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What are you doing for New Year's eve?


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I did a countdown in shanghai before..very cold !


Anyone did countdown overseas before ?


Celebrating 2012 in Genting!!! [laugh]


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What are you doing for New Year's eve?


Stay at home? club? Overseas?


Just a random survey..


Best is to stay inside my pigeonhole surf MCF, go Orchard cars might kena stuck in the flood or in big Jamm. Take MRT, wait those cable ties might snap and you got stuck inside the train. [:p]



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Neutral Newbie

how much u gonna spend in the casinos? [:p]



He is only 15, unlikely to get into casino unless dad brings him in as a VVIP...

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Hmmm usually it's with gf in bed counting down at ritz, now that broken up, it will be me alone in bed, counting down, thinking of my past mistakes and how I wanna move on in life and plans for the future

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Driving to Kuantan.

Yes it know it's monsoon and New Year.

Attending wedding dinner.


well, its a dangerous drive considering the wet weather we are facing now

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well, its a dangerous drive considering the wet weather we are facing now


Thanks for the concern.

I will not be driving fast, the main concern is flooding and wave surges along the coastal roads.


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pardon me for hijack thread..


anyone knows the timing for fireworks on that day??


Just after the midnight Countdown, the fireworks will commence.

Last year, we watched the fireworks at the Marina Promotory.

Families with small kids and elderly need to take note that massive crowds would be there.

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Hmmm usually it's with gf in bed counting down at ritz, now that broken up, it will be me alone in bed, counting down, thinking of my past mistakes and how I wanna move on in life and plans for the future

I LOVE THIS hahaha might as well count the investment u loss on ur gf haha

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