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Motorbikes like to Q in front at traffic lights


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Haha I agree with the comment.. I used to ride a bike and I always queue in the front of the car.. But I say that bikers are more aware of the light changes as once the light turns, I'll usually be off and away.. Too many distractions in the car but for bikers, the only thing we do is look around and at the traffic lights...


But I usually wait in front cos I rode a 400cc bike previously and the first 3 gears usually can move quite far before the car catches up.. But Sonata and big cc cars are a diff story..

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riders ride safe

just last week after taking my practical for class 2, on the way home, class 2 bike was lying on the road and the rider was lying face down

while the car that involve in the accident have its right rear wheel smash inwards

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In taiwan, they have a box for motorbikes at the traffic light reserve for them. Its like a yellow box in our junction, but only applied to cars.

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My take is car or bike, if you are the first one on the line, pay attention and dun hold up the traffic when the light turns. And accelerate briskly, if not, stay behind.

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there is this type. the one who stop on your left, but when green light, they will "U" turn in front of you....


this kind of people you can find at the paya lebar just after Cisco.


when I move they suddenly turn in trying to make a U-turn to PIE, I jam brakes infront of them and they still got

the WTF face looking at you....if they keep on chutting this kinda of stunts sooner or later one slow reaction fellow sure bang them...

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Internal Moderator

In taiwan, they have a box for motorbikes at the traffic light reserve for them. Its like a yellow box in our junction, but only applied to cars.


The motorcycles in BKK's roads also terrible. More than 20+ bikes infront at junctions and the rest of the vehicles stay put behind them. SG roads considered ok alr. Haha.

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Internal Moderator

its normal no matter u driving car or bike, u alway wanna squeeze in front,

i hate those bike squeeze to 1 meter in front of me also, esp when i am the first car.


but if their hp is big, they squeeze in front , and they acc faster then me, then fine.

but normally i will ram my rpm and squeeze right beside them and over take. if u cannot acc fast enough , dun squeeze in front and block the way.


Most bikes will definitely be able to accelerate faster than cars off the junctions if you go by power to weight ratio esp the Kups - their pickup is amazingly fast lor. By the time the car shifts up gear, you probably can't even see their tail light liao. My puny 150cc bike lose to them flat.. It is mostly the old uncles riding scooters or smtg that jams up the traffic. Uncles who lane split slowly but hog up the inbetween lanes and still wanna be at the front of each traffic light. Haha.


For such people, just gotta practice a little bit more patience. Curse and swear in your heart, and then live and let live.

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Internal Moderator

I have no problems with bikes lane splitting in anyway. But one thing I may want to highlight to bikers is that, some times while lane splitting in a heavy jam, heavy traffic in a slight bend. The driver may have checked his mirror but would not anticipate a bike coming so fast between cars.


Doesn't happen always but once in a while when a biker decides to go fast lane splitting between heavy traffic.

Rule of thumb: If lane splitting, always practice defensive riding and learn to anticipate cars who might suddenly change lane, or don't keep to their lanes. And never ever go fast till a point that you are unable to brake if you have to. I only lane split on expressway if there's a bad jam to prevent my bike from overheating. My temperature goes up to 1/2 or 3/4 in jams. Terrible feeling!! [:(]


If they dare to go so fast when they're lane splitting, I hope they have on brembo brakes! [laugh]

Talking about doing something at the traffic light, I ever see this uncle riding a Honda wave with a basket in between his leg, there was newspaper in the basket, at traffic light he can take out and read. But lucky he is aware when light turn green. I'd not sure kena horn by the car behind.


Living life to the fullest! [thumbsup]

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Hi everyone,


I am sure almost everyone would have noticed this. When u stop at traffic lights, even though u may be the very first car, some motorbike would come in from the side and then queue in front of you and sometimes in front of the stop line even. Still worse, they go slow and u are forced to go even slower for fear of hitting them.

This sort of behaviour sometimes is irritating but nothing much we can do.


anyone got anything to comment?


