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Tailgating situation is quite common in singapore, personally i have been tailgated for no apparent reason many times, even a kangoo once.


Would like to know other than the ego thing, why do people tailgate?


If in front of me no car then this joker keep tailgating me should i just slam my brake and claim a new bumper?


Is it because they are too rich and too much time on hand and cant wait to create a accident?


Will i be rejected for a insurance claim if a joker tailgate me and i slam on my brake (scared ma) with no car in front of me?


I figured out that if someone want to play tailgate means he/she is ready to pay for accidental damages right.


If you are in the fastest lane (lane 1), and in front of you there is no cars, you are road hogging in the 1st place. Don't blame people for tailgating or highbeaming! You Should Give way!!!!!!!!!

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Tailgating situation is quite common in singapore, personally i have been tailgated for no apparent reason many times, even a kangoo once.


Would like to know other than the ego thing, why do people tailgate?


If in front of me no car then this joker keep tailgating me should i just slam my brake and claim a new bumper?


Is it because they are too rich and too much time on hand and cant wait to create a accident?


Will i be rejected for a insurance claim if a joker tailgate me and i slam on my brake (scared ma) with no car in front of me?


I figured out that if someone want to play tailgate means he/she is ready to pay for accidental damages right.

May I ask if your tailgated experience is often on the 1st, 2nd or the slow lane i.e. the extreme left lane? It may have some bearing on why you experience it many times. Just remember not to be a road hogger but a safe driver. It does not make the roads safer nor insurance premiums for others any cheaper with unsafe driving habit. [drivingcar]

Have a great weekend and drive safe! [wave]

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Always give pple or other drivers the benefit of doubt.The person might have emergency things to rush.By letting it pass and filter back doesnt takes u alot of time.Its time to reflect urself,when u realize most of the replies u got.

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Rule 1: If any car is close enough to your ass, check that your left lane is clear BEFORE moving to next slower lane.

Rule 2: After moving to slower lane, you still see someone (else) smelling your ass, go to rule 1 above.



You are taking this to BTT level lah bro! I said "immediately try" in Rule 1 having that in mind though. In any case, we need to give "practicals" to those hogging the road!

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Tailgating situation is quite common in singapore, personally i have been tailgated for no apparent reason many times, even a kangoo once.


Would like to know other than the ego thing, why do people tailgate?


If in front of me no car then this joker keep tailgating me should i just slam my brake and claim a new bumper?


Is it because they are too rich and too much time on hand and cant wait to create a accident?


Will i be rejected for a insurance claim if a joker tailgate me and i slam on my brake (scared ma) with no car in front of me?


I figured out that if someone want to play tailgate means he/she is ready to pay for accidental damages right.


Above highlighted in bold says that you were hogging the right lane, many times. If someone tailgate you, negatively thinking this guy invading your personal space and you get pissed off. Positively thinking, this guy really wants to overtake you so it is best to filter left and let them go. They may even wave thanks upon passing you. If you are hogging the right lane and complain about people tailgating you please go face a wall and think thoroughly how you pissed the guy behind you. If you'd like to cruise comfortably please keep left.

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I don't think there is an absolute right or wrong answer to TS's question. Sometimes, the "roadhogger" may want to give way but the impatient driver behind just want to show off his car power. Or the "tailgater" may be in a rush to send his daughter to hospital, but the fellow in-front just want to own lane #1 to himself.


If only "tailgaters" can be more gracious/patient and "roadhoggers" can be more considerate, our roads will be so much more pleasant..


Want to race, go to track. Want to hog, go to driving circuit.


Most of us just want to get from pt A to pt B safely. [drivingcar]


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Neutral Newbie

normally for me, if i'm alrdy close to the front car...and pple still tailgate me...i will move my ass slightly to the side markings so the behind car can see that i'm not road hogging and the lane is packed...so he/she will overtake via either side of the lane...i believe this is a good practise oso...


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Tailgating situation is quite common in singapore, personally i have been tailgated for no apparent reason many times, even a kangoo once.


Would like to know other than the ego thing, why do people tailgate?


If in front of me no car then this joker keep tailgating me should i just slam my brake and claim a new bumper?


Is it because they are too rich and too much time on hand and cant wait to create a accident?


Will i be rejected for a insurance claim if a joker tailgate me and i slam on my brake (scared ma) with no car in front of me?


I figured out that if someone want to play tailgate means he/she is ready to pay for accidental damages right.


I think u get claimed if he has a camera on board .... So dun do anything silly in this country... Just move away and let it go...otherwise speed off...


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I think u get claimed if he has a camera on board .... So dun do anything silly in this country... Just move away and let it go...otherwise speed off...


Not true. So long rear ended just tell the insurer the guy not keeping a safe distance. Even if you jam brake when no car infront.

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just give way lar.. too often, Singaporeans are alien to the concept of giving way.. everything "me" first..

its a ugly culture, this kiasu culture.. on the road also "kiasu".


indeed, some drivers may have genuine emergencies, then u hog the lane for wat?

will ur ego suffer a dent just by giving way?

come one day when u are in a real rush, then u would probably realise who selfish the concept of "i, me, myself", truly is...

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Neutral Newbie

If there is no vehicle in front of you, should just give way.


My dad had a transient stroke in my car a few years ago and it was a real mad rush to the hospital.


His eyes rolled back and he did not respond to me halfway while chatting.


There were a few cars in front who gladly gave way to my car as i approached.


Though I did not get to know these kind people who gave way, it was a life saving gesture.


They have done a good deed just by giving way to my rushing vehicle.


Thankfully my father survived the ordeal.



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Neutral Newbie

If there is no vehicle in front of you, should just give way.


My dad had a transient stroke in my car a few years ago and it was a real mad rush to the hospital.


His eyes rolled back and he did not respond to me halfway while chatting.


There were a few cars in front who gladly gave way to my car as i approached.


Though I did not get to know these kind people who gave way, it was a life saving gesture.


They have done a good deed just by giving way to my rushing vehicle.


Thankfully my father survived the ordeal.


Great! Thumbs up to these kind soul...

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Neutral Newbie

I too got tailgated a few times, either these people have nothing better to do or they are running away from loansharks..


There was once when I exited from PIE (jurong town hall road) towards cck, and on the right lane, I was being tailgated and high beamed by this idiotic white Honda Fit, whereby the speed limit (before the speed cam) is at 70km/h.

I was ferrying my mum and sis back then and driving at 70km/h. when that bugger overtook me from the middle lane, he gave me that f--ked up face..

I seriously hope that that guy crash and die while trying to rush and meet the death god..somemore a young driver.


Wondering why such inconsiderate driver is around..wanna die, don't involve us..

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I dislike road hoggers..I feel alot of road hoggers think that they are driving at 90km/h at lane 1 and it's alright if there's a car behind them cuz they are on the right speed..simple example..if driving on 90km speed limit expression and a car is speeding at 160km/h and you are speeding at 200km/h reaching his ass..if he don give way..he is still a road hogger:)

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I dislike road hoggers..I feel alot of road hoggers think that they are driving at 90km/h at lane 1 and it's alright if there's a car behind them cuz they are on the right speed..simple example..if driving on 90km speed limit expression and a car is speeding at 160km/h and you are speeding at 200km/h reaching his ass..if he don give way..he is still a road hogger:)

So sorry. You are wrong. Speeding does not make others road hoggers. But driving with two wheels on each lane (4 wheels on 2 lanes) is road hogging.

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