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road hogging... tailgating... dont know discuss how many times liao until the cows all died...



i am proud to say... i am now very tolerant of road hoggers... i just imagine the driver to be a very old senile man... or a fcuking car idiot... i simply tailgate as close i can for a few seconds... if he doesnt give way i'll just overtake fromt he left if i can...


for tail gaters i never have a problem... cause i am never a hogger...

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Talking about Tailgating/ road hoggers:


I was on aye (ecp) today at 6am. Was going on the frist lane and traffic was super smooth until i met this zhnged vios SFU 28!3 if i am not wrong. behind the vios was a jb bike and then me. I was going at speed faster then them so i flashed the bike. the bike automatically go into the 2nd lane. when i was coming up to the vios, i did not flash it as I know most singaporean drivers are very sensitive to the high beam and they may go blind. so i put on my right singal to show that i want to overtake. stupid driver did not care and continued to go at its speed. so i tailgated the car. as per kuku singaporean driver this idiot slowed down to 70. I also slow down cos the bike was beside me already. after that, it then proceeded to "appear"to go into the 2nd lane so i acclecrated to overtake. who knos this fella straddle in between lane. Damm angry so I just squeeze past the car. before i pass the car, i stared at the driver and this macik tudung stared back at me. I was so angry. Come on lar, 2nd lane no car i coming from behind to overtake u, u still wanna play punk. never mind. I cut back into 2nd lane as it was empty and went on my way. This macik follow me all the way out of the highway and point finger point leg. Wa lan. I dont know whether to laugh or be angry. So i asked her what her problem? tell me to stop my car by my side. so i said ok. I stopped by the side and waited for her. she was calling someone on her phone. probably someone that can take me down lar since i am a guy. after calling she just drove off. i was like wtf?


I really do not understand singapore driver.

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Hahas I doubt you understand my post..it's not about the speed..as long as I'm faster behind you and you don give way you are road HOGGING..

That is right for video game only. The truth is on the road likely to rear-end the front car and due to negligence or otherwise, you were driving in a disorderly manner causing a collision. Next round your motor insurance premium surcharged.

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Neutral Newbie

well, i'm turning right, thus was on that lane..

worse still, that bugger overtook me, cut into my lane without signal and braked twice before accelerating

i was laughing my head off because we were at least 3 cars length and i'm already filtering to the right

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Neutral Newbie

There are 3 lanes there.And pls,if u want to stick at 70km/h.Keep to the most left lane or center lane if u wanna overtake.Keep out of 1st lane if u are worried that guy crash onto u!

Dun bother if that guy gonna die or what,juz take it that he has an emergency to attend.

Pray that u won't encounter a hogger when one day u got to rush to see ur love one one last time <_<

well, i'm never worried that he crash into me..

worse still, after that bugger overtook me, he cut into my lane without signal and braked twice as if wanting to create an accident..

Luckily, I have a cam recorder installed thus everything will be taken down should there be an accident.

The contradicting thing is after he overtook me, he has to slow down to 70 because of the speed cam..

and he got stuck behind a lorry..


If I have to rush, I think there are many ways to manoveur about and not tailgate..


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If u kena tailgate..... means u r hogging the road....... just move to the left and allow the faster vehicle to pass u lah......

Sorry hor , the extreme right lane is meant for overtaking , NOT for faster vehicle who wanna to travel on express lane .

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road hogging... tailgating... dont know discuss how many times liao until the cows all died...



i am proud to say... i am now very tolerant of road hoggers... i just imagine the driver to be a very old senile man... or a fcuking car idiot... i simply tailgate as close i can for a few seconds... if he doesnt give way i'll just overtake fromt he left if i can...


for tail gaters i never have a problem... cause i am never a hogger...

Bro,sometimes I find these type of topics useful for new members or P platers.

When im new on the road,I was one of these kuku drivers [knife] But after I read and learnt from some forums,I realize I was in the wrong.It's good to bring up again once in a while to educate and hopefully can get into their brains.

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for tail gaters i never have a problem... cause i am never a hogger...

Same, I have never been tailgated as I never road hog.


People who get tailgated ask for it by road hogging.


But they will rather get angry and go on the defensive


than admit it.



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Being tailgated due to speeding of the car behind will soon be over when LTA launch the GPS tracking for all cars. With the ability to track position and speed of the vehicle.