Just experienced it on last Sunday, I stopped at 2nd lane from right (Arrow indication is Straight/ Right Turn) in a cross junction, As I'm heading straight. Then this bike just squeezed through from the back n stopped after white line infront of me, I was telling myself, if he going straight I don't really mind but, when light turns green, he move off very slowly- WITHOUT SIGNAL to prepare for right turn(what happen if I'm in the hurry towards somewhere n pickup my speed assume he is heading straight. I urge all riders please ride with some wisdom, why Risk your life.

Side track abit, lately I noticed quite alot cyclists traveling on 70Km/Hr road, personally I find it very Dangerous to both cyclist & other road users.

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I used to get quite irritated when the bikers squeeze past me to get infront of my car esp when I am the first car at the junction. However, when I put myself in their shoes, I realised that I wouldn't want to stop behind a stationary car and smell the exhaust right?. I reckon that must be one of the reason and I can ampatise with them. Now I will usually leave enough space of them to move to the front at traffic junctions. Wouldn't kill me to lose that few seconds to move off.

Edited by TJX
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Internal Moderator

I used to get quite irritated when the bikers squeeze past me to get infront of my car esp when I am the first car at the junction. However, when I put myself in their shoes, I realised that I wouldn't want to stop behind a stationary car and smell the exhaust right?. I reckon that must be one of the reason and I can ampatise with them. Now I will usually leave enough space of them to move to the front at traffic junctions. Wouldn't kill me to lose that few seconds to move off.


It isn't about smelling the car exhaust trust me. Exhaust smoke from bikes can be worse than cars.

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Internal Moderator

Side track abit, lately I noticed quite alot cyclists traveling on 70Km/Hr road, personally I find it very Dangerous to both cyclist & other road users.


Continuing the sidetracking, they're all over the roads now. Making right, left turns along with us.


Filter lanes you'll see them doing the left turns - sometimes they're in the middle of the lane, sometimes they're on the inner left but wobbling all over the place. There will only be a few scenarios to this - Vehicles pile up behind the cyclist and allow him space to complete the turn, impatient drivers cut right infront of him and filter left, horns and middle fingers goes flying all around.


Cyclists didn't used to be so bold back then. Why the sudden spike of cyclists all over the roads? Next time will we see them on expressway?


I'm sure to those who travel to Changi Village frequently for supper or smtg, you'll notice along Changi Coast Road, that long stretch alongside Changi Airport runaway, you'll see many cyclists there at night sometimes occupying both lanes. That's damn dangerous. They don't have lights or reflectors on them, but from where I am behind, I can see dark figureS going from one lane to another in a group.


What if some drivers don't see them? :angry:



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Actually to be fair to these bikers, we as a drivers must practice caution and try to avoid them whenever possible because as what the others have said, a slight bump into them will caused them to skid or fell off from their bike.


I myself don't have a bike license so therefore I can't experience what they need to go through everyday when traveling on the road..... Be it bike or car, there will be bound to have this group of black sheep that drive recklessly and assumed people will always give way to them even though they are in the wrong.


But so what? Does that mean we have to bang each other and see them die? At the end of the day, I am sure all of us want to go back home to have our dinner with our loved ones in one piece without any accident....


Tio boh? Driving in Singapore is already very stressful, why make yourself so pek chek? Relax n chill TS!

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most time, heavy traffic is due to people driving cars.


i'm sure if more users were to change from cars to bikes, our road will be smoother. who knows ERP may be decreased as the avg speed is increased?


most of the time my vehicle is parked during office hours. so if a bike can do the same job, but at a much cheaper price, why not switched it? save money and save the earth if we switch from car to bike.

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Gahment not happy leh.


They already increased the road tax for bikes many years back. Last time cheap cheap $30/year only. Now..... [bigcry]


I think even if average speed is increased, ERP rates will not drop one. Instead it will be increased to compensate for the decrease in revenue. :D



most time, heavy traffic is due to people driving cars.


i'm sure if more users were to change from cars to bikes, our road will be smoother. who knows ERP may be decreased as the avg speed is increased?


most of the time my vehicle is parked during office hours. so if a bike can do the same job, but at a much cheaper price, why not switched it? save money and save the earth if we switch from car to bike.


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