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STOMP: It's $7,000 To Fix This Damage After Minor Accident


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Expensive "abrasion"... [:(]






Posted on 16 Dec 2011

It's $7,000 to fix this damage after minor accident



STOMPer Confuse was surprised to learn that $7,000 has been claimed from his insurance company to fix what seemed to be minor damages on a car he was involved in an accident with.


Said the STOMPer:


"This is the picture of the damage to a vehicle.


"A third party company claimed $7,000 from my insurance company for the damage.


"How can the claim be result to $7,000?"

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Neutral Newbie

Simple....$700 to "premium" paint respray of bumper. No major dent so no need to change. Inflated remaining 90% goes to owner and workshop "admin fee" aka kopi lui.

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Ha ha ha.......


hello people, don knock my backside hor, lim peh confirm, guarantee tai chop claim you gao gao......... [cool]



Feel like tailor-made a decal which says:" knock me? Lim peh claim you JIA JIA LAT!! " [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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i bang into one old man's Rush before and his medical checkup bill was 10k (nothing happen to him, its just a checkup)


i called my insurer and they told me if bring to court sure lose so just pay


i was wondering what the hell checkup can cost 10k? he take biz class fly to USA to see doctor?


the insurers just raise premiums every year, we LL pay. they have no incentive to fight for you or challenge the bill



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Ha ha ha.......


hello people, don knock my backside hor, lim peh confirm, guarantee tai chop claim you gao gao......... [cool]



Feel like tailor-made a decal which says:" knock me? Lim peh claim you JIA JIA LAT!! " [laugh][laugh][laugh]



dont complain

nobody ask you to band him (aka kiss his butt)



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i bang into one old man's Rush before and his medical checkup bill was 10k (nothing happen to him, its just a checkup)


i called my insurer and they told me if bring to court sure lose so just pay


i was wondering what the hell checkup can cost 10k? he take biz class fly to USA to see doctor?


the insurers just raise premiums every year, we LL pay. they have no incentive to fight for you or challenge the bill


I ever knocked into a taxi, nothing much to the back of taxi, his repair 2k+ so close one eye. NB after 3 mths received from insurer his medical bill is 8k+, WTF i told the insurer to better investigate cos if he can injured why not me also. In the end my insurer managed to reduce to 3k. They will use lawyers to fight the claim, their lawyers also Jia sai one. Fxxk taxi driver, dare he hehe haha with me somemore after knock his car.

Edited by Hulk
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sighs....no wonder our insurance sky rocketed. Becos of all these idiots anyhow suka suka claim


Dun blame the idoits who suka suka claim...


Blame the morons who suka suka pay as well....

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