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STOMP: It's $7,000 To Fix This Damage After Minor Accident


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What for responsibility when it's extra work and the regulatory are not bother about it anyway?

i correct my word. it is not corporate responsibility. it is in fact an abetment of fraud when you knowingly make inflated payouts to parties who submit ridiculous claims. If this is not a serious shirk of responsibility, i don't know what is.

Edited by Happily1986
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Is there anything we can do to help ourselves? zzz


Got drive carefully and don't bang into others. Other way is take public transport.

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Based on the current prices of cars in Singapore... 7k is reasonable lol...


this is repair damage, not repair COE,

new car prices not relevant

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Last time a taxi bang me, minor damage on my bumper,......i choose to settle privately with him. Workshop repair is 170, so I ask him to pay 170 only. Never even claim him my transport fee for taking cab to work. I look at it that he also has to earn a living.



Sir.....i respect you......May God bless you...... you are very kind...... [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]


BUT may God bless you that you don bang a TAXI.......BCOS THEY WILL CONFIRM TAI CHOP CLAIM YOU JIA JIA LAT.........




Since the lan jiao society is like that, let it be like that.......


有其政府, 就有其人民...............Call me a mother f**ker, but reality is cruel......

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depending on how you feel about repairs..my dad once was hit by a taxi, he said no need to claim.just repair spray etc even tho bumper got a hole


it also depends on the owner. spray a bump it can cost between $100 to afew k depending on who does it for you... there's this guy who's shop is said to be above lambhorghini show room call Ah Long? spray whole car at least 10k and have 1 -2 months waiting list? maybe the owner only wanted the best workmanship for his car?

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Got drive carefully and don't bang into others. Other way is take public transport.


Totally with you on the first part [wave]


Errr...in view what has happened & may happen again, I reserve my comments on the second....

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Sir.....i respect you......May God bless you...... you are very kind...... [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]


BUT may God bless you that you don bang a TAXI.......BCOS THEY WILL CONFIRM TAI CHOP CLAIM YOU JIA JIA LAT.........




Since the lan jiao society is like that, let it be like that.......


有其政府, 就有其人民...............Call me a mother f**ker, but reality is cruel......


Bro...how the cab company want to claim, that's their karma.


For me, I just do based on my own principles.


If it is just a small minor damage, just settle privately and honestly, and then move on. Why want to inflate here, inflate there, upgrade here, upgrade there and tne end result is just higher insurance for everyone?


Nobody wants an accident...so just live and let live if it is minor.

Edited by Icedbs
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it takes 2 to clap - some months ago, I was bumper swiped by car from behind - so the scratches are similar to TS. i went to sin min to get a quote for painting - $180. i asked for same amt and the other party swee swee gave me $230 including $50 for taxi fare. in the end i chose not to repaint. this was all settled without insurance within 24 hours. although i was the aggrieved party, I was already prepared to let go if other party play dirty and don't pay. its only a bumper, no big deal lah.


previously another moto bike came too close and "touched" bumper, also from behind - i did not stop the car and just waved him off and he was surprised. on inspection it was only minor scratches from the tyre rubber and easily brushed off.


maybe this is good karma that i am still keeping my 50% NCD. [:p]

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Neutral Newbie

Expensive "abrasion"... [:(]






Posted on 16 Dec 2011

It's $7,000 to fix this damage after minor accident



STOMPer Confuse was surprised to learn that $7,000 has been claimed from his insurance company to fix what seemed to be minor damages on a car he was involved in an accident with.


Said the STOMPer:


"This is the picture of the damage to a vehicle.


"A third party company claimed $7,000 from my insurance company for the damage.


"How can the claim be result to $7,000?"


Stomper confirm plus chop just pass license and only started driving.. This has been going on ever since cars are tied to mandatory insurance. [laugh]

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strangely enough, these kind of unethical practices have been ongoing for years...


but authority is still not doing enough to curb it


in the end, consumers still the biggest losers (repair shops biggest winners, hospitals next, followed by lawyers... insurance companies no win no lose)

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strangely enough, these kind of unethical practices have been ongoing for years...


but authority is still not doing enough to curb it


in the end, consumers still the biggest losers (repair shops biggest winners, hospitals next, followed by lawyers... insurance companies no win no lose)


I actually highlighted this issue to LTA, MOT a few times already. But LTA reply was that if there is any fraud, he advise them to file a legal lawsuit. Which I feel it is not the case of want to file or not to file legal lawsuit anymore. I mean it is not sustainable if it keep happening.


Anyway, I today send feedback to LTA again, hope LTA don't give the same reply again and really do something about it.

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And the insurance company process the claim without questioning o investigating. Easy job for the HOD of Liam processing department who probably earn a fat salary


Perhaps its time to smash office windows of insurance company to make them wake up

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And the insurance company process the claim without questioning o investigating. Easy job for the HOD of Liam processing department who probably earn a fat salary


Perhaps its time to smash office windows of insurance company to make them wake up


I think is more of easy way out solution. I mean who will want waste time to go investigate so many claims. All it need is for the claim to be valid and in accordance to clause stated in the contract.


So the main concern is that many workshop, lawyers use this loophole to rip off extra $ as it is not their $ anyway. I mean directly not their $ to play with. Workshop even more happy as there is more income as compared to work so hard just to earn few hundreds bucks for spray painting where claiming insurance can earn a lot more.


So I feel it's time to review the clause in car insurance and tighten up the loophole and benefit everyone and eliminate workshop and lawyers to earn quick bucks using the current loophole in the system.

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Worst is those that knowing that ok accident just need to go hospital for checkup be it how minor the accident is as the clause stated can claim the other party for injuries sustain due to car accident.


I mean a car accident if it is major it's ok with it, but with if it is just a very minor bump on the bumper? I mean everyone knows that minor bump on the bumper will not cause so much great impact till a person need to be fully checkup by hospital. But workshop just do not care anyway as long as they get the $ and insurance company only wait for people to complain than they take action, if not just go accordance to the contract and nothing will goes wrong.


It's like person A knows that it is wrong to claim medical that is not under the car accident, but he/she just submit the receipt anyway since it is not his/her $ anyway they other party pay why cares, knowing that insurance company just need medical bill and that's it.


So this is the main issues of what is happening nowadays, or shell I say has been happening for years.

I really hope LTA do wake up their ideas and not just everything follow in accordance to rules and regulations which has too much rigidly that many people take advantage of this rigidly to their advantage and earn quick bucks.

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I mean a car accident if it is major it's ok with it, but with if it is just a very minor bump on the bumper? I mean everyone knows that minor bump on the bumper will not cause so much great impact till a person need to be fully checkup by hospital. But workshop just do not care anyway as long as they get the $ and insurance company only wait for people to complain than they take action, if not just go accordance to the contract and nothing will goes wrong.


I still do not understand how you can earn money by doing checkup. You mean when I claim 10K for checkup, only 5K goes to the hospital. In any case, how come check up cost so much?

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I still do not understand how you can earn money by doing checkup. You mean when I claim 10K for checkup, only 5K goes to the hospital. In any case, how come check up cost so much?


I just give example only. Not only checkup la. Like hospital bills accounting for other things like trauma, internal injuries etc. I mean just minor impact can cause all these ? So you see, people just take advantage of the system and claim whatever they can since it's not directly their $ anyway," other party pay mindset".


End up inflated claims and cost pass down to consumer. In the end consumer are the one who is at losing end.

Edited by Yewheng
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