay cuts? Come on lar. Something along the lines of 'no matter what the pay structure is, I will still continue to discharge my responsibilities to the best of my abilities' would be considered more neutral and not so hypocritical.

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First remark = Pay is not key factor

Last remark = IF the balance is tilted further in the future, it will make it harder for anyone considering political office


we all know now...

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