Tailgating happens when the car behind fails to keep a safe distance from the immediate car in front. Therefore, it can happen at traveling speed. The line between road hogging and tailgating is so fine that it is hard to distinguish. I agree that cars should avoid traveling on lane 1 unless overtaking or emergency (traveling beyond speed limit). There are some instances where lane 1 is used to exit the expressway (I.e. PIE exiting clementi road / bukit timah). Any vehicles that need to go faster can use lane 1 to overtake.

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Imagine road hoggers/tailgaters scenarios happened to people on the travelator (like in Changi Airport).


1. You keep to right, block my way.. I point my "stick" at your bump pressuring you to give way.. You purposely step back and my "stick" poke your bump! You shout "foul" and claim molest against me..


2. You keep to right, block my way.. I overtake from the left and give you the middle finger.. [furious]


Relak lah people... when we point one finger at someone, our own three fingers point back at us.



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well, i'm never worried that he crash into me..

worse still, after that bugger overtook me, he cut into my lane without signal and braked twice as if wanting to create an accident..

Luckily, I have a cam recorder installed thus everything will be taken down should there be an accident.

The contradicting thing is after he overtook me, he has to slow down to 70 because of the speed cam..

and he got stuck behind a lorry..


If I have to rush, I think there are many ways to manoveur about and not tailgate..



If not tailgate .. how to let pple know u r in hurry?... juz give way will die meh ?

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If you are tailgated, ask yourself 2 questions:


1) Am I road hogging? (on lane 1 and no car in front of me but I am traveling within speed limit)

2) Is it possible for me to change lanes to let the car behind me through?


If your answer to question 1 is yes, then you are a bloody road hogger.

If your answer to question 1 is no, then ignore and carry on driving at the same speed, don't do anything drastic.


If your answer to question 2 is yes, then just signal and change lanes for him to pass. You won't lose anything by doing that.

If your answer to question 2 is no, then ignore and carry on driving at the same speed, don't do anything drastic.


Do not jam brake! Nobody benefits in an accident. If the other party has an in car camera, you can be charged for reckless driving.


But if you really buay song and die die want to "teach him/her a lesson", then be like me lah...downshift without stepping on the brake (engine brake). No evidence that way. Don't say I teach one.

Edited by Gasguzzler
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Neutral Newbie

i did it quite many times..most of the times the driver behind gets the hint and change lane to overtake..but usually they will get self-pwned and stucked at lane 2/3 :D


lolx...mostly they filter liao...then end up even slower....

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Neutral Newbie

sometimes i also tailgate ppl. imagine the car infront of me is a 1.5litre, weight 1000kg and i am 2.5litre and weight 1600kg. without stepping on the accelerator i also roll faster then the car infront. if i keep stepping brake the driver behind will complain again say nb the driver infront c--k one keep braking. Be a polite driver if a car behind u is coming fast please give way. if wanan lane change please accelerate after changing lane and dont lane change liao then slow down.

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Talking about Tailgating/ road hoggers:


I was on aye (ecp) today at 6am. Was going on the frist lane and traffic was super smooth until i met this zhnged vios SFU 28!3 if i am not wrong. behind the vios was a jb bike and then me. I was going at speed faster then them so i flashed the bike. the bike automatically go into the 2nd lane. when i was coming up to the vios, i did not flash it as I know most singaporean drivers are very sensitive to the high beam and they may go blind. so i put on my right singal to show that i want to overtake. stupid driver did not care and continued to go at its speed. so i tailgated the car. as per kuku singaporean driver this idiot slowed down to 70. I also slow down cos the bike was beside me already. after that, it then proceeded to "appear"to go into the 2nd lane so i acclecrated to overtake. who knos this fella straddle in between lane. Damm angry so I just squeeze past the car. before i pass the car, i stared at the driver and this macik tudung stared back at me. I was so angry. Come on lar, 2nd lane no car i coming from behind to overtake u, u still wanna play punk. never mind. I cut back into 2nd lane as it was empty and went on my way. This macik follow me all the way out of the highway and point finger point leg. Wa lan. I dont know whether to laugh or be angry. So i asked her what her problem? tell me to stop my car by my side. so i said ok. I stopped by the side and waited for her. she was calling someone on her phone. probably someone that can take me down lar since i am a guy. after calling she just drove off. i was like wtf?


I really do not understand singapore driver.



Her Ego big mah...Not happy to let a Pica to overtake. Our Pica top speed 160, her ego big but i think no balls.

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