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I too got tailgated a few times, either these people have nothing better to do or they are running away from loansharks..


There was once when I exited from PIE (jurong town hall road) towards cck, and on the right lane, I was being tailgated and high beamed by this idiotic white Honda Fit, whereby the speed limit (before the speed cam) is at 70km/h.

I was ferrying my mum and sis back then and driving at 70km/h. when that bugger overtook me from the middle lane, he gave me that f--ked up face..

I seriously hope that that guy crash and die while trying to rush and meet the death god..somemore a young driver.


Wondering why such inconsiderate driver is around..wanna die, don't involve us..


Even if u are travelling at the speed limit of the road, keep to the left if the left lane is clear..

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Bad news for tailgater. Some workshop engage some ppls to find some profit from those silly tailgater.

They won't damage their own car by hit brake to get accident. Which if they claim too much and have too many complain on same vechice number plate, they will got problem sooner. they also not full timer for the workshop, there is no direct empolyment with the workshop, so they also very careful on their own car.


However this new trick already started 1 years back is , 2nd lane try to signal right to switch to lane 1, as we know, singaporean is kaisu and when saw car try to switch lane, they will close up and indirect become tailgate. But they is a helper infront of this 2 cars at lane 1, this guy job is to hit brake and quick move off, which create Kaisu guy(tailgater) and front of Kaisu car to an accident.


Most important, if someone drop by to give u namecard and help front car to claim insurance, same to 2nd car, the Kaisu guy,

Note: He will said I saw the accident, I will help u as withness and u can claim insurance and u will win the case.


Don't listen to his lie and behind driver normally will lose the case. He just want u to go to his workshop and bye bye.

Edited by Tailgatepro
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normally for me, if i'm alrdy close to the front car...and pple still tailgate me...i will move my ass slightly to the side markings so the behind car can see that i'm not road hogging and the lane is packed...so he/she will overtake via either side of the lane...i believe this is a good practise oso...

Those days when I drove non-air-con car, I simply hand signalled them to overtake me (over the island divider to do it) [laugh]

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If there is no vehicle in front of you, should just give way.


My dad had a transient stroke in my car a few years ago and it was a real mad rush to the hospital.


His eyes rolled back and he did not respond to me halfway while chatting.


There were a few cars in front who gladly gave way to my car as i approached.


Though I did not get to know these kind people who gave way, it was a life saving gesture.


They have done a good deed just by giving way to my rushing vehicle.


Thankfully my father survived the ordeal.

So sorry. Wrong answer. Should give way if there is no vehicle on the left.

Example: to give way when there is no front vehicle can mean to exceed the speed limit. But not filtering left if there is vacancy.

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Even if u are travelling at the speed limit of the road, keep to the left if the left lane is clear..

[thumbsup] I like the way you put it.

I believe many/most of those who complained of tail-gating/road hogging are simply not quite skilful drivers or familiar with the local Highway Code, or both.

If the front vehicle driven with 2 wheels on each lane, that is road hogging irregardless of lanes/driving speed.

If only the front windscreen of the rear vehicle can be seen in the rear view mirror, or rear-ended the front vehicle, it is tailgating.

Which ever if common to us. Perhaps it is time/opportunity to reivew our driving manners/skill.

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I dislike road hoggers..I feel alot of road hoggers think that they are driving at 90km/h at lane 1 and it's alright if there's a car behind them cuz they are on the right speed..simple example..if driving on 90km speed limit expression and a car is speeding at 160km/h and you are speeding at 200km/h reaching his ass..if he don give way..he is still a road hogger:)


Totally wrong mindset!!! :angry:

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normally for me, if i'm alrdy close to the front car...and pple still tailgate me...i will move my ass slightly to the side markings so the behind car can see that i'm not road hogging and the lane is packed...so he/she will overtake via either side of the lane...i believe this is a good practise oso...


i did it quite many times..most of the times the driver behind gets the hint and change lane to overtake..but usually they will get self-pwned and stucked at lane 2/3 :D

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one lazy sunday no traffic 1 van tried to ot me on a 3 lane when i on mid lane , so i just play rubber band 60-120 even give chance for him to catch up , after 2 try he gave up just stick behind (smiles)

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Drivers who road hogged are wicked and selfish people. They only think of themselves and obviously they know the roads are shared by others but yet they purposely create inconvenience and unhappiness to fellow drivers by blocking them. It shows what kind of mentality they have. A human would never treat a fellow human with this kind of attitude. This shows that road hoggers are weird, little thinking ability and cannot even comprehend with fellow driver and differentiate what is right and what wrong.


