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How problematic is VW's 7 speed DSG?


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Except in gears 1 and 2. Salesperson also told me no jerking and asked me to try lifting off throttle, and it didn't jerk.


Only after driving it for a month then I realise it's mostly true, except for a certain case where you accelerate a bit from a stop, then lift off. There will be a slight jerk.


I don't know is it the same as old DSG boxes, or maybe I never experienced a real jerking DSG box before.


A small complaint only. Otherwise it is really excellent. Would like to try ZF out one day as I read it's also a top performing gearbox.

Zf is torque converter type. Shifts fast too n def smoother
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Zf is torque converter type. Shifts fast too n def smoother

Agreed,esp the 8 Speed ones...very fast shift,very early ''lock up''...no slip. [thumbsup]  [:)]

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I am driving with DQ200 GB. Drive the way I like it, creeping in at jam, high and low speed at NSHW. Very smooth and good experience with DSG dry clutch. Seem like after the changes/update made after 2014 works well with the GB to accommodate SG climate and traffic condition. Let's hope this good feeling last as long as possible.

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There r pros cons to dry wet clutch.


Dry- lighter, cheaper, noisier but wear rate higher. Ducati is known to use it, tat noise. Race cars usually use it cos it's more direct.


Wet- last longer, quieter, smoother cos clutches soaked with oil but more expensive


In terms of speed shift, these days from dsg to zf, all just as good

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Someone with interest in driving can notice and appreciate the difference. I used to think my normal torque converter seems quite fast liao. Once I changed to DSG I realised how stupid my previous thinking was.


It only takes around 2 months to figure out the new driving style. Not a big difference from regular auto. Learning the DSG technique improves your driving experience but is not a must.

Then I'm real numb. Even my previous rides paired with torque converter n Cvt trans in manual mode gear change quite instantaneous I feel. Perhaps it's because of daily normal driving. Maybe I need to try on track to feel better..
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Agreed,esp the 8 Speed ones...very fast shift,very early ''lock up''...no slip. [thumbsup][:)]

ZF 8 speed is very good and reliable. Seamless, fast changing. Good fuel economy too. No need DSG. Edited by Volvobrick
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ZF 8spd is the best [thumbsup]


ZF 8 speed is very good and reliable. Seamless, fast changing. Good fuel economy too. No need DSG.

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My next car should have this gear box as far as possible.

But only Cars with RWD or Longtitude Mounted Engine can use this ZF Gearbox :mellow: ...FWD or even the latest M135i never used this.

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In fact ZF 8 Speeder is even better than Mercedes Benz 9G- Tronic..or Lexus 10 Speed Gearbox...the latter always ''Hunt" for Gears during Urban Driving.

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In fact ZF 8 Speeder is even better than Mercedes Benz 9G- Tronic..or Lexus 10 Speed Gearbox...the latter always ''Hunt" for Gears during Urban Driving.


Too many gears, how to decide? In SG at most you go 0-100km/h. If it's split evenly among the speed:


Gear 1 = 0-10

Gear 2 = 11-20

Gear 3 = 21-30

Gear 4 = 31-40

Gear 5 = 41-50

Gear 6 = 51-60

Gear 7 = 61-70

Gear 8 = 71-80

Gear 9 = 81-90

Gear 10 = 91-100


No wonder keep hunting for gear lah!

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Actually, non-DSG driver are not outdated, but merely enjoying a different type of system. Traditional torque converter is smoother, less jerk but at the expense of slightly more fuel consumed due to fluid transfer method. But the jewel of torque converter auto is ZF8 which is lightning fast yet smooth. It is almost DCT equivalent.


CVT had improved leap and bound over the years, nothing wrong with it but just different, different philosophy in how car should perform.

I have all along disliked CVT. It zapped the life out of all the cars I have driven that were equipped with it. The feeling of disconnect and rubber band feeling was off-putting. DCT or a good torque converter are always better enthusiast choices.


Circumstances led me to change from a 7-Gtronic car to an e-CVT one, coupled to a hybrid powertrain. I thought I would dread the gearbox and have to console myself with the improved fuel economy.


The rise and fall of engine note, which is music to car nuts, is history. But the instantaneous response to throttle input was what I didnt expect. From any speed whether at 20kmh or 120kmh, just a push of the throttle would send the car sprinting forward, with no lag, no delay, every time. No need to second guess the gearbox. Very useful for lane changing and overtaking, or joining expressway from slip roads And that is in Normal mode. In Sport mode, it's electric. Pun not intended.


Well, yes some may rightly say that the battery provided the instant response. And yes, the V6 is quite powerful. But I'm talking about how CVT can respond quickly too, as it doesn't have to wait for a downshift or hunt for the right gear. Step and go! And full acceleration is uninterrupted by gearchanges. It just pulls and pulls seamlessly until you had enough and you let go the throttle. Overall I prefer it to the stodgy 7-Gtronic which is slow and unresponsive.


Just like what you said, it's a different philosophy, and I don't quite mind it as much now. I agree with your statement that it's horses for course, and DSG is good but others are also good in their own ways and are by no means out-dated. To say DSG is king and all other gearbox types are peasants is pedantic.


Still miss the revs going up and down though...

Edited by Toeknee_33
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