When we drive, it is not whether we are at what speed or which lane we are in. We ought to learnt by keeping up with the flow of traffic and give way when time comes. If some drive at 90, some 70, some 50, some 40. You block me, I block you and everybody block each other with their selfish hogging attitude, the roads will be super congested. Yes, traffic jams and slow traffic are cause by road hoggers who still think they are right. Sure, hoggers can say it is 90 leow and I have to keep to the speed limits, he must be damn coz another driver can drive at 50 or even 40 can also say I am keeping to the speed limit too.




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Neutral Newbie

This basic road courtesy is prominent throughout in most developed countries.


In the German Autobahn, if you fail to give way to a faster vehicle behind you , the next moment the POLICE will stop you and summon you for failing to give way.

In Aussie, if you fail to give way to a faster vehicle behind you, the vehicle will speed up from other lanes and cut you off, winding down their windows and show you the FINGER while shout "STUPID ASIAN GET OFF THE F**ING ROAD!"


agree on this part.


live & let live TS. can give way juz give way. y nid to chu pattern. motor accident is no fun, time wasting & money wasting. if vehicles damage, no prob $$ can fix. wad if tis accident cause u a hand or leg, worst cause u a life or the other party life, den how?


juz kp it cool on the road. think of ur love ones. [:)]

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In Singapore everyone thinks they are always right


and everyone else is always wrong.


Till today I have never heard anyone say they


are a roadhogger.


I only ever hear people complain so many


people tailgating me.


We cannot see ourselves as we really are.



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Neutral Newbie

Sometime roadhogger became tailgater when the car behind them able to overtake them. The roadhogger will suddenly transform into NASCAR driver and chase the front car.

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Many many views shared here.


I'm sure threadstarter is fully aware of hogging and likley he already know the responses to this thread. Hopefully it creates more awareness on road hogging and have more responsible and considerate road users.


Most of us know a fast car and a slow one - nothing to prove or show.

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Hi Bros,


Nowadays do you all realised more and more in-considerate driver on road ? I do notice drivers do not switch on headlights when the weather is dark or during raining day(especially heavy downpour). Worst of all they don't even wants to turn on their lights at night while driving.What are they trying to proven? What happen if accident occurred ? Whose fault ? I also came across many heavy vehicle or commercial vehicles likes to take on right lane . I understand they should be at most left lane unless over-taking . But guess what ? Even not in over-taking , they still driving happily on right lane and its not surprised to see some on 2nd most right lane . What's wrong with the world ? Where is the road manner gone to ? More and more motorcycles too . Love to zip in and out of people's lane .


What i hate most of driver's nowadays are their manner . They don't even bother to lift up their thousands KG hand to say THANKS to others who give way to them . Singaporeans love to criticise things but why nobody bother about manner . What happened to everyone out there . Education standard are struggling to be great and improve but why the manner and attitude drop ???


All drivers or riders out there . Please we are hoping to have no accident happen on ourself and hope to go to Point A to Point B safely and smoothly . Be more considerate .

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So sorry. You are wrong. Speeding does not make others road hoggers. But driving with two wheels on each lane (4 wheels on 2 lanes) is road hogging.

Hahas I doubt you understand my post..it's not about the speed..as long as I'm faster behind you and you don give way you are road HOGGING..

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I too got tailgated a few times, either these people have nothing better to do or they are running away from loansharks..


There was once when I exited from PIE (jurong town hall road) towards cck, and on the right lane, I was being tailgated and high beamed by this idiotic white Honda Fit, whereby the speed limit (before the speed cam) is at 70km/h.

I was ferrying my mum and sis back then and driving at 70km/h. when that bugger overtook me from the middle lane, he gave me that f--ked up face..

I seriously hope that that guy crash and die while trying to rush and meet the death god..somemore a young driver.


Wondering why such inconsiderate driver is around..wanna die, don't involve us..

There are 3 lanes there.And pls,if u want to stick at 70km/h.Keep to the most left lane or center lane if u wanna overtake.Keep out of 1st lane if u are worried that guy crash onto u!

Dun bother if that guy gonna die or what,juz take it that he has an emergency to attend.

Pray that u won't encounter a hogger when one day u got to rush to see ur love one one last time <_<

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